j!l !1th.4. ! (hri/l and tbeVn;i/1. --~ 58l r ;verj:J:_ 1 f. 111 c more, Smn will tJke occolion fr~~;h;:" - A 1 w;;;:;;:,~ ach"';;.-J-;;;,~,ociz:y ,~--;;;;::-,! - -- very conlli.utton of a nuns Oody to draw hnn :lnd pJtt!y 111~\\Cd 1rt vdivn .And tbus mut.h for vnto fin ne; ifcho:lcr be prcdonunam in hirn, d.c prcp::n:nion to th{! couf1td. $at1ll wil! bbom to fim·c r.im vp to \.\'r.ttb, :ml L Point, The umpta'ion it {c!fe: conte:.: gcr, and f.~rit:, and if be can to bloodlhcd ::tnd ning nt:trrcr ofgrc:u importancc,bccing indeed mttrrhcr; Ifa man be of :1 fanguinc con1plcxitile m.linc tcr11pcarion of 'all, in thc~c: \\'Ords If on, Satan wi!l fccke to crry ill m to immol~Ct.&oftbe t/1! Sow1e of God co;wm.1und rhat tiHfo rare lllircb,an~i ro cxt:dfc in patlimcs,p!cJiltres, /hnn br.- m,u/e bYe>ld. The Dcui!l bccing .,.,·elt and delight, rh;u 1fit be polliJ!e he m:~y dro\:u prouidcd tOr ti:ne andplan·,and ~Hluamagc -al(d him rhcrci!l,\Nhcrbcr they be good or lnJ: It l by ChriHs bodily htmgtr,doch here alfnilc our rrun be mclancho!ikc,Saran wd! fo:netimc rake Saui.o\lr Chri!t like a cunning Sophd-ler, and occaGon by that humour to ilri!.:e him •Nitb ex~ frame hi~ ::trg.LJmcmSyl!ogiflic:aily, rhns: cecding fadncffc, widl cerrours :tnd ~Cares; ~nd I[ t!Joabnhefon;uof God, shon C.:lnjl m:tf?.! theft ~~·.~h~k:o-o orhcrvvhi!c to intoxic:Jte hie; brain\\ ith (hangc ft.meJ h1·tlfd, . famafics and delufions,!.7JUfi.ng anun to thinkc Bm rhJ.:t cttn_,!f IJI)! makf r!iep j}onu hrcad .' himfclfC •o be E!ias, Johlllhptifi, Chrifl, &c. Ther~fore thouartwM rhcfon!7cf}f God. So as it is true which an auncicnt Diuinc faith B The ground of this temptation is this: It !s no ofthis humor,:hat it is the Oeuils baitc ""·hereteJ(O;J th~u the Sonne ofG od fhou!J fbruc for .,.\'ith he fports himfdtC. Sec the experience wanr offood~bm rhoa muH fhru~: vnldfe thou ~;'.htth.l7· hereof in the :~. lunatib,! p~rfoa, whofc dill:ale c::mfl: make !hele tloncs bre3d:and therefore vn was, to be exceedingly troubkd cenainc times lclfc tllo\1 cculll doe- fo, thou maieP. pcrfw3dc ot'thcmoncth, by rcafon ofmdancho!y opthyfclfeit W3S but a.fal!c voycc\\hich thou prdfing the braine. Now Satan (as it there ~phcardcll from hcaucn; This Umy we!bcloued pcares) cookc 2Chtlnc::tgc of rhat humo1zr to aSoMe,&c. 1 bufc him mofliC:ncfully, not oncly in making Th~ (cope nnd ddfi of Saran ln this tc-inpt~,j;"" h1m dcafc and dumbc:-, buc alfo caUftng him ro tion fhnds in t 0.:.\'0 things; Fir{l b,, labours toO-; call himfdfc into fire :md .._,,ater. So that looke ucrthrow thC faith of Chri/L Sccondiy, to how IlllilY ftnnesand infirmities we hauc in vs, brinr; him to apraClife of \'nbdccf:For the fitft, fo nuny darts we carry about vs, 'vt·hcrewith By j,tith lmeanc, a· gift or grace in Chrilt', S:nan will JCck eo '"'ound vs.He rakcth ground \\•he-reby ns hcc was n1an,J1cc belcctted his'Faor occafion tl-orn vs ofa! rhc aduam2gc he haeh rhcrs word;, to be truc, which faid, Tfu'",r it my againft vs;his temptations are like fire and bdb~lot~ed Sonne in whom I am wellplev.fod: v.:hcrlowcs,:md our infirmities aud coaupcions arc C by INC may tCc, what eh~ Dc.uill aimcs ar }1tinciwood and fewdl. pally itl hiSt.cn,ptations agad1H Gods childr'en{ Thevfe. I. Here then we may behold our for the!(· his affaulcs ~g1inH oUr Sauiour Chri!t mifcrable dhte by rcafon of 6nne;for thereby arc fet do·wn for.our inH.ru'Ctioi_l in this behalfc.r; it corucs to paffc that ,,.c bcare about vs thole Satans mainc <irift then in te.mptotion ls too.: ~h:~7J:;~1 clans, wherewith the dcui!l doth wound 'VS! ucnhrow.ouT faith, \<\·hereby we belecue cOcrv our fai~~ And 6th S:uan:; craft and malice is liLCh tO take part :md p~rcell of Gods t.\'ord to be 'cruo: St'~ aduamage fromvs, for toworke our woe, we this in hfs ten)Pting of Euc; firH he Jabour&to mull: Iabor the more ciiligcm!y, robe through- ,,·c.:~kcn he-r faith in the truth of Gods th,•cat:.' Iy acqu:1inted with oUr narura!l dif\">oilrions & ni11g, ~·hkh donc,hc eafllybrooght het to :.iCl:u_... indin!ti6s 1 yea with our bodily i:1firmitics, for all di!Obedicdcc in eat-ing rhc1fi1rbiddcn frtrft<f•~ the Deuill will fcorch vs: and when we h:wc The fame courfe he ho!dcrh -:tt t-his day; firff h.C trucly found out our owne dhcc,v...·c muft fct a VI ill fccke to 11\lZZ.cll men in ignoranccj th:ir h~· ihong w~tch ~ndgu:trd about our O'-' ne he:.Hts may kccpc t~ern in vnbclcefe: if he faitc that' il! refrcCt of our infirmities,and 10 fuall we be w<ty, t.hen 'A1 ill hee endeauour toplunge their the better :1b!e to brc:1k~: the ueckc of S;~.tans fouks into tOme damnable crrour a·nci he~oe.fii:.'! t-emptations. 1 D and by oneoft het~ tncancs doth he dcfiroy the The fourth thing in thic; prcpar::nion is 1 S:!... f2irh of many; for whllc a m:m femaines in ig... tans comming to Chrifi;The TonpNr Cttrn~·vnnor:tncc he c:tn hane no fait.h;and ifhe n.iffc of to him: By which phrafC it is prob::.blc,though tfle trmh ofCod,he·wants ground fur hiS f.1ith. nor cenainc, that the Deuill rooke vpon him Now 1he rea(on whv the Deuili labours· f:o the forme offome c-reature,andfO :-~ppe:1red vnml!ch again it our f:ai(h, il' becau(e we cal1"!10(· to Chrifl:; thus he C3!~lC to Eue in p:~radifc, 3I truly re! le vpon Gods mercy,nor depend vporr bufing the ferpent to !urthrr his :1f\au!t ~gainH his pruuidcncc,nor ycld :-toy acceptableobedithc fitll: Adam; And it is like, that in his corncnce tohis commandcmems, v;;-.lcs we belccuc bat with the fecond .Ada:11, hec came in the his word. l11apc offomc cr:~turc , fOr othcrwi[c he could More particularly t~'cc arc ro obferuc ~lOt propcr~y be latd to c.om-.:- ;o.ncl fpcake, SolllC that \pcciall br~nch of Gods word which the uHlce~e tht.nke th~L thde tcmpt<!tJons \Ytrc inDeuill would haue Chrift not tobclecue; eucn Wjrd tn :nrnde ond~-, and by vi~on; orhers that voi<"c of l1i'SF.:~rhcr, which a little befort" rhink they \\"ere altobcth.:r vifibk and 1 donc aChrift h(';lrd frC":m hc.-:ucn at his baptilil)c; This B:ua!ly~-~nt the _0fci1 ~~y is to holci thJt they f 1~· ":Y n;c/be!or-stdtSour.'e in 1rhome1 ~m.r~·e!J p!~a- . ------==- -· Mm m 3 Jctf,