Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

i\ _315~ i The Combate letweene . . ~~;:~~; i /fod ~ At;d;.llls\1;;11 ilic h~y Ghofl recorded 111 A! founded vp.on t!-!c word ot God:and there\arc 1 · \ g~ eat V\ ~~~dome and mc1 uc to Gods Chmch, ~ fort:akin_g the conc<:tt::. of our ignor:mcC', '1 tor bc::rcby d~rh appca.rc 3ma.ine dritc of Sar:Jn I le~ vs "''Hh :Ill dJhgcncc vnfai. 1cdly cndt":!UO•!r I ~ I .~gainfl: ChriHs members in his tcmpt::ttions, 1 to gcr t\11~ rc:foh:uon,1fv'l: c c::tnno~ ofour \clues I s:.ra" \~ekes n:uncly,to make them doubt ofthcir adoption, ~natnc vmo n, \VC nwft vfc rhc ducc'1 10 n and j J :·~ ~f~ff;:~ ' ond to ddl:roy this pcrf\va!lotl in them, that hdpc of Gods t:mhf:til M1 ndlcn;: for bov' tOcr.wce oflv 1 they arc the i'->nncs ~nd <l"::nw\ntrs of God: for I ucr 1t plcaieth IOniC ro tbwke otherv' 1 tC, y~t I 1 tot•tiou. \if herein he ti)aJTd not the h~ad, Poubddfe rhe tiHs IS the vndoubrcd truth of Coo, that amln I mcmbezs (h.:-til Oot cft'apc.: his. hands. This a~- Ill tlus life nny 01dmanly be rcfolucd and affupcarc .. by h1s vfi;a!l :'l[~ndc aga1n!l: them, fpeC!- I red ofh1s faluaoon. I ! 3\ly \.\hen God llul Jar\ ron dtC!ll any ltngllllg The iccon.J cl ling: whiCh the Dcu!ll :Hmcd at crotfcorafllJChon,cltncrJnmlnd, tn body,o1 1 I m th1s temptation~ eo bnng C!11~Jl to a m goods; rhen theDcudl \\Ill fuggcfl: rhts mpraC1:Jfc of vnbclcctc,n:lmdy 111 wanr ot bread '· to me1rnunds Ifrhou ·.;crcH the ch1ld of God, j to rumc Hones uno brcad,t0; the prefcnt fanshe\\ ould ncucr Jay h1s nand vpon thc:c fo long fymg of h1shunger,for the Dcu1i 'Aould needs a u•HC ,and 1n fo g•leUOllS manner; neuer \\'as a- 1 B perf\o\':lde our Sau10ur Ch11ll rbat he mu{l h:me ny child of God in this ca!C th:-tt thou an in: brc:.d to faue his Jifc;and chcrtforc in rbe want Bur GoJ hies his hand rhus hc:a1:e on thee;and of bread would hau.: brought hin1 ro this dithei·cforc thou maill perfwade thy fclfe that flruflfull courfc,co turnc: ftoncs imo bread. • thou arc nor the child oiGod. And as rhc Dcui!l here dcalcs \Nith Chrifl,Co The vfo. The confider:nion he.reof mufl he a!faies to doe with all his members; as he lamoouc vs c.bouc all things to labour for a!fuhours toworkc: vnbclecfc: in their beans, fohe ranee of our adoption, cuen to haue our confcckcs to bring them to the praClifc of vnbefcicnccs atfurcd our ofGods word,that we arc lecfc in their liu<s. Sec the truth hereof in the the fonncs and daugllt'crs OfGod in ~hrifl:.T~c court<: of this world; Is a man opprdl'cd 'Nirh 1 D.cuils drift is tQ oucnhrow this pcrf..,,•afion 10 outward wam and pouenic? the D~uill will 1 vs,and thcrfore our cndcauour mufr be, to conI tdl hitl'l, he muH nccdes liue,and therefore wil ~ firmc and iCnlc om beans herein. This ls the pcrfwade him to robbe and llea\e and to.filtch ! ~barge of the hoty Ghofl: vpon cuery child of for his liuing. Ifa man be fickc·, and warit prc~ ; God, 2.Pet.t: to. G.iue alf di!igMcc to malz! C (cmhelpcinla\ovfullmcanes,ordfebea.ffiiCted 'yottrcaiLJng and elcEfionfn·e, thac is, get theaf- £omewbat cxrraordinarily, then ·will the deuill ; fi11'ance thercoffc-:;lcd vp in your hcarts,by the moouc him to fcckc toW1z::rds and Witches, J fauing .graccs of Gods fpirit, i~ylling venue £Uggdling this imohimby one meancsoro1 wrthyoHrfaith, mtd rPith your vertuc k,.norP!edge, thcr, that they candoe more good in fuch a . withyottr lz.nowledge umpaance, and with temcafe thc:u all thePhyfitians in the world.This is I perl'!nc.e patieJ1CC , tmd ;vith .p,uicnce. godlinefJ!, a mofi vile praCHfe of vnbdeefe, and yet too andwith ~odlin~Jf-e brotherly kjndnej]e , andm rh common in the world,wherein men for the re- ! /;~otheriJ'k.Jnden4fc!otu,·v. 5.6,7· And indeed if moouall offomc outward euill, V\ ill nor fiicke ' we"''ould haue uue peace and comfort incucry to hazard the Jo!fe oftheir foules. VVe thcrforc cibtc, whether aducdi.tic or profpe;itie, let vs mull labour to be acquainted with thefe wiles fabour fo1· thc_kno..,vlcdge ofour adoption.This of Satan, and by the praC!ifc: of faith !n our ·will be our ioy in wanc,in \"-'Ca!th) in bond~ge, Jiues, labour toexprcffc the power of faith in in frecdome,in:lickencffc,in hcalth,in life, & in our hearcs, as in all manner ofgodly conucrfa- ·•death. Herein :z~· that roy uf Chrift rvh(ch ;uuer tiol), fo cfj,ecially. in vfing oncly lawfullmcans cm; be takfn from vs, Joh.16~ 2 2. We cannot for our rcleefc in the time of miferie and di- .doe the Deuill agrCner plcaliire, ~hen to negfire!fe. le8: the getting of thisaffurance; for hereupon But to come more parricul:uly to rhc,words he v:ill rake ocGtfion ( fpcci:1lly io time of di. D of this temptation; If tho11 be the Sonne ofGod flreffe) fc::~rcl;ully and {;:-tungerou!ly to feek to I command theftftonn, &c. It may be demanded brpkc the neeke of our fouks; h.c cares not yvhv the Dcuii fhould make choifc ofthis quet much orhcrw3ics what men proldfe, and what fiio.n wherewith to tempt our S:wiour Chrifl-, ; kno·wledgc and mher co1r,mon gifts ofthe fpirather then :1ny other? Anf..Thc reafOns hcrei rit they hauc, fo that they want.this bldfed afof may be thefc: firlt,hec k1~ew well., that if fur:mcc: and therefore "''ith the Apo(l:Je Part!, Chrill wcrethcrruc and praper fonne ofGod, we muil nccoum all other things to be but then he mull needs be the true Md1ias; and if tf-roj{e and drmg[ rhio e.t·ce!lmt /z.nowhe were the annoincrd of God, then alfo he it S:tan woul.l bringChr1ll wa pu tlilc ofvubclccf, ledge of Chrijf, to be our Sauiour. and Rcde:- was rlut mufi accompl:!h that old and auncicm Q)er. Tmc it is) that vnto many tlus cxhomltlpromifrm:1de toour firfl P<trents a for the bmi2.GG11-J· 1f· on will feeme ncedcldfe; for ignorantperfons jingofrheferpmts head:This was the thing that th:lt hauc nothin.., in rhcm bm meereprcfiunpof all other the dcuill\\'~s moll afraid of, and cion, will bragge~moH ofrhis pcrl\.\·afion; but could !lot ct;dure to hearc; and therefore by they that hauc felt the finarr ofthis temptation moouing this qucliion he imends to infi·ingr, doe kno\-\' what it is ch:1c will Ibnd vs in tlcad, ye:t and ( ifh_ccoul~) quire o~en_hrow our $:'1~ I 1 e~~-~~J!IlCe oncly~.!!gluly uiour S:~ri~Jg~~ul~ Scco1~~,: 1 --·---- - ·- -