384 1· 'The (ombtzte bm'l!eene \:;,;::_+~ I the fame, 3S alfo hy e:ttn<:flpnuct ~nto God fo1 \A God hom tht>tl pcorlctn an \nkno\\, 1 wngu~, l --- - 1 the ;:~lllflancc of h1s grace 111all rtflaults. I and c~mmc•1d \'llto theq~ tOr dlctr dcfcacc :.'- l V A ceut hceanf.WerinO' galllfl!pnnuallcncn·tcsothct dcmccscfrhru l • ·r• J .i-: O' ownc, asbo!jJV.1fer,croJ!i~,g,c,·oJkr <$""C.\\h eh 'I 'Doud.J. faid, ftt is written, ' .11an /hall I they htghly commend ,; """'";of fp«t'il J' J l HrePgth anJ forcno vanqt1101 the Dcut!;\\he, 1 I not !JUe VY bread One(y > but b;• as mdee<lc the word of (,od IS the ondv d 1 _} /; . true :u~J rrufhc\\Co.pon, •Ahcrcvf v.hJ!c th<.:y j euery 'l-l70r t!Jat proceeuet' OUt dcpriuc their people, they fend them foonh of" the 11/{;Uth of"Cjod, ""ked and vnanncd to cncount.cr with Sa1 'I tan • . The v.:ords comlin<: Chritts gratiaus :tn- j Secondly, here altO behold the mifcrable cfwcr, whereby he rr!~ellcd thebcutls tempra- . H::ne cl all thofc rh:u either lhrouoh COliClOUft~ons: and in it \\'C m::~y ob!Cruc rhrcc points: I ncOCor any orber profanendlC a:'e d\·awnc to I FirH,th:u Chrifl did ani.,. er: Sct:.Onc!ly ,,Ahence I neglcC\ or conternnc tbe w1ittcn word ofgod: hee borrowed h1s anCv•cr: Third!\!, the ycty I B the1; cafe is moll fcarcfull; for they c.::tH away I words ofiHsan(<.\'Cr. • thole weapons whereby they fhou!J JcfC'nd l . Ear the firH,thac.Chrifi did an(~,o\'Cr, is noted thcmfelne.i ag::~inll the dcuill, and quench ·alf by the holy Ghult in plain~ words , And lefiu his ficrie darts,and fo betray rhc1r O\\onc foulcs tm[weri»g,{aid; \Vh.C'rcbyhe woulQgiue vs to : into his hands ; A:1d doubrldlC all comcmners ( vnderA:and, that Chrifllcfus our Sauiour beeand ncglcC1ers of the word arc guiltic of the:r I iog in rhc v.·ilderndlC, was not oncly wililng owne damnation, bccaufc God h:Hh oiucn vs and ready to encounter with Sa~han, but alfo his \\'ord for our defence,and for the c~nfounablc to withlhnd him, yea and'ro-vanquifhSadmgof Sarh:m, fo as without guilt of 'Nilfull tan \/o,'ithout rccci11ing any foile at hi~ hands. munhcr noc ofour bodies,bur ofour foulcs,~;\'C Whkh i-s apoim of fingLtbr comfort to Gods cannot.negicCl this hcauenly wcaponJ · Church and chi\.drc:n; t()t was Cl)rifi Icfils able Thirdly, hereby we may fee the caufc why in this !owe and baf.~: dlate ofa .fGn.Jant,becing fin fo much abcnmds in all dhues cucty whcrr, dif:H.!uamagcd ~lfo b;ya dcfcn J~lacc,:md bodily~ n:1rncly, wanr of louc \'nto, and knowledge 1 n hunger, \oV3.S hc·thcn (I fay) ~blcto encounter,, rbc word of God, whereupon the moft arc ic... with Salh:ln, :md to.oucr'comc him in hismofb l "nodit ofic,orcl(c know nor how tohomd!c rl~s v}olem :~.nd Jmtle.af'fau!ts? Then how much . fr)ir~tuall weapon,whneby S:uan is rdiflcd ~111d more ishe now able cucnin all hismembers to C fo.ited : Hofc. 4· 2. The lord complaineth of giu.o-Satan the foilo, hauing fpoiled him i1.1 his I 'Jing, {w,.1ring, kjllir.g, jlealing, ar.d wboring death? fccing he· is aduanccd to rhc throne of . ;ea..of blood toltching blood; and the caufc ls laid ma'idl:ie and gloria, and fCr arthc ~~ight hancl.oF j' do.wnc in the firfl vcrfc, 7h(re u no ftnowl~dge his.f.athcr,hauing~name ~bouc all names gicen of God in the Land: This Dttuid knew wcll,and v.ncQhjm, at\\hi-eh cuery knc£ lhdll bo.w,both.. therefore f.1id, f-lee hid Godsfoying.rth hUJmrrt ofthint;s in hcaucn, 3nd in c:n~h;at\d'vndenhc, that hum~~ht notfinne~~ttinft him, P fa.J. t, 9• t:tt~th? \Vc thcrefur,o: may nO.w.·.~iiy with that I I .For as Snub fpe:1rc flood in rcadincffc arjhis s.S:~.m.s6.7. £Reu.J:.. ro. lgntl:.voice; f Nowl is~fa!vtttton ;';, hd.men ' ami h~a.d eu~n wh:llhctjlcpt lo fhou!d Gods~?'l~J·dt.r ftrcn,e;th, tmdpow-e;·, a?'dtbekJigrMm1!1ofoHrGod, whiCh u the fwortl of the SpiYi·t, be rue·r, ~-~lour alfr);he·powerof /Ji~ Cbrijl: for fh'tr.cvufar ofrhchearts, :IS it \\'t'rc ready .<irawnc-, thot, to ~~··hat hrtthrcrn&.aaj}dw/nc. '))( 1 '·· fin ne foeucr tbc Deuill-alh:rrcs.vs,~..·c ma)"~Oc.aT)ic fccond point here 1nored iS, ·whence blc to f.1y for.our ddtncc; 'lt.U »"rilun:f.hr01fgh Cl11ifi .borro~vctli h:r.s::mfwcr,nari1cly, from the \l\':lnt hcrchf1t comCs to phffe, that tffe J:?cu"ill Stti:pttlres; rft isPWirttfn : It had bcenc an eafie :l.t·his plcafiu·c icaJs n;en _captiue~ imo all imthVagfur.CllriHUUI!in~thct fon·n·e of.(O ..od, to pietics. · ·, ,.;. v , ~·;1; .· ha.ut"tcOnfollr.de~ Lhcrf.cmp.t'cr \'l.'rth t"Re bt:eath Laflly,this,cxcciJent :vfe of the·woFd vflcfctM oflii.:im::lmh,on6.hauCco.mntdtd-cd innumc- D flood,belecucd,:md obeyczd:;tnult mooU~:il igrabl:c:i:cgionsof.h.al¥~ngcJs tohauedriucnhim norant pcrfons to labOur for kno\.YJe-dgc-h'c:fcin awa.~f i but he,berjlk~s;.hintf~Ifc to thc":ritt<""!l & withalcndcauor afrer gvo"vch in kno\o\'Jcdge '''Ord for his dcfcnccu\ndlh;. be did cfrccially by holy obcdlcnce, to 01C\~ forth their fa~fh:Jf f.6t o~)r· iofhuCtion: .n.al;1cly.t, 1 tB:W\ vc might -we had :~n~("J'\~mie rhat had fworne our death & The written kno·n!;>tb.urhewr:itt(11wtJtd·ofGod,ri-glltly wd... \•owed to fc:-q o.ur hlood,how careful would"' c dcd by the. hand of f<\itj1; is the moft (uflic~ellt bc,for OUI' naruraJJifc,both tO gee VS V\'e.lpO ns, word our bellw,:~pon J~linfiSa~an weapon for.rllc rcpcl!ingof"Satah and the.van..: ~nd :tlfo fomc knoH Icclge to vfc the fame, not Cjuifhil1g him io ~lq1istnnpt:nions; hence. Paul only for our dcfence,but alfo for the annoyance; 1 ;Eph..s-. 17, cal~Cth it f. thefivo-ld,..afrhefpirit,bccau(C ir fcrucs ofour dcarlly fcc?Oh then ho"'v c:neful f110uld 1 nm:oncly fot our d-ofcn.ac; hut alfo to wound we be for the fafC"ty of our foulcs to put vpon I 'Sat~n;an.d ro pur hirn to flight. · vs the .,.,·hole armour of God, and rolcarnc to .Thc'vfe. 1. Thi~ f.~ et of{.:hrifl dorh dtfcoucr vfe aright thU fivo;·d(Ifthe Sprrit, that when we and condcmnc the c!amnahle praCli[e of the mcttcwithSara.n our irrcconcihble enemie,in ! / Church of Rome, who Jocke vp the \V or<\ of the fic!d oftctnpt<uion; \\ hich isthismiferable \ 1_----,-.--J_ -·· --~o_:;.d,~-