Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

IMatth~;.-~----------[h~i/l and th~-Veui/1. ------ ~- 1 -ig~- I ! vrrf4· · · ~· .~ 1 I world, we m:1.y be able both to aw:ud his: A I be diHinguilhcd according to the ma:~r V\·llcr.:: ~ ---- Wo11.D iu Scripwr< nflte~ diLICt5 thin;s. blowc.,,and to \.\'Ound his head! le is lamemaabout it is occupied: Thus, fomct111Je G!Jd \-'.fill I G':'d' fm~··· ble to fee how ignor5.t people will ble!fc themhauc mcrl.t? liucb'y h~ea~ th~ o . .-din'd of1 1f[~~!~~i·;~~~n~:' I felncs in their ignorancc,and fay they ddic the uaturall lffc; and th'1s JS h1s ord1•uzr:c word. 1.:d. Dc~il, and !pit at h1m in defiance, and yet they Sometime his will and appoinmir.nt fs th::tt nial1· 1 know not how they 3rc inranglcd in his (nares !halliuc by !=Xatrordht.lric mtao(:s;as tire Ifr:~.cofthcirownc finncs;hc little regards fuc.:h dcfilites dtd in ~he wild,crricfTe w}-tiic rh~-:r· liucd vp- :.nce,fo long as their tOulcs lie naked and bar~ on M::tL)rH; and this is h1s e:i:traordJ1'14rie rvord; before his daily darts : let cwo men mcctc that Othcrwhllc:s hcc brdaints that rl1cn fh':~U hue belt cnmitic, the one armed, the othtr naked, withoUt all mcaOcs, as Mofcs did il'l Moun'tSi.: what will it auaitc for the naked man to defie na; EAi:ts in Mount Horcb, and Our Sauiour hisenemy with bigge words,while in themcan Chrilt in this wildcrncffc;for the fpace dffo~rtime hisarmed enemy takes away his life? Lo; ty daycs and.founy nigbrs' togcther~And laftl!J fatan is rhis flrong man armed,& ignoram per.:: he ordaincs fomctimc, that man fhall Ifuc a-_ fons are poore naked caititfs,thcy defic the degainfi means·and comrarie to the Courfe ofna.. uil ,and fpit at himwith their mouth,but in the 'cute; Thus banicl JiuCd irr lhe Lyons denoc, meaoe time the d'=uil \o\'Ounds their foulcs vmo an~ rhe three childrE in the fiety fl1inace: bOth j death.They will f:ty they feeleno fuch \'\'ounds, B wlHch Iall may becalled gods_miraculouJ'(Port/: I and therefOre they fearc himnot:blft they rnua So that we fee good rcafon ot this claufe 1'1:e- .I know, that the ldfc they fccle, the more caufe ry: for hereby we lc;uce, thar mafi dOth pot 1 they hauc to feare; for S:~.tans wounds arcmo!l: prcfcrue his Iif(- oncly by ordi"naric meancs or- l deadly when \hey ore lca!t felt. daincd of God; but likcwj(c bynip-7 wordpro~ '1· The third point is Cbri!ls Anfwer it felfe: ceedi11gottt ofthemomhofGod, that is, bycuery .lvldn {hall not /iste by bread anely, bnt b7 eHery appo1!1tmcnc ::md decree ofGod, whether~;;.: word tblft P.r'oceedeth out of the ,month of God: traordinarie_, abouc the vfuaU me:~nCs, or fnirdThis anfwer is borrowed fromDeutdom. 8. 3• culo1u withou~ all meancs 1 prJgainlt the courfc And it is that lcffon which Mofcs !Ought to of nan!t~: this '-NC muH.laboqr to knowe and ceach the children of Ifracl,after the Lord had be perfwadcd of. Nat)Jrc tcacheth tli'ai man Iffed them with food from heauen itl that barren Ueth by Gods bldiing and appointment in or.. wildcrncffc where they were ·affiiCkd with dinarie mcanes; B•t nacurc knowes n6t th~s,. hunger. Thewords arc .foJfiething hard, and ~hat God p~·efcrueth mans life by his wOrd, atherefore I will lhcw. the meaning ef the1~. 1 {:. boue mcanes,without meanes, yea3nd M•nfoal/ notliHe; that IS, lhall not prcfcruc hiS mcancs. The bei<cuing heart will hMdly y.ccld temporalllifc fn this world; for ofetcrnall hfc, to this;which Mofes would reach the Ifraefits{ neither 'Mofes nor Chrift did intend to fpcake. and therefore ~emufi.rakc the fnor.c paineS to By6reado.,eiJ, that is oncly by fuch ordinacic bercfolued ofit. lfan~fhal thinkchorcup9n'i . n1canes as food and raimeNt, fleepe. pl- ~ficke, that a man may liue by the written wo·rd wt:th·.' &:c. \vhich God bath appointed in his prouiour meate and drink, he is dec<'iucd;for ChriR' <lcnce for the ordinade preferuation ofnaturzU mc:incth riot that cucry word t-hat God hltli life, ·JIHt 61eti"J W<rJ thAt fYOCeedeth Ol/1 of I be fpokell {h,jj profcrUC natura!l !j(ei but that. r moslth of God. This· title word betokens diwhatfoeuc~ ·way hee hath appointed \~hereby~ 1 ucrs things in Scripture:· i. The_fubftantitdi man fhallliue; ""hether by ordinarie, or extr,a.. word of God, the fecond ptrfon itiTrinity, Ioh.- otdinarymeans,whether wirhotn m~;ms10t a 1 t. t.•' In the beginm'ng wdf th·e word; Md the gainllmelnes, the fame !hall bt effceluall fol wordWM God. I I.It is vfually taken fo.r the writmans prcJCruation: Thus much for th<: mea.. ~ uJi wordcontained rn the booke ofthe oldand fling. ; · ·· new Tdhmcm, r. Pet, t. 21. "I:htrdly, it is The applyingofrhis tdlimony wthe .J)c.. fometime taken for Oods .,.,.iff and decree, and 0 . uills temptation, is thus to be conceiucd .: rhc' itis'calfcdhis.roodplcdfore: foHcb. 1.2. Chrift Deujls temptation was tbis, If thou .lie the ! fuftaintth all thi11gs b; the worJ of hU pow- {oune of God, thm commat:ild rh~ft ftonu to 6e~ 1 1 er, t.hat is. acc:·ording 1.0 his Vl:ill.and.decrec,by t~:~tdehr~t:d: /J.m thoucanft nor mttk.! rhefo flu,JeJ h1s powctfull appointment: and by his word to becom~ hrtad: Therrftn8 thou.ttrt not 1he(onnc 1' were all rhingsmadc in the bcginni·ng, & hereof God. To this Ch1iti anfwers,by denyfng t-Ire' by hauc they beene prcfcrucd cucr lince; that propofition orfirflpart of this argUment, rh~ j isthat word that meh:eth the Tee, ~-fal.147, -1S. · ground ,\lhcteof wa·s this ( ,.,·hieh the dcuill.l And in the laH fence mull we vndC"rlland word tookcfor grat1ntcd)thar when aman is hungry in this pla-ce; meaning thacm3n doth notpre~ he mufinccds hauc bread, or dtC f1ce cann.ot fcrue this namrallife by ordinaric mcancs o1icliuc: and this our S:tuioui <;hrift dorh flatly ly, but with:t\1, byGods goodplea(urc,wil nnd deny, faying: Man'/iueth not 'hy.brettd],llllt:! <lccrcc, C1nClifying the mea.ncs for his good. hy etw·y word tbttt procudtrh o1!tof themomh ofl Norc further th:J.t it is faid by euerf Uiord, and God: And thls application is mofi excellent, rhcreinlieth the fubfbnce of this fcnrence; for teaching vs that thing, for the learning \vherc ... the vndcrfbnding \\·hereof we mdlknow,thac of rhc IfrnclitC$ ~'·ere trained v.p founy yt':trcs, thispo..,"crfull and -..,·orkingword of God.may in the wildcrndlc,a·nd fcddc with Mann:J. fwm l ---'-----------------~-----------~~-~-~~~-·rV-~7