[;lf.rtth+ lv«{4• -(hrijl and t_beVeuill. . . ~ . I 3~l~I out meancs and againft ;neanes.can he manifcft!./A that hee »>. zligme hu rv'fnf1t/s his power and goodndlc 111 che1y prefcru.anoo 1 0 therefore in the cxtrcmitic ot cuill muft we· charge ouer thee.,· .and with comfort our felucs in the Lord our G(}d, as c. h '.1 h "·''"'''_. Dalliddidinmat (orrow, hauing loll histwo t eir hanas t ·ey fhal/ lift thee wiues,and b~cing in danger eo be fioncd ofhis I ,/J. ·· · · h jh 1 ownes followers: and iearnc to fay with Iob, 'iip, ICtiJ• at tilflj_ttm.e t Otl Ottt- '1'b·•Pl· dTIJoughtheLordkj/lmc,JetWialtmft;nhim. defl. dafl.. .t,ht foote _aCJ/Iinfl. ti Wh•t' ifthe Lordfhould fend a famme among ;• '.f'J .'<1' o 'J• vs, as hce 111ay iull:ly doe for the fi1:nes of this jJone, land? .(hould we then dcfpalre, or vie vnlawful ·· , f:. d mcanes for our rdec fc?nay rhen we mufllearne 7• f}ifriJ J till 'Vnto·him: it iJ Mofes Idfon, rh11t man liuethnot"6J /Jrud onfJ_, • • h fl. J • oe 11 t.&n.&'. and iabourro depend on him rharcan incrca(c "fP[ztten ag{tJ(JC., t OU )!Jtlit not o.ii•·•7·•• <rheoile ;nthqoorcwidowtmtfe, .wdthcmcalc temrptthe Lordthy qod. inthebAr"lltll,till pfenry come. Scauenthly,this mufi reach vs modc.ration of B Thcfc·words cctntaine the fecond conAiCt of our affeCtions in all dlarcs that doe befall vs; Satan with our Sauiout Chri(l: for howfoeucr in health and·plcmie we mufh10t be puffed vp by Saint .Luke this is put in the thir.d place, with pride;-in wcakcndfe and tn want we mutt which Matthew here- placerh in the fccond,yet not be opprcffed with forrow; for mans life this hrq:dcth no diffetcnco between the Euanilandeth nor in thefe things, neither can we gelills,who tic not themfc.Pues to a ftriCl: obferherchy know)ouc or hatred; he that is in want uarion oftimc,placc,& order how eucry thing may haue as good a portion in Gods bidling was done which they rel3tc·; as in the fioric of as the wealthieft in the world, hemn hungry this confliCt, Saint Luke refpeC\s the fubllance f,LQk.16',Jf• f La:z:.arm full' of fores, wcrit farre beyond the of it·onCly, but S. Matthew obfcrucs the order )G. )'ich glHtton in all his riot• .: , ofit alfo.N.ow in this fcc·ond confliCt: y..•careto Lallly,feeing our life depends vpon Gods obferue'three points: I. Sarhans prep~rarion word, we mull hereby icarne to acknowledge theroto:·!I.The alfault it felfe: l I I. Chrills anGods prouidence, and to relic thereupon in all fwCr and.reyulfe thereof. -. si0~:1:G. cHates. In the daics of.pCa'ce, whercin(~s!: lob , I .. Pbint.:Satans, preparation to this conA.ia fpcaketh of himfclfc Y mm 'IPitjh their pathr in is contained in the S· vcrfe: wherein vloare to !JHtttr,and h1111e the roclz!r to powerthem oHt ri- C note,both the time and theptlfrtr thereof: -The IICYI of oyl<, menwill foone be brought ro fay time, in the firft wordThen: that is,.fo foone as fomuch;butwe mutt labour tO fee and feele rheDeuillhadrecejuedafoile ofChtill in hi• the blefling of hisprouidence eucn then \vheii firllalfault,prefentlfhe addreffetl>bi.mfelfe vnwe tread (as it were) the wincpreffe of his to a fecond• · wrath:as well.in Ctckendfe as in hcalth:in WtU1t Herein behold, the eXceeding malice ofSaas in plenty: in the deapth of ditlrcffe as in the tan,in that the end ofone temptation with him height of ~11 profperity: this is rhecoutifellef i• butthe beginning ofanorher: he ccafe1h not bP•~••· I· the holy.Gho!t, h rolle thy workp vpon the with one a!faulr, but as he is a deadly foe ro rhe Lord. C•ft aO yor<r care vpon him, for hecarcth Church of God, fo he fhewe! himfclfc by his for you,t.Pet.5·7·lt is 3 brutifh property onciy continuall feeking ·whomc he may cleuourc; he .to lookcvpon the creatures wheron they feed, will .ncucr make uuce with any chitd pf God, and therefore our des and our hearts mull be vpon any cOdition lcffe then the hazard of his fixed on him who feedeth theyoung rauem that foule; neither is he weary ofhis worke,bu~ day crit vnto him; And h~treth vp 41! thingJ b] his & night is either plotting or performing fome mighty word: we mu!t no.t content our felucs mifchicuous attempt againfi the child of God. with a bare [peculation ~crofin our heads,but D The confidcration wherof mufi teach v~, vpcn labour to fccie the comfort of it in our hearts~ our viCtory and conque!louer o.nc temptation, &. to exprdfc the power of it in our Hues. And prcfemly eo prepare for a new. Th_is was the thus much for the firfl contiiC\. Gate ofthe fonne of God our head, and we his V • 5• '!"hen the Veui/l members may notlooke for better; our life in this vale oftcares is a continual warfare again{\) tooke him vp into theho{y city, the enemies of our foulcs; wemuftnot thered r; h / ,..{: fore here lookefor rcfl and eafe,but eucr kecpe, dn ;et im On apinnae e~ the watch and ward againft their alfaulcs. If this · 'Temple. . dutiewere ·we\I learned and putinpraCHfe, it would preuent much imp:tcience, and· bccom~ 6.And !"aidvntohim, i~"thou rhearound ofmuch peace in ourfoules: mans ') ~ ':1 1 nan~c cannot brook the doubling and renuing . l he the fonne of Qod, cafl thy of forrowcs; when one euilllights in the neck . ', ' Pr,t.,...,, ,/ t,;el:e JO'"'ne •• fo" t't ;, '"'rt'tten of another, oh then he rhinkerh ncuer any was 1 u. 1 /r./' Ut w ' w w , in his cafe; butlcokvnto Iefustbeauthorand · I fi~ifher