jS8 1 'The [ombate hetrPeene 1 ~;:;~4·\. I fimlher ofthy faith, he endured no ldfe; and A himfclfe he needs to doe I hctclll he ts an example that tl~Ou 'fhoulde(l: fol- 1 Secondly hence we .lcarnc that byGo·ds lo...v h1s ficps. Ifthcrcfor.c ~hou~"}}tlt be fus :_d1f-" pcnn1ffion, 'the Dcuill may haue power oucr 1 ~:~~~:t.~~-~ ~Lu\..-:pzJ. \ c!plc,prcp:uc tetaKcv~ thy cropC .a euefJ~;& the bodtes of Gods o"vne children which are 1 bodrnrf . follow him. - ·.' . '-,"" '<" '. ·._. , • · ' trtl~ bclceuers, to tranft)ort them from plac:e tO I GodptrmLt, I .. The l~arts ~f Satat~s ~scp~rattott~ a;~\tv.~~; . place; for dealing thus with the head ChtiH ! Ftrtl, he conua\cS Chnfftrom·the wtlacrnc.s tp Icfus, why may he nOt doe fo with any of his I I:r~lf~lem;_IC:condly, ,hcc .placcth ·. hi_t~l <:?~-.a~ 1~em~cr.s? befidcs,wdlndc{ tQat"Godpermit~ pmnadc of,thc Temple, FOT the firfl, 111 the le trng hunJ bee harh don.emorc then this. tp the words, The dcuill too~e him vp into the hoiJt:if], Sainrs of God; he may po!fdfc their bodies 35 that is, into lerufalcm, as-Luke exp~nmdcth ir, hedid thewoman of Canaans dauohtcr M:i;h chap. 4·• 9; Tl\is d1c D.cu\)1-'m@'t doe three 15. zz. He may tormenttbcm lo1~g, a:he did ' W31Cf; Invition;. or lc?ding l}_;m vp the:- ordiexc~eding gbcuofly bow the body.of;t ~aughn~ryway;.or c_arry1nghu~ thrOL!gl) the aJ.rc:.I.It ter ofAbraha_m cightceneycarcs, Lqk. ,t 3· t6. mtght be 111 vtft~n; fo~th~t ~:~asvfua!l wah the J Yea he may k!l the body,ashedid tolob~ chilb Ier,tH• Prophets: fob Iercmlc went to the rir~~r Pedrcn, who no doubt were holy perfons,Iob. 1. rath; and Ezckidwas eafric:'d from M_efopol 19.Andthereforemuchmorcmay hetranfpon: cE-r.e(h.S.J. tamia to c fetufalcm: but Chrirt was not thus · B , ther>.i from place to place. _ ~x:anfpottcd. :-fbr then Sat;u\s p7rfwafion vnto I Here this quc!Hon may fidy be anfwercd: Chri!t, To caft himfclfe d.fl'ne, could haue bin I whether a true beleeuer may be' bewitched, ·no tcmpdtion. 11. Chritl might be led ofthe Anf.Hemay:eher are none vpon earth fofaithDcuill the or~inaric way ti·on'i th'~_wildcrneife fitl ~ndh~ly,b~t ifGod permir,Satan cana~Ct ro lerufalcm,lo much the words 1 w1ll beare:bttt rhetr bod1cs gnc:uoufiy,and thereforcalfo thf;y (as I take it). h"wcnt notfo: forifChrilt'<"ere may be bewitched. It is but the fancie of preled by the deuill, it was either willingly ofhis lin11ptuousperfons, when they fay,their faith is ownc accord, or by the Dcuils pcrfwafion,:.but fo flrong,thatall thewirchesdil the world can.. of his owne accord he would not g~c; for. bee not hurt them: for if .God permit, Satban can came into thcwildernes.to be. tempted,which grieuoully affiiet mans bodie, as he did the boas yet was not fully acco'mplill1cd,cind thcrfore· dy of'!ob; yea bee can kill the bodic, as hath would not willingly depart thcncc,before that becne iliewed. Salomon,fpeaking of outward worke for which he came was ended.• Againe, things f3ith truly> aAll things come alik!! toai, aEcd.,.s. he would not departthence vpon the Deuills C and the fame condition istothe iufland tP the perfwafion:•fot Chri!hvould neuer gratifiethe wicked: now the widiecl man may be bewitDeuill fo much, as to do ought himfclfe,which chcd, as all will grant; why then may not the the Deuill would baue hin1; M in all his tempgodly alfo, fcciug it is but an outward euill? n!cu~~thing rations doth•appeare; for thjs is :~..rule to be ob.,. This therefore: muf\: abate their pride that fiand sar.an perfcrued, we mufl not doe any thing which the fo much on their fhong faith: behold this fact ~~j~~s(:;: Dc:uilll}crfwadcs vs to .in his temptations, ofSatan to the holy body ofChrifl,and hereby mion. though in it fclfe ·the thing be lawti.tll and learnc for thy humiliation, that if God permit, good, ll I. The Deuill mightcarry the body Satan is able to bring vpon thy body great a!~ of our Sauiour Chrlfithorow' the aire, by his f\idion. powerthrough Gods pcriniffion. This is the Further obfcrue the place "''hither .Sathan mofllikely way, & fo thought to be ofthe befl cories our Sauiour Chrifl,into the holy city, that diuines: and the words following confirmc it is, lrrufa/~m. ~eft. Why is it eo.llcd holy, fee.. much, for it is faid, the Denillfci him on a pinnaiug now it was a polluted placc!ull offinnefull cleofthe Temple: Now if he had powerto fee people? Anf.It is called holy forthefe eaufcs,.r, him there, why might bee not alfo carry him bcc~ufe here was the lordS temple the place of thither,God ordaining this as wcl as his temp• D his folcmne wor01ip, 'Y\herein were theholy tation. rites and ceremonies prcfcribed for Gods worThevfc. By this we fee, that men may be {hip. Sccondly,in Jc:rufalem, as al[~ in allthe tranfported by the Deuil\ fi·om place to place, fynagogucs ofludea,was Mofescha~re,the law as the records of all ages doe report! this one and the Prophets were read and ex~o_unded .. thing yet obfcrued (wherein the common opi- _Thirdly, Icrufakm ·was th~~othcr Cmcofall nion faileth) that the Deuill cannot conucy a the world in refpeC\: of rchgton; hc/eGod orman aliue fo farre in a little time as many men daincd that his Church fbould firft be plamed 11 thinke· as a thoufand ortvvo th~ufand miles in and frorn·hence mufi religion be dcriucd too- {ln hou're· for no mau is able to endure fuch vither nations. oknt mo,ti6,& yet liue,as experience tcachcth: Thevfo. Hence we may obfcruc,that at this let~ man fall from fame high Hceplc, and his time Ier~1falcm W:ls the tr~c Church of G~d: breath \\'il be oone·& he dead before he come indeed lt was very corwpt both for dotlrme at the ground,bby rcafon of the violence of his :md man~1crs,as Chrifls feuere rcproofe ofboth motion.Indccd the Deuil can carrica man very doth plam~ly fhcv\'e, Matth. 5• z I. &c. and li>:iftly,but yet forthe fafety ofmas life be mull Mmh. 2 3, '3·'4· &c. and yet a true Ch~rch, prolong his time farre more, then otherwifc of elfc the holyghofi would not haue ca,llcd tt t~~ ~~-1 - -~-~c-,