-----------'--..-~,-----~-:5-~:-- --~---_,.:..:: f /~:[.~~+ ~ ~• Chrifland-'ihe7(.iui0. .. .. ......... Jl~~: / --h,!J cirie, Now if I<r~tfllem at tlti~iri_p;e,wcre ii ·.b!lly, .Lhbugr -:thcy. haue ~Otwarcl bap;i1int;/j I the uue .Church of God: then,. chcil 'tn'ay we yet.Indccd-c r11ey ou<:rthroWJ!{IU~arrl bap.r.'ifniC" 1' well f~y, chat in England God ~~t1~,his cruc -c~c life of that ~acramc~r·, to w~r, ~~~~4~~ 1 .. Church: for, let th~ co.rruption$ ot.~ur ehur~h ·~g~hr,coufil~s.& rcnue-dholmcs:. ~\'hich_ I !':I: Gads, I I· be as they ar~ ~ yet .11:_'311 it tilatcli· ~.erli.~alcn.Jill _G:hurah m_.~tH.;g_()c togcth~n;w_uh t!_l.c-_.otrc~~"<itfl l j rhe prcrog~oucs o~ <.:Jods Church; They had _-dcmcnc~ctfe tt· t~ norhmg._l.l;~rdly :i forrht ·Athe: Jaw .and the ProP-htt.s read a~1d ~§f.6u1~ded; y~Ai ~s:~rc<Ith;: they h;:~uCJJt:.ln.wot~ipbut.th,cy / fo haue Y\'C, and rh,. ,@dfpcl a!io.· Y\'!Hch 1s r.bc deny lt 111 (llcb.t~~~· f~r dwngb..th~}lt lay, tlur6~- pov~.'er ofGud to Ln~l'ls !hluation~Th~y !1t1d eh~ ''lem( in G"od.thc.h ther; and1MfliJlu ChriJ! ;·:.yet ' Sact:ilnchts and tercrflG>Jlics ·of ·tlit~ La'-'\' ; an~ ·ln c;ffcC"t iheJ'd~my. b.oth G·cXd !.rmd Chritt; Bbr fwcrab)e thereto \VC hauc the fan•:\t~cifts·ofttt.J c ~· dif.".<3od of diePapi fts is .:lll I&a~g<n~~ !!d£Lthc Gofpell 1 and al(o a true 311d holy fol',!t-e-of for- , lG.hri!~of.,li!eJP.o_r.ilts a·falie Chrilt;'a!wcb':m>e, uinO' God. Tlrcir Icrufa!em \·yas 3 1 h1Gthcr cjty; ~lhb\·cam·ha;ndltngofrhc:-€tcDdrFounhl~{jfat~ and~hdugh we Ca.Jin~t·f.a·y fo'mLlc!f iA :~~dt'.bc.l ·th-~Bc.tri~t~rc;:;Yc cuull-~n~wthc'\\·<?rtl o( ;Gtfd, halfc·, yet hath our- Chl1rch been~ 1i .iH.ifcc ·r:o !lands n~r.mi\;):u.;,,~,o\:ord_? and.J.unars,h~t tt},thc~ neigPbo~Churrhcs·in Gt~manyJ.,'Fra~mc(~ a~d tt~-.~· ~:_l~f·,~{ti.-tl\~,9tng ~fcf~,holr.-Gh~lil con,.! orh<:r·piaces r0l~nd·ab~.ttr, ~ot t~l::tntY<'~'ifs·• 10 ~tnNf~u1 r~c ~cnpttlrc or, the f.'ro}>}lds .an~ A-t regard whereof, the·Lord•, no o,oHor,"had<be- B ~~{ne~, ~o-'\'<tl'~'t~'.<'ts~~o:tn'l.~.O<fke{i?f fiowoJ many bldlings ~r011 vs. Al)l.l,thc;:cf~rc Snt~1.t:!rc,_ycc.m.01<drymatne group~~P~ r_~J?-1 though our finne s and'aoulcs toe m~l'1_,&gnci>IW>," !he}\ OQe~!lt\o'~ tti"ctlf.<lllbcbr·loti of:tire uous ; yer mregardpfCl~urch prcrog·:mfles we P~~~p~rs a~1~ A_p.,o.~V.cs. ~g.?~~~~,t~J.er.kcc~e ~h.c may-be>caUcd a_ holy tf>tton,anll a~rM'inentix'r S'L't'!ptul·e?a~la loo\c,r·Q<'fiol,dOS-! Cllitdlt,not fd of tl}ei:zh'ttrch of Cod ; i0 thaca• oitr Sottiour ii,{tll~,·,b~_:IorR•li~~~-"";{<l-,i~-thc·Scrif1tUrf Chtill 3nd hi-~ DitCipl_e-~loy~~'d .t~- etn~Iucs rd ~'nt1th~~,_'fi<X ·fo['fhcd~ Sy_n,ag9f;ue;, b'_.~~ .~·r.l the congregauon•eF t-hdewes rn 1hetr legal! 'o/o;.qtf"!'T;\ o~\~~\JO~g t\>:f'1!i'l(or~c.ueQ'!'J~'I' - · fcru'tc,e, and forfook~ thcnt no,t dl ~b;y_b-e.<ame tJ~i:l{l :ofPoRcrie h~t:\G_ad <~er ~,a_ iOm,c ofll no Churchdo ought tt to be among vs, ullw,e hls•el<<!f, !N.1fob:&e'no1 ci'!\b'Utd 'd •h'Ct"i ' !lrJC!l fepar:tt~ from Chri!t, tiondhou!dpuer ·th.e.'n" do$hioo,- L,~~ly~fo~ tlteir _p,l~~ "fib~ t~e ~~~er! felues from our Ch:urch lll""!tery and f<rotee '8!hurc.f,); "'<r'lliUI~ IIHlhgutilH>ct'"\~~ tlie.,'i~l of God, Tbofe thcr_efore tl-tat ma~e a_ f<paraciciemC hurchofRot!re, and 1he llrum.r:_e• lf.O.i_! on from_ourChurch becaufcef cotrupuons HT now ts;tht :1unc1ent Church ofRome to\\ Botti:, it, arJfarrC>from tho!-lt ,itit of Cltrifr and his !!" C faul .wtit;.wos :tttit<!·atid famous,li:hotthj\llld a'i: po!tles. If any lhallf• y",t"is iriakes~A'cU·for)h'e ''1~th.ciG!tur:cll:' qui fbe ls oc.W>:di all >:md bu-r , Churc~<>fRome;iffo <o>rupt· a~1ace''Ofier~;; tie,il; and the now R<l'man :c"'ur<h io nO":mm. fa!em, in regMd of ()htUcli preiogabues _were ther 5Churc"h; n6fpoufeJOf C)Jtift,;bUtt~·e...t..;,< · an holy-Citic , forrhe)H1au'e a-s man,Y P.rCrO'ga~ of,'Bable, .thc.tmD.thn- of ilGhomilraiio,u, fDocD tit.iei'fO:r·rel_igion, as the kwes rhdiflhO~ fa'nd f~hich·,w.e arr: Commanded rarlcpart;Reu.j-8;--4 1 1 theref'?re are. 1he Church ofGod,an~-'fd'we do _ Sec.o.ndly, it; that_Chrifl isbr~ughttct~ru", 1.. fp: ' not '''ell to !eparate from them; A,•f::Some1rl! {alem, ,!t~t h_ohymte, there to'he t.<mpted;•we1! deede"tliatilre oo Npi!ts, fay the' Chu'rth o f ·l'<ame.; thaono-fiplynclfe of ~!a~plitrr-.:ahh carr; Rome is the Church of God: bm ihe 1rmh i;, debarrc the deuill from his ·r~mpta!ians r h<e!/ a.,,;,IP;. the prefem Chtitcli of,Rot;ne is fplriiti~ll JJ-altj~ brlhg• Ch,i!t.fto'mthe wildetn'cs-; t'<,t'tempi'him: f,::liBaby· Ion, th~ motherof ab~homjnations;~~lo··Jbu~e i~ th.~ h~ly Ci~ic i (Ucn vfo'o ~t'ho·hoty [c~·ilple,' of Chn!t; but a lt1ompet; !Jut th-ey plea thetr he wd t~ru-ll•ht(11fclfc 1on Iiliojhunht r~ht.h"tm:l ' £.k:1 .a'. prcrogatines:as firft,~rhCit fucccffidtl fro\~1 Pcto re(ijf _him,. though lchofuua !land before thc1 ter: Secondly, true bdptifine for fub"ll:tiicl'ie_• 'Angell of tbc--Lotd to miniHcl 1-o tfie Lord. cording'to the fit!tinll'ituticn;Thi,'Jly;<IK NiAnd therefore' the fol!ie of Pa;pl-lls is cgrc<>i. po!tles Creed whicH <hey hold :littl ~e!\!eu~; D ous; that thinkc the fignc of ihe .trolfe, h~ly Fourthly, the word ofGod, in lite liJni·~.•'t(s df wat.,r, reliqucs,and fufh Malling.inchanuncrl•~ the Prophets and Apb!tles' And' 15!t:!j\•ihac haue venue in th~ to frc·e iftolt hou(~$; or tho!r theirs is the m6thcr.elitlfcli. 'A,;p , 'lnl:ttlis is · bodicsf•om'the a!fanIts ofSar•nl , . ' nothing,•hen the 1i'u~h :l~pe'ares\for1I'IU,fu c- • Lafllyi Hercby we fcethat dia·nge·ofpl~ce,is' ccffi6 in pc.rf'on~ witb't;?Ut fuccd!ionindOCtthi, bUt a.fi\lie ture for atroubled 'mindc ;· indeecfe -is no no!< ofa €htl.rih; now let' tReti¥(fllewe •rh~ngc of a'tre·m·:ry much farther bodily cures; fuccerlion' in die !>P.o!tles <lottriJI'l,l!lri'J we -b(tt a ttoubled mind haih confliCt wirh •hule) -yeeld :Secondly, thcitboprifme alooe;•ihoug!t 1 -ttil, who will'norJeaue for change ofpface-, le<': for .f~bfh.ncc rrue b~pti(m.e, cannot prdoue 'Yufalcmwi'll fit-his turne as well as tlie wilder~· thcm.iftUCChurch:·Circume-ifiot\ v..:-asrhCSa1 ndfc. .:1 1 cramcnt of(Jods <;:hurch, yet Sfirfla1 ;ia)lnd ;;<• t'he fecdnd part of the Denills pteparalion ' ColthiS~vcre nor t'he ~hUrch o( God~~hdugh -'tO ·thi·ScqnfliGt•i~thl-s, And fer himona.pi'mMt:le rhey·vfc~ it{ Aga1nc·, thetheifc m3y 01c\vthe ofth~ temp/( :theword rranflaredpinn~tclc,11g...' true mlns purfe, but rh~t 'prooucth.hlt 1not to nifiCth proper:ly· :rwingofth~ tcmplc;whereby, be ti'ue ~ hondl; nO more dotb bapitGttc inflifome rake [d 'b'c1tnt!3tU, the fharpc brouches & fie tHe <;hurc~ of Rome.tobea crue''CI\urch. fpires on the 'toppe of 1he Temple ; where. · ' _ __ __ ___ . N ___!l_n 1_ of