Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1 ~90 I 'Thu [omb'tlte ~----~~~~~~~~~~--~~--------~~----- ; of there wcrc.diucrs; but thcfc (a' Itakc it)arc A prefumption vpon his cxtraordinaric proui- ! nOt here meant ;:for.fuch a fpirc cannot well bC. dencc in the ncglcCl of lawful! ordmaric 1 called a \Ving: o~hersl<lkc Jt for fome part•of mcancs, .a.s bySatans conclu!ion and the ansmnfakts the b3ttlcmcnr; made on the top ofthe Temfwer of Chrifi will eafily :~ppearc: And hereby to m 1c men plc, which w-as t)at, 3S the Ic.wcs vfcd to build, w.c may obfcruethat on~.m3inc-drift of.Sathan ~~~.rctump-. tokccpc men from falling: others take it for ain his or.Pin~ric temptations in Gods C1Hnch · corner,of the Temple; and whether of isto carri.e men to prcfumption,and vainc fon~ thcfc it v ..·as,wC cal'maa ccrtenly define;but this •fidcncc in t:hc louc; fauour,.andmerc-ic of Go<l· w_e mull hold;thati it was fomC dangcrou:;ficep this appearcs by tbc ltr:mge rcafoi~i·ngs· for li~ .downe pi:lcc on fomc corner ofthe Tcmplc,or bcrtie ill finne \-\'hieh many frame to them- ,on the batdemcms, from ."'\'hich a man mioht folucs, and fomc 3rcnot.aOumcd tovnCr; as ·.:afiiy call himfelfc: whcrebY.·WeJee the D~uil fir!\ God is merrifull; and Chril\ fl 1 edd.c his !W.illomit no3du:intage thac ·mly further his blood for their redeiilp.tlon, and ·th.nefore itel.Ilptadons; wl1ich !houldmake vs the more they wi"ll n.ot be fo flriCt and precifc in hc.a.i-ing ..;(3rcfull ofour !bOding againA: hini. \ •·..!1 B fcrmons;nnd reading and confcrri1 1o about the 6 '.!.. A dfj" 'd h• ' wordasmanyarc, but they will ra.k'cth.eplca- ,V •. , 1!.11 _ • n . at ._'llnto zm_,_ , " k h c . rurcs anurce_ c t e prontl ofthis lif<;,.ThusrcarJJtbou,be.tlje.SonnetJf(j~d,call foncd fame tn the Apqfilcs daics: ' bet vs con- , R•m~ .•. "' r. '1" tinu~ in (mu that grac,e ma; abound: of fuch ' .thy[eife downe: joT i~ U 'WritIude complaineth, faying, b The; 1urue the b r,d,.. I ten,·."ihath"_ ·w_ilig'J·U.e.·.-hu - s_ n.-.. gracuf rJo;i into wantonnt/Je. Such ther~ haue "' ~ Vl · , beene cucr fin cc, and at this day th<>y doe cue- . g- efs charue ~'uer ib'ie" ~~a' d.., "th rr where al~ound. Sccondiy,fomc fay, dwy are : : ' 6 ,ll !'cl h n wt Cithcr OrdaJntd tO fa)u~\iOp Or daLtUt3[jQ: llOW ;t _v•fo,_e._ir'_h, ~~_d_ ,.s, ','t, b~J' ffi ..' -~-·-,/}_' /i1 thee ifrofa)uarion,thcyarefurcofithow cuo;thcy ~ti . ... 'J ~ !JUe; and if to damnacjqp, they cannot cfcape. !Vf;/eal~ ;at a'!J tim~·.thou jhou/.-: a, though they liuc p,uerfo holily, (or- Gods d.'.e.·.;n_ ._·d_ a_~fk,. t. '?.v fioplf; _·_a·tu"t'nfl. ~" decr~e -i_s vnch>ngq~lc.; and ther~tore_ they_ 1-" . tl'~ . I'd, . 6.. ~~ .. Will t.ake thmplca!i~re ood ljue a•thc¥lil\. =fl. 00 ,-_1l_~~-- -· ..· .. ~~.~·.!,:_ -. ··-..,' -~~,. _.~·). : .... ' . . '..; Tlurdly, other fay,tht:y ha~ e.ucr fo1:1nd.Gods__. l"c ... . _ ~ goodndfc ~owards thcll),.and they arp,p~rf~·a"'J :- cT-hefc warclsocontaincnh<t (ecqnd maine -pain< in this:xonlliet:"to'Wi•yS:itansolfaultvp- C .ontChrill rlwbdrOin we are .to obferue 1 firft ·his.~emprati-Ml!nlli<n rhermf<m· wherebyhee rlorb enfotcc .it.~~is is fra... med as the forpicowas, in ak,ind_of rcafonirig, thus: " .. :. ,- , on !Jthor;he tfu:Sotme of God, thmjhew thefame cl • b;cafting thy folfo downefrom thupinnacr. c: ·l of th•·'Tcttmple .- ' ,., :Bat ru I fee thott art certai~ulr perfwaded, that ,. · ~ r thouartt'he6onneofGod.~ ;· · ".Thereforecaftthjfolfe downe, and thereby del; ·>·'clareir.· · . ·Seeing thi.s is a dillinCl temptation from the former,'.! doubt not but it mu!l be thus framed 1 With this·condufion; for ifit had the fame con– ~lu_~on ~Vitb tlic'fOrmer, ~t f11ouJd _be t~c {am_e D :tempt.auon. Satans mcanmg then ts th1s, as If he had faid; I haue made ttiall tdfee exprdfe!y 1 wh<<her.thou be the fonne of God or not,and it fcemesrhou doell vndoubrcdly bdeeue that ,vOice of thyFarhcr robe true, which faid,This is mywe//,douedStmne in whome I 4m well-pled.. .foJ: Now if.thi~ be fo indc:cde, it_is conwcn~- e.nt thou lhoulde!l confirme th.e f>me by foml' miracle, and the fiudl place thou <anfi doe it, h ,this; therefore d\ thy felfe down headlong. from this pinaclo, and yet pref~rue thy fclfe in · -faferic without-all hurt in the fall. ··.The drift of Silran in this rcrnp.t-ar.ion was,to bring our Sauiour Chrifl ro :t v3i'nc \."onfidcnce inJ1i-sFathers prorcClion, ao-cl--. to flat ded hee wrllncucrf.cqhcrp v-:;m.r, a11d 1 cPerc-: (ore they will nor toile.t-hem le lues wi.t~.labou~ and care as others dq~s ~l;lt .take thetc c.a{e ancf pleafure while they maJ..lraue it.; aqq .fp, neg• lc<ft th<ir dmge,and calli11g, and giue,thcm– fcluefwho~ly to their .fp9rt and plcafur.~s, to. comp,ap;ic,kecping, or fuch Jik~. Yea, by thi~ temp~atjon to prcfumptic;m, Sarhan ~ft prc""; u:~iles with the better fOrt; fo1 ifamanf~polJ.r the truth, ~nd giue himfclfe to know religiop in aQy for~, the Deuill.'Yi)l Oraight IN•Y goe a– Qout,.topc:r.fwade him, th:lt that whi<h ~c·doth is fufl)cien~t.;o his faluation,and rhus wiH keepc him fr,om v.fing (orchc;r mcancs to come by the c~.~tjljfl~ ..\\nowledge.ofhis clcCtion,an<l full af– fians-c)!11(:hrifi Jefus, to be·comc apcrfCCl:man in Chri(l,which is the e~cje ofGods holy p1ini– fitric, J;ph...... 1 3. whe;:~uma we lhould giue ~~ t~!i~~~~fo'o~i·~~~{rlg\!~~~~S~eht~l:~~~it;dh·c6~~: :.~~Zh.lf· ning l1rilp~l) lmt t~ok$ 1to o;lewith them,, neucr mind,i9g1~hattill it \\'a.~( too late; and fo doe mofi'pl~n;comem thcn:fc!uG¥J..!.Vith the blafing Jamp,c~f1!J;l, out.vvard p,r,ofdiion,ncuedopking fort~C·'/Yl.~ of grace ..-.t!IJ!ho time of.grace be pall. ,_ ,.,;. , -.~. T!Jevfo, Hereby then wee arc taught, in fped:dl"m~nncr to beware: of prcfurpp~i.on:this is the common fna~~-Pf thr DcuilJ \}'h~r~in he intangl~s many afouk...It is true indccdc that I_JC oft prcuoilcs by bringing men 19, <\efpcrati– on, but a thoufand pcrifil r-hrough prdumptio, ~!moll for~meby dcfperori~n : for defpaire is a , --------------------------~" ~'~,,~··-------------------------------~~p_ai~n_fu_ll _______