\ :,;[.~+ f Chrijl aild the ~cui!!, . . _ __ I paincfull thing to fldh and b1~od, and a« the ;\ co:nc a·;!J~''c fomth: C?offi·, ~~:~ [o !nlr;\Ct)!ouf-1 Dcuill knowcs wcll,dorh fomct1mcs mrnc to a ly [Juc hunJclfc, then rhq wr/1udut:~.M'J.rk.1 5. mans more found com1crfion; bur ropt cftimc ) 2. And thi) venom;; of cht..· old l'C-rpcnc h:trh is f..,·,•ccrc and plcafam to the flcil1, anG mofi :1poifoncd tbc hearts of many fiudcntS in tht: grecablc to mans corrupt namre; in r~gartl St~ript~:rcs., V\ ~o ore not at all ~o grou1~d .rh_r:llwhercof~·;coughccokccpcour heart v .. uhaH! fcwc. .sJn the funrb;nentall P.omts ofrcl19!01), ..,.arch and ward' :'IS Dauid pr:ilycth, Kcepe rhf I :.\S r~.nh and rcp!.'nt~!:c.c.; ~n<l ytt ~re_ \AOil~C!'- feruant from prr{t!mptr!om f;;net, Pf:dm. i9. f11li c:tgcr afte-r qm(lr!mcs ;;nd d!ffiltducs, v. 1 3 • • I i wherein m:~y ~ppcarc fomc outward {he"" ~f Againc,obfcruc the order ofS?tans tcmpt:l- ,! I wit :~nd lcal'ning; like the hypocridco.ll Pha~'ition~ by c6paring this "virh the tormcr. There fie·.r, that would tirl;tmi»t :md rtic, and J'!'t'Peft he fought to oucrrhrow Chri!ls"f.&itb,and to I o;:eriiJdgenutuandlhc!~t?ofGod, L;J~.Tf.4~· bring him to difhufl the tl uth of Gods word 1 And the caufc: hcrco~ 1s tl1e '"' 2nt of fount) Vttcrcd fiom hcaucn; bur finding he could not : grace, for n:nural! .n~cn i~1dccdc cannot (.,uOu;: that v.:ay prcuailc,hcrche takes the cleane conj the things ofthe fi)\flt of God; the kno\' lcdgt traric courfc, and !Cckes to bring him to pre- B 1 ot ChriH crucified fccm~s fiJoliil1ncffc -vny_? fume. t.lcm, ; s 1 unscun· This fcrues to difcoucr \'nto '\·s, the d~('-pe Secondly, the DeuiJI tookc occafion ofllis ri~~in tipguile.and fubri!ry of the Dcuill, that can fo former temptation from Chri!ls infinnitie of cunningly turnc himfclf from one excreamvnhunger; but pcrceiuing Chri!h fure faith in hi's to anothcl'. And looke as he dealcrh here\>\ ith f.:nhcrs \o\'ord by his gratious anfyvcr to that afChriH.thc. heo.d, fo cloth he continue towards fault, here hce borrowcs his temptation lion\ all his membcrs,ifhc c::mnot bring them to one th:.t profCITion of hi~ faith ; o.s if' he lh6.~J!d_fa)', excrcame, he will affay them bard in the other. thou fee:ncH to be rcfoluCd of.'thc truth of th-Y. Ifhc cannot bring a man to. couetouf!lcife,and t;,thcrs \\:on\ that thou aq the lo.nne of God':' kccpe his hearr to the I0uc of 1i1ony, then ice nnd ifthat be rn;c indeed, fheD fhe·w i:t by this' himbeware of riot and prodigality. ls a man miracle, Cif/ thy fl!fedowne. giucn toplcafurcs and delight, and at length is Here then behold onotber rricke .~fSatl:ln; if depriucd of them? then let him beware the dehe c:mnot prcuaile by ;:~!faults dnwnc fron~ our uill [wallow him not vp ·wirh ouermuch gricfc-, infirmitics,thcn will h.e affay vs by temptatioh.s' 2 ~Cor-l. 7• as he fought t<> doe with the a ince/luomper[on d~:twn from Cods g'O-od g1fts and g~acrs ill 'vs; u, ofCorinch.Doch :1 man come to louc re!igion, If he C~nnot keC}fa ftlan inlgnoral'lcedl'at hatfl that f?n~erly was giuc-n to l~ofc~dfc ~f life? C pood ~ifts o~w'it.addmcmorit, th~n V.·~1l ~cC then 1f It be poffiblc the dctuU w11l carne him fcdcc trom hts knowled_ge topuff htmvp wnh to fchifine andherefic.Thc dcui11 cannot abide pride, :md fo mingling-hispolfo!J with <;ibcf~ that aman fhottld kCcpe the meane accotdi_ng ~ood gifts, doth caufe n1any aone to Heco~ne to-Gods word, Hay. 30. 'lt. Hcc would ha11e abaineco Gods Church, thot othcnvifemight our lirfl:parcnts to be Gods, or no body, Gen. haucprooued an cxcellcnc intlrumenc thefcil1l 3· 5, And fo fiill he bbourcth to bring aman as might cafily be !hewed in fundrie pani1u..: to,Come cxtrcamc. We therefore in all efiarcs larS'. . -"-' f ~~! I -- 1 I I I I during life, mufi labour to ke-epc the golden Th-irdly, ·here m:trlfe how S:nhans ma~ice' i~ Smns m:~- mcane, as Cludl here d.id,udther doubting on rcfhaincd)and his power lnnircd:B}' Gods per..:.. lict rdh.U~ the one hand, nor prefiuni1)g on the o'ther, but midi on l1e is able to c:>.tric Chrifl frortrthc \.vil.: :led, retaining fiill that bleffcd faith, whereby his d::rncs to Icrufalen~, o.nd there ro fet hih1 in a blcffed hca!'t was firmly fedcd in thefc a{faults. nioH dangerous ~b'e on a"''fng oftlie temple; I Thus much for Satans drift, N0w -eome to the the thing he nov• dcfircth i·shjs ddhuCHon by \\'ords of this tcmpt::~tion. . callinghimdowne he:1diong. but tha"t he can..: If thoJ>hcthe Sonneuf God, tl:cn cufl thyfc!fe ' D not doc.ond therefore perfwodcs Chrift ro coJl / doHme: that is,..(hcwe by this mir:lcJe that thOU himfcJfc downc: \\herein WC f~c the fpcciaJI J art the fonnc of God. M-arkchere, the DcuiH prouidCcc ofGod oucr Chrift Jefl1s in all thcf~ perfwadt·s him noc., to fhcw himfclfc to be lhe ttmpr~rions,rcfhaining his enemy in chc thlng fonnco( God bydaClrinc hi the execution of he moll- tlc!ired.And rhc: fame prouidcnce dot}) his mini!lcrie; but Cajl th_} folfcd,w1:e; fhewe a he Hill cOtinuC oucr his chlnch for the effeCJ-Umincle: wherein we.may behold the very liuc- :ill prefcru:~tion of Chrifls mefnber~ i'n all their J.y image of that natnrall difpolition ·which is temptations. The dcuills vnwcaried dcfire and in.all impenitent p~rfons; they aff'eC1 ChriR-s drift is) to bring cot'lrcnriom, liurliOurlics a1~.d nmacle6,but they c:ue not for his do8:rin. Heruincs into all fN-icties in Church and Cotl1botuk.:J. s. rod longed to fee Chrift, b ttnd Wtu glad of hiJ momve:'llth:thercfore thepocc~nd tronquillico11JmikJ_, 1 Nhcn Pil:ne fent him; yet noc to ti'e of t~1cfe, is, :md fO muft ~c acknowcdgcd,~ hc:ar~ his doS:rin,for rhat he coulcl>nP9t endur.c; nor<~blc fi·uitc of Gods bldkd' prouidmcc,rc- <_:l.s,hc w.ou!d net kuc imprifoned Iohn 1 and alfhaining the fpit(' :~nd malice ofSat:m.Ag~i'n.e} lo put hun to death; but hcehopedro:fe-ea mirtthen_ cc it is euidcnt, th:lt in ren1pt::nion Shrhan c:e. _The wicked Iewes dc<irc afrgnc, d~ar put cannot goc Beyond t'hc pcrmiffi.on ofCod; he Chnft to death for his doChinc; yet if hec will c3n tempt Chrift, yea trifjJorr h!s body,:md fet 1 -,~~-------------------~·· ,.:J.I.l::·::.i';:n~ · _:•_ - ;1§.____ i i I