I I !392. I The combate 6etweene J I him in a daungcrous place, f~r thus farrc God I A dcd of bccing kept by the Angels, to wir, ro '! 1permits him to goc; but to cafl Chrift dov\'Oc l.z!epe rhu inall to/w.;yes, that ts, tn all the nood I from the ~linn:~.clc hcc cannot, therein com~~s dutics'ofthy lawfUl calling ·wherein thou!halt f Gods rcHr:\im.So it farcth ·with gods children; glorific .God,and do good to others;to fuch :1s for the triall ofhis graces in them,& to ch•dlifc I fo walkc in thcirwaics doth that pror:.1ifc bet them·for fomc !i.nncs,hc fuffcrs Sat3ll to buftCt long, them; but yet one iom: of his malice beyond Here then behold S.:nans not:lble fraud and smm min. God> pcrmiffion he cannot fhc\\'c, as in lobs craft)rhat c5. fo c.unningl¥ lc:lllc o_ur thac which \ ~;;~do!re offliClion by himm:1.y notably .:1ppcarc. Vv'hich makes not for Ius purpofc, and lo ptrucrt the , God. ~\'C muH l'Jrc:fully remember for our fpeciall true meaning offcripture; this is his vfudl pracomfort in our mo(~ sri~uou~ 3fl"'::mits; Gods dilC,ftl enmity ::~.g::tinJ.l the \\'Ord to (.k prauc the will permitting Sata1110 bn:c 11LUI1: make vspatrue meaning by cutting off fomc pan,whC he tienr,anci yet h~:i po,wcr rcftrJini.ng S:trart from cannor· vtu:rly O\lerthrovv the \Vholc.Thc!1ke doing worfc.,mu!l giuc vs comtOn.Tbus much is the dealing ofall hcrcriks,\\'ho by cutting off for the tCn•pt:ltion it fcltC. andlcauing ouc, pby lc:gerdemainc w;rh rhc -The rcafon whereby Sath:m entOrcrrh his. Scripture. The Arrian holds the Bible for tl:c ccmpt21ion is taken from a tc!HmonyofScripword ofGod:but fuch places as ferue to proon cure: For it~~ writtm, lu efoal/ giuehU .Angt/$ B ' the Godhead of ChrHl, he doth notably abufc charge Ofi(Y thee, &c. Sath:m heanng ChriCl2!- I and perutn.The famtly ofLoue alfo doth hole! Iedoc Scripture f'or his defence ~fpinH the fidt the Bible for the word ofGod;but come ro the :iffa~lt-, comesnow vpon him "\"hh his owne true meaning of ic, therein they failc, turning weapon, th:l-t if it V\'('l"C poffible he might foile all into Allegories, eucn mofi true hiflories, as himlftcrthisfort: Tbou /he.vejl tbJ fe/fetobee the fall of oudirfl Parents, & fuch like, which "the Doaor.of 1he Cl~!frcb, bj l~int',t!(lendgiugof arc maine grounds of religion in their narurall Scriptr~re, and tba( 1 i~fo.emCJ, thuN 11!_akrf! 1herule frn.fc:& the Apolhticall Churd1 ofRome,doth oflh!r:_c aCl:iom.-..wl'li,tJ>.en thot4 maicft rve!l and hold withvsthebookesofthc oldeandncw fafc!y cajl fhJ Jcljed~nw hence if ,hptt bethc fonne Tcfl;mcnt; but yet they put in a11d take out at of G"d,for it Uwrittcn;hce ]ha!! giue hi& An~~cft their plcafure, and take fi-om it :~.JJ fcnfe and cJJarf.e ouer thrc.J ~nd witb th(irhaNcit rhq j/la/J meaning which agrees FlOt wn.h the detcrmi... /ifttheevp,&c. .· . 1nation of their holy Father the Pope; and · ,Ffomthisdea}ingofSr tan, wca.rc:·ta.,ughr,. thereby they oucrrurne the vvord of God, nOt to cmbraic.a.n-opinio11fn religion, becaufe C and firongly maimaine their myficric of inia fq,cwofproofe by teflimo.uy offcripture may quitie, be oiuen for it. :But.Wt' m11jl tric 1heJPirits, that This dc:tling ofSatan a.nd hiswicked mdi:reis, ~he doCtrines of men,wh~thcr they be ofGod, ants\\ ith the Scripture, mull make all Gods Or not, t. Ioh.4. t. Forthe Deuill can alleadgc childrC willing to tpcnd their flrength in fearScripture to moot1c Chrifl VIHo prcfumption, chingom the Scripture; for th::.t is the oncly and iris his vfua!l prad-ifc,whcn he carncs men way to defcribc their fraud in deprauing of it. into fchifines,cnors,& herdies. Reafon ~·ith a This caufcd Chrifl to bid the people m his time man that mmds to liuc in finne, aBd reil him of to fcarch the Scriptures, to leame to kuowe that dangerous flare, by rea.fon of the fl1on.. him to be the true Meffias, \o\hJCh the Iewi£h ndfe and vnC'crtaimy of this life: wi.Jl he not teachers did then d~'ny. In regard whereof we tell you ll:r~ight,he wiil doe as hl:· does,:tnd remull fay with a Mofcs, oh thar a!lrhe Lord; pefJall.uc:.JS.:' pent when he is old;for it is writto!O, ~.At w_bat pie were Prophets, and that the Lord wou!dput time foeHcr tt .finnrr dorh ;-cpem himo-f hr~jinnt>, hUfpiritvpon them! oh that all could readcand I will ptft nil hU lVick!dnej[e oHt of n-q rememvnderfland the word ofGod! This is·ir,\\'hnebrance,{ttith theLord: And fame thinke three in all that either be, or inte-nd to be mi111llers ' or foure good \"'·ords at a m5.s !aft enrl wil fcruc D nmfi Iabor e!pecially,euen to get found know... his turne: for the tl~cfc- on the croiTe faid no Iedge and iudgcmem in the tc:xt of Scriptur('. DLu'k.lHl•. more, but b Lordremember met rrht)1thoucomTbe Minificr mull not oncly be able to tcac;h mr.ftintothy k..fnJ~omt'.And al fuch as arc trained the rnnh, but alfo to difccrne, to difcoucr, and vp in the fchoolc ofSruhan, ea~ eafiJy allcadge to confute errors & herelirs, \-\ hich he..can neScripture to further them m cm!J. ucr foundly doe \.\'irhout good vnderfia.nding But let vs come to rhe Scripture which the I in the text it iClfc.The dcuill knows thc.w~ole Dcuill doth notorioufly abufc by his allcgati6: 1 SCi ipture,and he will fp:ue no text therem1fhe it is , ....·rittcn in 1he 91 .Pfal. v, 1 ~. Jn the allcdgcan corrupt it; therefore to refcuc Gods truth ing v\·hereOf he would feeme v<:ry carcfulJ and out of his hands who is the father of lies, rrcci(r :"lt thefidl nor on1itting fa mw:ch :~s this the MiniHer nmH fl1ew l~imfclfe agoqd foulparticl; [for 1"'hi eh migln ha~1c beene lcfr ouc, dier of JefUs Chrifi, as Paul cxhon erh Timeand yet nothing hane ·bccne wanting to the lhie, g:uing fuch attendance to the \HH d that fOrce of his rcafon: But herein is the d<.'cpenes ·:111 men may f('c his profiting therein Fyra of his policy,ro c~ufe Chrifi notto fufpe& any with IcrCttJic, the MiniHtr mufl eat the bookcs " fafnwod afcerw~rd; for towards the ende,hc:e ofGod & digdl them in his \·nder!LmJinp,.& f lcaueth out that, on which the p_romife is grofircioice'therein,laboming w fCck thetn the icy I - · of ---~-----~--------------