e Pro.J~t,. Chrifl and the Veuilf. of his heart. The dc:uill knowcs that Scripture A 1 is thc.ground of!!.l comfortable fafety;thcfet~, trucly vndcrtlood and wel applied,is t~l"e oncly :J.mong many other, is J this gracious pl'Omde engine for the battery of his kingdomc; and m2dc of tile prolcttionof Gods holy Angels therefore, cucn from the bcgiouing, but fpcci- ( V\'hich the Dcuill doth hcrc allcadgc) who ally G. nee the comming of ChriH, he bath lalhall be as carefull tOr the fafc1v of Gods..c.hil• bourcd by all rncancs t0 kccpe men from the c!rcn in common cal:unitics off'"aminc, pb~l,lC; knowledge and trucvnderllanding of them:he pdlilcncc, &c. as the nmcc is oucr her tender i; is that hath brought men fl'olll the reading ,hild to hold 1t in her hands,and be:1re it vp in of the Scriptures, to betakc themfclucs to the her armes,lcafl it fl10uld f:d and htirt it fcifc;al.o writings of men, as tChoolemcn, Fathers, and w:tics prolridcd that the chiid of God kecpc fuch;by this mcancs he h_ath for m:tny yeares ehimfcltC in his wa1es, that is, in obedience to uen to this day in the Church ofRome,locked Gods commandcmcms,and in the duties ofhis vp the fcripturcin an vnknowcn tooguc:yc:a c... lawfull calling. It is true indeed, :h.u iudgement ucn in Gods Church the deuill workes 1mghtihginl at rhehoufeofGod, & therighteotuarcrfllythis way,by flcaling away the affeCtions of k.!n away from the eH11l t() come, yea many yong,il:udcncs from the Bible, and rauifhing times the fame outward iudgcnH.:ilt ligl1ts vp·on them with delight in the writings of men;· fOr B thcgood!!hat doth vpon rhcbad: yet this rai thus hcc keepes them from the fountaine of kech not from GOds child the comfort ofthis uuch,th:ltthcy cithcr_fal into error themfclues, proteCtion in common c:alan1itics, for all proM orbe lcffe able to difccrne and confute it in o1~1i!Cs oftemporal blc~ngs mufi be vodcrfiood thers. Andhence come difi"c:ntions and crrours with the c.>.:cepti()n ()f the croffe: as here, God'S into the Cchools ofthe Prophets,which cannot Angells !hall guard his children in time of be3uoidcd while men lcaue the text of Scrippbguc, famine,a·nd peftilcncc, vnldfe it picafe ture, & addiCtthcmfclues fo much to the wriGod herewith to chnltcn them for fomC.finnc· tings ofmen,for thcrbyhe can more cunningly paH 1 or to prcucnt Comefinne,or greater cull to conucy firange conc~Hs.into mens minds: and come, or to make uiall of their faith and patithereforc euery one that \vould main~ine the encc:in which cafes alfo the child ofGo'd doth truth m pnriry and Cynccriry,mii!llabour.raingreatly differ fi·otti rhe wickcd:for throus h rhc fully in the1ext. • . fi~uition ofGods lquc in Chrilt, the cuillof the Secondly, Gods minil1ers muJl hereby be ppnifl1mcnr is taken away, and the outward admonilhed' to be carcfilll in al!eadging any lmart thcreofb fanttified io th<'greatci good· text of5cripturc,that t~cfamc be fit aini perti- C 1 · of his fotrle:.but OUt of:this cafe their protcCti.l nent : for·to wre!l th·e fame from the prop« 'on is certoine: foe Exod: 12, :;. Pfal. 105. 1(/~ meaning of the holy Gho!l to feruetheirown I7••na Ezck.9;'r.6. . • . . " c) conceit, is the praClHC of Sathan, which cucry The vfo. ··~hf:·tonfidcration ofthis gr:aticius fcfuarlt of Godmuft be farrc from, and there. prou~?lion of.<buds Angels ouer fuch askcc-pe fore mu!t not do it hand oucr headJNhich 3lfo thcmlc!ucs in their wa}'es, muft mooue e.uery may ferue for a gooJ <J.ducrtifement to thofe one to labour tts know& pratlifc the "'duties of that vie to heape vpmanifold ollegations of his calling, bo:h gcner>ll of Chri!lionittt; and Scriptures in the dotl:rinc of 3Sc:rrrlon, for as parricular for the Hate ofhis )ife,in al good ~6~ e in many WQYds there cannot wA"t i11iep!irie, as fcicncc: fo doing let come what will, in al.danSa/om<~n faith; fo in olfetled rnult.ipliciry of gcrs he lhal hauc fafcry: forGo.ds Anoels pirrh quota~ions can the abufc ofScripcuie De Oardly their rentsobom him,they :ne as watchful on& efcapc_d. If we dclii!Cr but a mans tcfiimony, hin1 as a nurce ouer hcnhllU: bm ifwe fOrf~l--c ' hone.{ly will compcll vs·as necre as·wccan to out waies, we Jofc the cOforr Of their'procCCW-1 kcepe both his words and his mca_ning; inuch on, & expofc oU'r fcl11cs to all Gods iudgCmCts. more lhould confciencemooue VS inolledging ·: .·_ V. 7· fte 'iu 'ttidvnto hrm_~ thctdlimony ofthe Lord, to haue.carcfull re1' I~ J• , fpeetto'thc cuidcncc·of rrmb: aod•tbercforc D · ~. [(aine it iJ 'Written> .'Ihau that fparing courfe is·vcry commCdable, whert ~ by jn quoting of Scripture men make furc tO jhah not tinnpt)the Lord jthy kec:pe thcmfclucs to the Lords true meaning, qod. - 1. : ' ' _ left bydcprauing his word they becomefollowersofSatan;And thus much for the1 manerof Here is the third gcnerall p:oint in lhis COIH SanQs-a·lJcgation. , fliCl: to wit, C'hrifh ::111fwcr and -rcpulfc m:td;c 1 .Tbc truth and.propcr meaning of·th:it text-is tci 5atans a!f:mh ~taken as the deuils tcmpt:uion now briefly to be ~difC'utfcd. The nincf)-'one wis, frcm 3 rc:xt of Scripture; for he f2ith,.. APfolmc-, from whenCe it is-allcadged_, is a mofi gaine it r'.s written; w'hcrc yet hc.meancth·not to heauenly part offcriprur·c,penned.for·thc comoppoft Scripture to Scripture, but to confute fort of•Gods people in the time: offomc grie.. the :1bufe of Scripture by Scripture; aften:t:his uous plague or fickencffe; and it Cont:ltncs a fort, ~s ifhe had f~id to S:Jt:lil~ It is.truc indeed not::.blc: prcfcruatiuc agaiDfl the plague, :tnd by th:u (:iocl h:ah made m::~ny!.¥:onhyJ promifes· I' c~nfequcntagoinll{'Jtiy iuclgcmem-ofGod, to of aide and protcGliorl rb his childcrcfl :rn wn,tme-affi~tn:etPld conJ!.d~~~c( in theLord, that his word, yet tbcy Jba'll Jiot beC performed · ~· '- --'-------- - --------- N n n ~ to h Scctob 1po. Pialo 119·7'·