Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

_ 39 +I ~ 'The combate betweene !:;;;:,·4· / to thofc that prcfinnc to tempt .God,as thou A offaith;thectmfemofCOHncelser.dFathers;and 1---- , v;·oulddl. h~u~ m~ to doe. . . if thefe [ni!c, thenh; rbe Pope. Anfiv. By their I !~;f:Uffi:i:nt From thts acahng of Chnil wab Satan, we rule of faith, th.Cy vnder{bnd, 'l.mwrium trttdicoc.:pnund t~ny _oblC_rue ; that the Scriptures ofGod :~r'e tions, that is,fuch truth bcfidc Scripturc,as h::uh·· tlv;nlfduts. fuffiC!ent Ill thcrllfclucs, truely·to mrcrprcr and bccnc kept by tradition from hand to hand ! £xp_ound th_cmfc!uc~. The 'Dc.ui!l :lleadgin_g fincc t?c primitiuc C:hutch.But_thcfc arc mcne J Scnpturc, d1d vndl1t from rhc true fcnfc: thts forgcncs, & !hame It were ro fubict} the truch our Sauiour CbriH fhcwct~l byallcadging anoof God tO the dcuice of man: ifthefc be made aDcut.6'. 16 ' thcr text out ofl Mofcs, {,~hich bccing applied iudgc of Scripture, then t1uU the faid1 of the to the place which ~he Dcuill abu[cd, doth Church Jcpcnd vpon the "vifdome of man, and llicwc.rhc true mcanmg thereof. So Ez_ra, exnot vpon thcpow~rofGod, a thing abhorred of pounding the law vnto the Icwes/·~addiflinflf] the Apollle,z.Cor.z.s. The oncly rule offaith inth:law~fGod,ttnd(as the words doe Jignifie) is the Scripture, and truefaith wilJ admit no o. bNcb.8.8. b gauah~fmfe bJ Scripmrc, andcaufodth~people thcr iudge befide the -Scripture to determine of 1 tovnder.ftand..: much more then at this day n13y that \\'hereon it mull depend. Secondly. for the Scl'iptures be thought fi.tfficient for the e.x- B their confent of Fath('rs and Councds, rh~at is pounding of thcmfelucs, ftth to the Canon no fufficicm meaoes to determine of the uue thereof litlCC Ji..~:;r,t his time there is added the fcnfe of Scripture:for their feuerall errours and whole new Tc!lament by the hand of God, contradiCtions one to another,and many times wherein the dccpc things of God arc .plainly to themfelucs, lhcvv, that they \Y3ntcd the im... rcuea1cd. . mediate affifiance of the Spirit. And the{amc , The Church of Rome cannot ~way With is true of tllc Pope,as might cafily be prooucd .this, that Scripture thould be fuffic1ent to exat large, by their gwffe ignorance and crror.s. pound it fclfc. And therefore ;~;gainft it they .And therefOre it rcmaines that the uuc iudge . rcafonthus: Th4twhich111Hfte.\'f'OHndScriptur(, and expounder of Scrfpturc , ·is Scripture it 1 muft bau< iudici•ilpowe7' to determine of the fcnfc {clfe, :is ChrHi himft!fe by his praC\ife lheweth \ thereof: but theScriptura haruno foch ludicia/1 in this pbce. - · power, for they are but a dumbe letter : and The place alleadged by ChrHi, is <his eomthcrefore no fi.Jfficient iudgc to de[ermine df mand('mcnt ofGod vnto his people, Thoujh1dt their owne fenfc: and mcaning.An[.The Scrip... not teinpt the Lordthy God. For the VnderHan... oc,\ tures haue iudiciatl power to _determine of cling whereof,we mull feareh outthrce things: own< true fenfe and mcanmg: for they C firli, whatthe tempting ofGodfignifieth: fe- !peake euidently, to .all that are inlightned by condly, them<nnr:r how God is tempted: and Gods fpirit, and thereby made; able to knowe thirdly-,theuufcandroot thereof. For the firli, y..·hat the Scripture i3ith: we~now aman may to tempt God tignifieth, ro make trialland ex.. ~~~cmpt {peak to his fnend not only by\\rord ofmouth, pericnce of God, and to prooue whether he I but alfo by letter, and therby eXpreffe his meabe fo truc,iuft,mcrciful,prouident,and powetning fufficiently: euen fo, though God fpeake full as his word reponerh him to be. :rhus did · not now vnto his Church by cre:ued voicc,yet the Ifraclitcs often tempt God, as the Lord . by his written word he fpcakcs fi1Aiciently for .faith, awhc;t )OilY fathers tempted me, prooHtd aPft.l.9S·1the cl care m::mifclhtion of his wil and pleafurc m~,nndfawmJ Jvork;J:which latter words ibew concerning thcm::md thcrfore it is a01amefull wh~c iris ro tempt <;Jod, cuen to fcekc to h:tue Oander & blafphem"te againll the Scriprurc:s•to pi-oofe by his workcs \\ her·her he be fucJ1 :1 one call them an inlzieletter, anddumbe ·judge. And a~ his word flith he iS. If:any lhall faY-;we arc kt·them f11ew,if the Scriptures be not,whcre is commanded totaft.mdfee howgr~ttioul(IJeLord that fpeaking iudgc who bath power iudiciall ir ,Pf.J4.8. yea the Lord bids his pcopk-prooue to expound the Scripture.lodee.d theipnfwer him,Malach.J.IO. A11jiv. Thofc pl3ees Hoe fuf1 is, that the Church is this lt!dgc, and that we D ficiendy expound thcmfelucs: for D~uids cafte ·n,u!t e~nfult ac her mouth for the true ~neaning ~ i. and fight is by the gr3cc of true flnh")~nd afofthe Scri'pturc. Anf.TheChurch hath aminifiancc.t the f.mre·verfe he pronopnccrh {lGiic and difpenfa:ion committed vnto her, ,i\~ fuch blcffcd: and in Mabc,hie the Lord biddcs the execution whcreoff11e deliuercth the mea..: thcmprooue him , but ycr1n their way of'!)be-: ning of the Scriptmc vnto Gods people; -diencc rn~prciuiding...-for his·SanCluaric. accorthat not from any iudicial authoriry comtnitcling to his ordin5ccs. Thcrfor~ we-mull know ted vmo her,ro dc.rerminc ofthe fcnfe offcrifi.- for the fecond point, that cucry triall of God ture ofher (elf<:;but onely by comparing Sci'ipis not fi~1ply cuilJ,butthat whi.~h is ne·cdeleffe, turew.ith Scripture, and expoundtng one place when wnhout w::trr:Ult from h1s word,, ~~_pre-J il out of another; eue11 as the L~~v~c: giues the [~me _vpon ~1im bey~n~ t>hc meanes"'Of~hts or-: il ... fenfc or the Jaw, not from any IUd!C13li power dlt13rl~ promdcncc:. !htrdly, the roote_bf this giuen vnro him abouc the law, but by obfe~- Jinnc, IS 131l'"'Vnbd~e\Hilg hcarr, whereby 3man! 1 -uir.g the.words With the (cope and circun:ftandoubts Ofth"C truth o~God~ vvord, of h1s pow-; j ccsof.thc Ja.w. But here I would know, 1f the,:mdprouldence. Pfal. 78. 18. The, · I €hurch mull needes be iudge,by what. mcancs Ifrae/it~J umptrd GodintiJeirht'N"rtJ;t~lcre i~ _tl.liS 1 · mufll11ee determine? They anfwcr,by themlt . fin ne :·the manntr ho~v follgwcth~mrttplmng m(:tte I--- ----- ,--- --· ----------~--