Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

------- ··--·, l;ddrt"+ [hrifl ami theVeuill. ~ ~- !ve~f?· rneau for their lufls, &c. nor...contcnting them- A yet \\C read not that God chargCd.dle~·lwi;,h 1 fclues with Gods pi'cfencprouidencc~ cheroot temptinghiti1, bm did cp~defccnd to_ their .rc-·j and ground whet·eof is fct downc, vcr. 21.6e- ·quells. Anfw. There be rwo caufes mwhfch l caufothq bclceued not in God, andtr11j!ed mt in we may require a figne of Gecl,and not tempt hid he/pc. When a man doubts of the ficclitie him:firH, when God commands a man to aske j of his feru3nt,hc \.villlay fomething in his way, a fignc at his hands: (o might Az.ah hauc as a pcccc of filucr, his purfc, &c. to tric him a Ggnc ofGod, for his 3filuancc of the "iClowithall; fo when aman bcginncs to daub: of ry according to Gods promife, yea he is c blac tr~.r,.tlt Gods.ooodndfeand fidelitie tow:ud him, he med for not asking it when the Lord C01r.rnan"' H,•IJI .,.\•ill eafily be brought to make neadlcffc cri~ll ded him. Secondly, a ma.n ma.y askc a (tgnc of of him by fomc workc ofGod befidc his ordi· God, when it fcruesfor the necdfarie confirnarie prouidcnce. The n1eaning then is this, mation of ::m excraordinarie cal!ing, or foinC Tho11}halt not tempt th-e Dord thy God, that is, fpcciall pr6mifeofGod made tb man J in this thou· {halt nor make any necdeletlC triaiJ of cafe did Gcdi6 askea tigne ofGod fonhe furGods goodncffe,mcrcy,power,or prouidcncc, thcr confirmation of his excraordi.nary callin~ from·a dillru!lfull hcan in th.e truth of his B to be a dc!iucrcrvmo Gods peoplc.And fo di~ word. Hczckiah for his further affurancc in rhe lch&- t;odis tlp~ Here yet further for our infhuC1ion we are thning ofhis lifC,by an extraordinary promi' c, t,dj.W21(S. to knowc:, that God is tempted fiuc wayes, as fifceenc ycares. But OlH of thcfC cafes to aske-o¥ I the word of God doth mamfcll: firfl, when a fignc: ofGod,is to tempt him; 3S thc.Pharifics man £hall appoint vmo God, either the time did,who would prefcribe vmo God what kind whcn,thcplace vvhcrc,or the mJVJner how God ofmiracle they would hauef eucn a fignc from lhall helpc him, and performc his word vmo hcaucn, not conteming thcmfelues with thofe him; herein he fcekcs experience ofthe truth miracles which Chrill did ordinarily "\vorke,a•. :and power of God. T•hu' the Ifraclites tempmong them. -:.:: tcd God in the wildcr~cffe when they wanThirdly, a man tempts God whenbee g'ocs g &od.17-7• tcd water; faying, Is Godamong'V1orno? God on in any fin ne againftGods commandcmc:nts, had P\9mifcd to be with <~cm in all their iourfor hereby he makes ncedeleffe trial! of Gbd's ney to Canaan_, but that thCy will not now be.. iufiice, mercic,and patience. The Lord faid df lecuc,vnl~ifehe will Jhowe his prefence by gihis people, they dtemptedhim tome timeJ,and d:-.f1rm.!t<1i uing them water in that place. And fo likewifC ha11e not obeyed hid voyce. Mal, 3. I 5. The peothey tempted him in thewam·offood,Pfal.78, plemNrmllringiJ fay, !heyrhat work}w<ckfdne!fo 19, C!<n qod prepare a table !•. thu•ilder.pejfo? c are fot vp, andthq tbt!t temptGodareJe!itlered; The 'C0nfiderati6n ~hereof mufi teach 'vs in where working wickedne{fe and tempdng of .all ourpetitions which we makevmoqod fOr God are all one. Which fcrues to admonifh \'S . the accompli!hment ofh~s promifes vnto vs,to that with all fpecd we breake'off the tour!? of bPri!.,s..p. beware of b limiting God;as thelewes d!d, by otJr finns by repentance, for while we continue' prefcribipgVnt!' him time, place, and n:t~nner in finne we tempt God, and fo lie open to ·~il ·for the aaompli!hment thereof; buc·wait with his iudgcmcms, depriuing; ot"lr fclues of the patienc~ his good lcafure. For hce that bcl<eguard and proteC\ion of Gods holy Ang~IS; .ue<h will not make ha!l,but will commit hid "'"J narth('ywiHbecome our enemies, an~ inltCed to the Lord, Pfai.J7·5· ·· of protcCHon,cxccuteGods heauie vengeance z ; Secondly, God is tempted when men rec vponvs. ' ·· , quirci·figne atbis hand•. Thus the Phatifies ·Founhly; they temptGod;:tbat impofe vp~ 4 tempted Chritl:Matth. <2. 38. M after wt would on Gods people, the rcligiol!s obfcruationof ftc" fgnc of thee.- meaning thcrcbf to-be ccrlegal! ccrcmonics.abolilhcd by Chritl: AC\. I:S. tified wncther he were <he Mdli'as : and Luke IO, why temp~ yee God(faith Pm>) rol") a (aith,tbqremptedhim,Lttk_. I l· iO. Knd thus T'""..... D'f""" '""'· ,.,,~ """ - doe all thofc tempt God, which ~efi1fc _<o cmFather~, nor We _were able to6eare? ThisisJt(1 brace the doC\rinc ofthe Gofpel, becaufe they make trial! ofG~ds power in thc-fauing of'his cannot fee the minificrs thereof confirme the people. Whereby we may fec·•how wicktd IM fame by miracle~ .T\JUs doe many Papills plead damnable the Romilh religion is,which whbJ,:t againfi our religion, e'mbracing·rather the myly fiands in the bhferuatiO ofcercmonies,partlleric of iniquitic,becaufc it is confirmed vnto ly hcathenifi,, and pardy Iudaicall, whe[<'iol them by lying wOnders; not confi'dering that v-.•hcn men fi1bmit thcmfeiuesJthey do not:hin·g· the truth which we profdfe V\' as once fufficiCtclfc bu[[cmpt God. · · ·. ly confirmed to be "he truth of God, by his Fiftly, they tempt God, that refufe or ncg:. ' owne tcflimony thereunto in fignes and \o\·on .. leCl: the ordinary and ncce!f:J.ry-mcanes oftheif dcrs through the hands of his Apollles. ~.p; prcfcruation, dcher for bodte or fou!c: as he· Is eucry asking of a figne a tempting of God? that bceing to goc ouer a water, V\•illleaue t-he for Gcdion asked a figne when hec was to be a bridge which is the ordlnarie ?-'ay, and aducn~.. .Judgcaud dcli•crcr ofGods people, Iudg. 6. ture dan~eroufly through the water: for here... 17. And fo d,d Hrze/Q•IHo be affured of the in he fee c:s a ncedcletfe experience of Cods lcngtbning of his dau:s, 2. King. 20. ·s. And power: (o doe they alfO that i1egleCl: or '<?~1_: : Nnn 4 ' remne