Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ I ' Matth-;:- / - (hri;'l ~d~baV~ui!l.- T3~J-- i v<~f8, - , -- ~ --- 1 h~-;h~~nt.wu: [econd!y,hcfhewcrhhtm allrhe A 1 vndcrffliHhng. Hill vi!ions in tbc out\\;ard fen .. ( I k.J 11 gdomnofthewo, Id, andthegloruof th~m all, Jcs be Jclufions,,shcrby be mokcs incn hdcct:C / I For the firH, Lt may be dcm:mndcd, \\hat "'ay they !Cc that ,,.·ltlch indccJe they Joc not l(:e ; S:n:m rooke vp Chrill into this highmo:mt11mt? tMis might cafily be: prodntd by1ilanifO!d cx:l!n.: I t A n{. He a1ight doe it two waycs;eirher by vipin recorded in rhe Hi!lo1ic~ of all tinKs, bur fion, or by rc:J.Il and loca!l rranli,ortltion ofhis that one J_:h:tll fufllcc ,• of his co"umcrfctt rc!Cm- / body from chc temple to feme hig_h moutnai.n. blance ot ~ SamH:!• tofn'1c & anire to the witch :z 1 .sa'm,;~: Some thinkc this ~,.,·as done bv VLhon oncly m ofEndJ:>r for the dc.luding ofSJ..u!; when :ls in1 1f· 4 M. Chrifl:s minde, as a C;:;.echt~l vv·as carried by d1e decdc S:nm1clsuuc body was in tlL'' graue;:tnd Lord from Babylon to an exceeding high his (oule \\'ith the Lord. mouncaine in the land of Hrael. But l r:uhcr Sccondly,thc- dcnil ha;,h vi!ionswhcrcby hr thinkc rhat Chrifl: was rc:~lly and !oC'lily trandchi<ics the \'ndnlbnding, Zak. 1 ~ . 4• The' I frtow:d by the Deui\ in bodic fro~1.1 the Temp~c Lord faith hereof, The Prop1Jetsjball lkeafl:a1 ro tOme high ~nou:~t:til~c; for Chrifl:s tcmpt:mmcdc:myone of,hU f.lijion. Thefc vliions ~hC deens were not nnagmartc,but true and real!. Auill fl1ewes [O men fometime flecping, fomc1g:1ine, the words import :1 t~uc ::tnd r~a.ll tranf- B time ""aking: euen as rhc Lord dmh {hewe I ponation without :lny mcnu.on of~ vdJOt.~. his vifions to his .owuc feruants. The vifions o( The rCa{ons why the Deutl carncs ChnH to S:uan fhcwcd to m.en fleping are called drl4mt,. an hiO'h moUnt:;.inc m:1y be thcfe: firH, the Jc:~ Deut. 1 ~; t. the fi1/fe Prophet h«th his 4re4mr. uill h~rh a gre:tt defire ro imitate God m his H1s vi lions Chewed ro men \\'::tking, ate tO luch' j glorious ·workcs, that fo he may difW:Jcc the as hauc crncd braincs, whome he pcrfvl-adcsworkcs ofGod,~ea and God himfelfc as mud1 {l:rangc thmgs ofrhcm[clues: as fomc that they, as he can. Now we rc:1dc b that God mokc vp arc Kings or Princes; othCrs; that thcr arc: , 4, &c. M ofcs into mount Ncbo, from whence he C.hri!l, ]bhn B3ptt1!, :1nd fuch like; examp'lcs Sltanmti' il2~cpowcr ouerthebo· !!inofGods children. 01cvvcd himall th.c l:md of Canaan; fo Satan, hcreofin all ages arc many, Now touching this· th:lt he nlight fccme ro' goe beyond God,t'lkes vifion of Satan to Chri!l; fomc thinkc it was vp Chrift into an exceeding high mountain to lnw:~td in Chrifls mjnde, bm I r::ahcr tal(e it to !hcwc him all the kingdomes of[hc 'Nor!? :md fl:mc been in his outwatd. fenfe~ oncly, as the the g!orieofthem. Secondly, he did it for the words ofthe text doe impon; the deu11l by his furtherance of this lafi affatilt ,_,,herc:wnh hec art did cunningly fet forth :md rcprcfrrit vmo tempted Chrifl:, for he meant to cnrfc.c Chrill the eies of ChriH :inorabic £hew ancfi:Cprefen..; with the gloric of the world, and therefore tation Of all rhc kingdomcs of th'e eanh 1 attd brings hi'mwherc he might take the fatrefhicw C the glorie of them. , thereof. Herein the Deuill !hewcth grfatp6\vtl':ind' Now in that Sathan tranfports the bodie of skill,in that be C3n rcprcfC·nt vmo' the cic i'n his ollr Sauiour Chrifi thi5fecond timc,..,ve fee that counterfeit vifions fuch firange and admiraBle by Gods permi~on, S:~.tan may hau<' power ofights. And it tcacheth vs J;hat the pra'ClifGsof ucr the bodies ofGods c:hildrcn , ro tranfport Sorcerers & Magicians, vndeftaking eo icpre.:: the fame from place to place,· or ocherwife tO fenc v~·.o the ciC, partly in the airc , and partly vcxc them, and that not 011ce oncly,but fundrf j in gla!fes, either the pcrfonsof tncn that liucd·.l times. This we mufi obfcrue, and remember long fince, or aEtions done in farre ~ccuntriC's, ca:rcfully as a Aay and prop againit dil-lrufl and or long befOre, arc not meere fancies as fome I dcfpairc, ifGod fhould tidfcr Sat:m to vcxc vsJ thinke, who dcni'c :rltogether that fuch things by fuch rranfportingof our bodies from place c<1n be (hewed :'for the deuil,can rcfCble things .to place,or by any outward c:alatilitics;and thac dune long fince and a f:trrc ofF; f6r if he could· J no·t once or twice, but diuers times; for that let fuch a (!ght before the de of our Sauiour ,, which bof~ll the head Chritl lcfus, may well ChtiO in vilion,as the vi~w ofthe \\·bol v.:orld . befall an}; of his members. . . and the glmy thereof, then much more can he The fecond part ofthe Deuils prtparauon is D reprcfcnt vmo the cic o.fn~an!lrangc and mar.. j this: heefhcwu vnt9 Chri.ft allthe kjngdamu of uellous things. I rhewodd, andthl' gloril' af them. This he could T he Deuills drift in this rcfcmbl:mce vnto' not doe a8;ually, for there is no mouot:Jinc fo Chrift is this ; hereby be intended mofi Cl)n. j high in all the world, whcreon if a man were ningly. to infinu:ue himfdfe into fhe hearc of/ placed he could fee one halfc or one quarrcr of. our Saniour ChriA:: for before he propoun(h the kingdomes ofthe V·:orld,'Js they arc feared I ~his 1lmd affault,hc fhcv .. cs vnto Chri!l :111 the ;~nd placed vpon the f<1rc of the can_h; nay if a kingdomes ofchc world, & the glor~ ofthem, I m:m were fct in the (unne, and from thence that Chrifl might t..1kea l1king ofehem, and fd could lookc vnto the c:~.nhf yet he could not' dcGrc thcm,:mdat lcngrh 'Jccepr_ofthem vpon fee pafl the ha\fe thereof. And ~Pcrcfore wee· Satans offer. Thus he dealt'"VJith our firH Pa- !ll•IH knov,·ethat thedcuill did .this in acoun• rcms; J vpon their firH commuflication bee a.Gen. 3 ..,:, tcrfcit vifion, for herein he can frame an imit:tfhcwcs vmo Eue the outward be:tutic of the'· tion of God. ~ fOrbidden fruire, that it Wits faire tO lovk! vpon !.of'oi2holi. [t•li•ifiJns, Now rhe Dcui'ls vifions be ofcwO forts; ci- -a.nd r<:lh her' ofthe good dlatc they fh11ulc\ :1t~ thcr in the out'.o\'ard fcn!Cs, or in the minrle and taine vnto liy uung of it, and tO at length -,-- ~--- --=-~. ~- brings\