Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

! 398 11L("mkewcll \ tofe.eing& \''""• e Pfal.n9. 37· d Iobp.1. :a :.Sam.n. '· 'The [ombate betweene :M''"h+ : ~~~~--.,---~~-~----' ''"f.9· brings her to ycclJ'ro his ccmpt:ltion. A 1 \;•hcrcip a man doeh fnon catcl~ a fall,and chcr- ~ --- Hcncc vvec 111U!l lcarnc to hauc fpcciall care I tore VYt' ~ lcarnc to bee mofl: watcbfull ouC'r j in the good ordering of all the outward fcnfes our o\vn , c::arr~ when \\C h:tuc fairdt·~,-,·~;ahcr . 1 of our bodic:, fpccially the rwo fcnfcs oflcar- \\ ith the w~rJd. ning,{eei»g andhe.1ri11g: for by them the dell ill 1· Laflly,S. J.nkc d~ddcch this circumfl:ancc of 1 0 Luk 4 S· c~H'I. cunningly comJcy· his rcmpt:ltions imo our tune, that the Dcl11ll !hewed all thcfc things I hearts; the il:nfcs (fpccially thcfc two) are the ~mo Chrill in :1s Owrr_a rime :1smighc bc,<:ucn \\·inclo\\'CS of the heart and foule, and if \Ntc tn amoment orpoint of rrm~: whereby V\ CC m~" 1 kecpe them not well, Satan ""'11 be fmc to c6I pcrceiuc the DcuiHs great tdctitic ;md fpccd~ \ ucy forne cull mto vs. Vlc mull therefOre obey m domgany thlllghe ral<es ttl hand, herctn he Salomons counfe\1, b k.fcpe tl~ hea.rr aboue all g~es beyond all men 111 the '¥' orld; fo1 bccmg I wrrtch ~mdwttrd; 1h1s "' c cannot doe, vnles V\ c a fpmt he IS able to wo1 kc wonders & thou oh lookc well to our out \I\ ard fenCes, for they arc I I hcc cannot goc beyond the firengt!l and co~lthc doorcs of tl1c heat r. l h1~ made Dau1d to paffe of nature, bccaufc b1s po\>\Cr 1sfimtc, yet 1 pray., cLordmmc away mme t)e! fiom beho!dmg \ , by reafon of lus agJlHic ::llld fpccdc he can goc J vam1 u. and lob t1 to make a coucnant wnh h1:. 1 I beyond [he ordma11C cou1 fc of nature 1.1 the l ctcs. And fo mufl we make confncnce of hca.... \ maner of \Vork1ng the thmgs he takes mb:u,d. ' nng and lookmg_, leafi hereby \'iC gtuc aduan- B And this excccd1ngquJck fpccd the Dn.d here tag: to rhe .Ten~ptc;r. . \ vfeth, to fhrre vp 111 ChnJl a more eager defire Ft,Jrthcr~m this fight ?bfe"ru~ the deep pohcy 1 - after thofc lh~ngc and g~odly thing~\\hereof ?~the Dcu!ll;thcrc are Ill the ktngdomes oftha: \ he had but as 1t "'erc\::1. glnnpfe, that fo by dcw.orld b~fidcs glory & digniry, man_y trol,lbles, grecs he might worke in Ch\Hl a liking ofthC; ~urliQl~r!ic_s and vcxations;now thcfc the dcuil iOr ~he nature ofman doth more ·c~gcdy <~ffcft: c.on~cales from Chriil:, and lliewes him oncly flr_zmo~ things when they bee fuddn1, and the the glory, pompe, wealth, and dignity, of the cie of m:m doth mdre will:ly behold rhcm.And wol'ld, that fo he might the more eafily yvindc: this alfo, as the fonner,mult make vs wat-chfull his_temptation into rl1c heart of our -5;:tuiour againH all ~atans craft it! wiles, that wee be not Chril.t. And this fame courlc he llill obferucrh beguiled by him. Thus mud1 for Sotans prepain tempting men tq linne; he hides from their r_ition, eyes·all the nlifcries, plagues, and punifhtnents The fccond poi_nt in this conAiCt,is the tl-pwhich are·due to finnc, and that· will followc ution it fclfc, in thcfC words; verfc9. And{aid it; and £hewes them oncly all the profits vnto him, a!ltiJc{e rvi/ilgi«e thee, ifrho!l-wi!tfall . h~}~;~~~l~~;~:~:h;~ifo~Y~~3~~t~;~e:t~t=i:us: ~~;:rr~:fc'(:?'h:~e .... ::fn~~:~r~:~~~ !~t?~~-:~) · ~~itfifE~~~ I that men neuerfcclc thebittcmcCfe ofthem,.til C is to drawc Cbrifl to commit idolao· • by the th~ir foub be thereby deadly infecrcd: but the hope ofworldly kingdomes and the glorie of he ta.k!=s a cleane-~qmraric courfc, and fl1cwes them~hc1·ewith he proouc:-s him when he could to tflC;·.;vouhdcd foulcall the woes and tenours ncithrr \Vcakcn his faith by his fidl- temptatiO, ofGods wrath, thn if it bee poffiblc he may nor workc prefumption in him by the iCcond. h;ing a ':-1an to dci'p"airc.And ther(',fore we mufi And lookc how he: dc:qleth here \\"ith Chrifl,(o I be,mollv\·atchhlll of.bceing infnared with the doth he coqunonly in the v-:orld; m:1ny an oneS dcccjtfi.llndlC of ~l.nnc in falfc 01cwe of profit confciencc and rcligim1 doth he quite oucrand ple,afurc. ..•: throwby wod<ily hopes ofrichcs,ple!'fures,& ...~cpondly ~ the Dcoills polH~ie doth not:lbly preferments: hereby not oncly oHlinarie proappe~re in rcferuing this-temptation for the lafl: fcffors , but miniflcrs and Prca-chets oftbe gow place: for hcc knowcsfu!l well how forcible fJ'el haue.bccne dra\\·nc w-abiurc :md renounce: YJith Jnan be rhc tempratiOs ofprofits,pleafurs that truth \"l·hich fOrmcrJy they haue tau~ht,& an~h9nours. From \/\'hence we m:~y alfo learn,. to bctl'\ke thcmfdues as the Popes vafials to I Jhat.temptations fct~hcd on the right bad from I profcffc and maimaine his bbfphcmous idola- ! honour, plcafurc,and commodiry,are the moH D tries : hereby nlfo Protdbnt mnch:mts, are 1 . dange10ous, and do foonc!! creep into the heart I draWJle to become very fcruin·n-blc to the Po9f~nan,prcuailing farrc more then temptation-s I pifh Churche.~ , by tranfJ'or.ling an_!ong rhem op the lefthand 7 whh:h arccaken from aducrfiwax and 1i1ch 11kc, v. h1ch f:ruc as ! ty. The Deuill f0iled aDa.uid worfe in th~ t~me 1 necdfaric h~Ips and fimhcranc~s _to their Ido- ~ ofpeace and ea[c,thcn eucr he could do aurmg 1 latrous fcnuee. And \\·hac cls 15 It r.hac ma~es the time ofSaul~ grieuous pcrfuurion againU the peop]c generally w change rel!gon With ] him.And hcprcuailcd more againfl the ~hurch tl~e tiz.~cs ~n(.' J'htcs, but bcc:lll~c.they \-\'OlJld by cn·ours and hcrcfics vnd~r Confla.nrme and fhll cn10y cht1r "' ?rl_d~y commod!llcs? A~1d t~e other Chriflian Emprrors,then he could do hy more men do pofleflc 111 t~Je \~orld, ordmanly mol! bloodic perfccution for the fpacc of three the !cf!'e _cour:1~e and rdoluu?n th< y buc for hundred yearcs before. Yea in thefeour dayes I the rcl~gton ot Cod, as o:pencnce_1n OJ!ccnc Worldly hopes haue drawn tho(e from the fin... Marks daies hath 01cwrd; which 111 gcnarall ccritie of religion, whome outward violence 1r.ay ~d.mqniOl vs hOv\· dangcrou~ ::~_n cncn,y the could not moouc: profpcriric is aO.ipp.cry path world 1s to che ~ oftruercli£10il. I . . This :...----"------:c----=:c-----·-----=-~--- 7