Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

----· Chrijl and the 'Der1i!l. IM•tth+ ' v:f±._ Tbis'tempt:ition hath two parts', Apromife . A . to S~tan, promifing th'at wfikfi we iteUcr i"~iC.ail made to Chrifl; :ind the con'dirio'n thereof.The ! t? pcrfOrmc, Or nC:ucr can perfonne tho(igl! ~,-,.~ promilC in thefc words; All theft Will I i!ue! meant it. In all,our pro1Tii(cs therefore""" n'iUH thee: he: faith nor, I will pro'curc God to gmc i lO'oke to tWO things;· Firfi, ...vherhcr the rhipg them vmo thee but f rv'illu.idethee them: where 1 we promifc be !n Our flower; Secondly .; Y\he. ·wemay fee, cha~ Sarans d~ifi rs tdcaufc Ch~iit thcr i't IJe lav~.ful anii EIIC'CtC for vs topnformC. to rake hi•n for his Lord, to dcpcn4 and vValtC Thisfidelity in keeping promife is afruit of the on him for his kingdomc,and to ackn"Ow~edgc f})irit, Cat!Cd b9 the Apottle ,ftt#h, C<ll.5.i ~ .& him to be the giucr thereof; which notably be; a propc~cie ?f him that ·mu(t rcff in GodJ /;o!y wraies his egregious boldncffc, that dar.csthus· thounlainc, !'lfal. r 5. + nOt to ,change from ;1 challenge to him(clfc the Lords ownc ngln,cmlns'la\Nfu!l oath or promifc, thol1gh the pcruen in the pre.fcnce of him who 1 N~s true Lord fornl:rn·Ce of i:r rcnde to his grc:l't hindcand King of heaucn and earth, Let ~o man ranee. _ .· , therefore rhinkc; that S:ttan will loofcought Fourthly, in this promifc Of Satail we iDaj for want ofaducnturc; but In rcg.:1.rd ~:hcrcofbc obferuc, that hr knowcsall the kingdorncs ~f better armed againfl him. 'B the world,clfe he could not hauc fl1c\\'cd rhrtn No V\' cha.t which the Dcuill aimed at in' 1 to'~io'J' w)li"h her~ he,offcrs ro giutiyea his ofChrift, doth he commonly dfetl in the world, . fcring ofthe·nl,~·ith the glorie ofthCall whiCh he 111akcs lllCll bclceuc that he is the giucr ofall 1 he could fo fpccdily rcprcfenr,doth lhcw vnro' things and [o brings many a Olle w relic_ vpo~ I vs that he is malt expert in the poJydcs and re..: him. Indccdc with their lips men wlll confeflc gimcm of-A,ates andkingdom€~.: hC gOes not' that God giuc:t them their da·iiy hrcad, cucn all j ~ and fro for Jlau·gh~; cp·tnp~ffing the _eart~ , thingsthey haue;butthcir dealtng-s and pracii• Jo1i; i. 7~ And his prorrufc ofrheinto Cj1Filt 1 : fes fpcake aloud that the dcu'ill is gou-emOlfr was made to inflame his heart with :lmbitioti' and gJucr of all; for how dae 1ttany men get af[er thofc kingdoms &. glories, that he might~ thrh Jiuings? Is it not by lying, fraud, and op- ~.nioy fame ofthctn_atthe lcaft. Wherein J,:\:~e~ preffion? Doe not mort men hereby fceke t<i ~ay note thit 6nc fpe<iall pra~llfe ofrhe d~6ill · inrich chemfclucs? Well, the iufi L9rd ncucr J·S tooucrtorne fiatcs and fnngdortJ~~ { by,pJ.It.-[ · approoueth fuch means': theDeui-11 fcncth fuch ~ing a.rnbitiotJ•into mens h_e_~rtFifier e:mhly 1 ~ourfes a flotc,and him they fer(ic;and onhlth ktngdomes anJ glories:hisfiJJ,j~ is to ~~mif,;: ohoy reiictlmwalke r!mein. , . cheife, and in the ruinc d)iingdomeo h·e.O\JI'r~ S~t~M en:- Secondly,. n_ote a,funh~r re~eh of Satan i1l ,C ,hrC-wes:m:J.ilY·, ~o.d thcrrfo(c }j~reun'u)·he rn... C~tlri~1:}~,i~;~ rthis promtiCof kjn~9omcs, eucn d.caqours himfelfc with tnigh~ aod tDaip.Hqlfe tuall to oUcrthr.qweChrifisfpir,iti:J.~Il kingdome.Sacome infurreCl:ions and reQelliorts'-in l;:ingdp_rllj dome. tan kneww.el that ifClitiftwcre the truc-Mefwhich no time n:or agt c6uld C'Jler efcape:lopke .fias, hd11Quld be aKrng,and hauc a kingdom, as he £lirred vp the Chald~aus and Sabc31Js"lo though not earthly, yet fpirltuall In the inrich rh•rnfelucs ·by the fpoyling of Job" fo and confcienccs ofmen, which lhould be t.he <lealerh he by ambitious and ~i>"tietous per(qq~ tufl)~ of hi.s kingdomc; and therefo·re hecitl ::111e!htes, as tr_u·erecords oftime do:cfUJlj" , labors with Chrifi tO earthly kingteftifie:We may fee the truth hereofirr our OWij.: dome, that f<> his fplr1ru•tl -klngdome might land, in the manifold compl<><s and mafon~ ' 11ot be looked after. And looke as he fceke>to b1>th arhorne and abroad that_hauc beene<:011c · .. _ . doal~with Chriltthc ~cad , [o hcc ~rfcuers afpircd and attempted agafnfi· our" prin~e a,nd ~~!~~~~ gainfithc Church which is his bodic; tor gods State, by profane monltirred.vp by the Dcuill "''' fidy~·e ,chHrth_ ha~~ a rninifi.cric, \duch in h nature is through ambition and difconr:ent :.howfOC!ttr ~~~~;;f~f afoucraigntie, to be e~~rcifed in t-he difpcnfaby Cods .mer.cic.thcmfclues haue t?ken smc, _don of.the word:now the Dcllll harh laboured in the fnare that tli~y laid for others. In regard by all n1C:ti1C:·S to bring this rfiinific:;le wherein D whereof wear~ all bound to yeeld 2.11 prailc &. the Ghurchcs (puitual_l f{jueraigntic doth co·nglorie to God for his: gratiou~ prt(Cruation &: fill, ~o become an earthly lordl11ip,and dominidefence both of our Prince and State; and to ~ on, tha·Gby this mcanf:s he m~.ght ouefturo it,& .£hew fonh m1r th-ankefulncffc by all holy-9bi:- ~ make,it fruitelcffc in the ~uilding and vpholdicnce vnto that Cod who harh brouoh.r to <Hng of Chri(h fpirituall kingdamr:: and bow nought the d<:ui:lifh confpi~a£i~s & trcachC?fics heh;uhpreuailed rhis way the church ofRomc ofthe ambitious infh.un1fQSof-Satan. SeconJdothJhew to all the world. .fy, '''emufl pray vnro .Cod eon~innally for. ~qe Tl1irdly, obferuC the lar~cnes of~hc Dr:utls prcfcruation of.our,Princc~n.d St2'tc~ crying~..: -promifc :IJ~wiUgiue to Chrift all thckjngd~mu of loud vnto-God as the people.~kl ar thc.corotla- .the world, and the glm·ic of I hem : but this is tkm l of Safomon, for the fafctie ofour Prince: :a t.i8~:t. mere the-n he meant to ()Ut Sauiour Chrifi) at yea WC rimlt daily intrcate t~Lord tobring ro 39~ \eafi_'Yi(e.more rhen·hccould pcrforme; for alf noughtthecounfell .of Achitophcls, ond ofall ['hcfe "'''erenot inhis power.Not-\ 1 becatifctn a.U that thinke e~til agai'nfl the Lcir.ds an.rl6inred 3"- things. we mufl beasvnlikc thcdeu-il asma.y be, .mong vs. @eft. But .t1ow ~oi'l'!cs it t o p~ffc hence we mu!t learnc to be wary and1 w~tchful ~hat any Prince or State can ft~nd ,_.i'f the dniil -~~'::prornifc~~~1t therin '"'C bee:; n_ot like vn.. haue·fu.£~,t_:na}~~c a.gainfl thcl'n ? 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