\ _tOo 'I The combate betweene -the good prouidc:ncc ofGod, \Nho giucs his A fclf:: Hcrcin_w_c may obfcruc fundry things: An()'c!schargc to guard and defend, not ondy F1rft, thar 1t 1s aprincip~ll pa.rt of rh<.' Dcuils I his ~hildrcn 111 parucular, but altO v\holc kingcndc:tuonrs og:11nHGods Chunh, to fe~kc rhe domes 0.11d States. And one p:uc oftheir offi,c ou_cnhro\YCoftrue rcligion,and rhc pure woris for the good of Gods Church Jto repel! the 0·11p of God, by !Owing therein tl;c fccdc of 1 rage ofS:uan ::~nd his inHrumcnts , yea to Oand bcrd1cs, and idolarricS; for if he dares be thus 'I ¥-'ith God~ Church in the t·xecmion of iudgcbold with Chritl: rhc l~Co.d,::ts to fcckt w dra\\'c b Ioo~.s-tf· mems_ vpon the t·ncmics thcr~of. Jn the ficg~ him fi·om the wo1{hip ofhis Father to fuch :~bi oflcncho :tn hcnucnly b opt~nn<: of the lord hominablc idolatry, ~Y_b:tt "' ill he net: aucmpc · ofHofis cr.tnc to h~lpc Iollu1a: and \Nhen the vvith f111y nnd finncfullmen? TheScriptures arc /vl,uth.-f. vr>f.9· king ofSyri:.1 fcnc a· n,igbtie hofi to t:lkc the plcmifull in lllCV\ing his indrauours this v\'ay. ;.Pfophet Elillia that \\'<IS in Dorl1an, the Lord Micb,Ji.th flzwc in avijion ~ fii'J millfPrrrt-ojfering aJ.Kin.::.u cl.kin,6. 17 • fcnt for his defence C,. horfe.r 411d chrlrJot.roffirc, himfclfc vnto God to become a lying liHfit in I rvhichfillcd!hc ??Jou;:tl!inu, Atid in the dayes of the momh of all Ah~tln p,· 0 phels , e 1 H::n fourc Hcz.cki:~h, for his·c?mfOrr, and the ioy ofgods hundred at one time. Wheu fehofuah..,thc high people~ an Angel ofthe Lore! flew in the hoall Pridl flood before the l ord; Saum/foddat hU 1 bz.ach.;.t. of Zcnad1crib, that came :~gainfl Icrufalcl11,an B right hand to reftjl him ,'h'c fough ro liind'~r the IC3.J7·3&. hundred foure[corellnd Jitu tboufmdin one night, building and wor01ippe of the material! r·cmAnd we \t\'3nt·not t'urctdtimonit of this good ple; much more therefore will hec fcckc ro hinprouidencc of God in the A:range difcouerics dcr thebuildingof the ifiirituall temple, ·cuen of many deuillifh conlpiracits. ·· ' · the '.\'orke of the miniHcfi e in conucrfion of 'F1ftly, Satan faith, aUtheF will!giue thee, foulcs, whereby-they arc pulled eut'of Sarhans This h the voice of the great.red Dragon: and kingdomc, and made pillars in the temple of .th,c fameis the voice ofthe P:opc ofRomc,both the liuing God. Satoi1·i5fhat cem:iom ;htth 1hat c M 3 tll.l).JSJ l icgiihed in their canons, and daily .aaemptcd foweth tares oferrors ahd hcrcfies in the 'church I in praC\ife, to difpofc ofall the kingdomes of of Go a, which isrhc field of thcgooil hu'foand- '· . thC earth; wherby he thews <'uidendy, that he man, He hindrcd d Paul frOm comlni1lg tO the d 1 ,Tbcf,1. dP.eu.t3o11, rs·t~:at dbtafl.com_ri1i'!toHt·ofrhleJrthhallmgtwO T_h~!fa1onians, wh~rcby ir appc~res,d/a. the did I''· . li.orns li/,Jthe·liambe)6Ht hefpa/,J"!;k.!the Dragon; hts mdcauourto hmde'r the courfc ofthe ApoForrhc).amos'htirns he lht\~O<in calling hin'illolica!f n\ini!terie, fn the Curch oF Sn1yrna, felfe the ferui.ilt--Of fcruants f and thevoi't of c: hecaflfame intoprifoh, fiirring vp wicked mt·n dle.Dragon, ~h-.ir:is ofthe dct~I;~Q taking vpo~ 1C foro doe';thercby tohindcrthe cmb'di:'~ng of e1\eu.1.1o. him-'to difpofe'of'Jhc fouclaignries of thcfc thcGofpell. £John f>tWe three ·vnc!<ane fpirirs fR"·''· qrrhlyKingdoine~. '·" ·, lik!froggescomeoHtofthemomhof~heDragon, 'l• '\: La(Hy,Salm Luke rccordcth a reafon,which andout ofthe mouth •of the·luaft, ando~tl· 6[ the t~e Deu"ill ad<letli to hispromife, to preucnt all . fitlft Prophet. Thcfc are (Pirirs ofthe Deuils,worconceit 6fimpoffibility in him to pcrformc the kjng mirt~cles, Andgoing totbe~gs of_lhei-'afrh: fa,ne :to wit, forthat' the po••tl· andglorie ofall thitherthcy go for the lloppag<ofthC<'Gofpd; cLllk.44· the k.Jngdome"s oftl{eworld is deliuered tohim, and for if Ki1lgs oppofc thcmfelues , t~c)''beCome to"w"homfoeuct het will, heegmes it. Whe·rein ohgreatdl hinderers to ·the go1p~l of:all Other. fenic in Satan t.wo notorious finncs: firfi, a And ~hefe frogges by the rommo1l,.c'G':lfcnt of , fD••~·"• groffc lie; for Daniel faith, f that it is lehouah all Catholike expofitots, arc the rable ~fPo- ·th'e·mofthigh God, wbo beareth rule ouer allthe pi!h. Frie{s,Pridts) and ~c.fuitcs, ~Nho fccke the 'kJngdomer ofmen, Andgiueth them to whomfoe~ter infcC\ion ofStatcs thr'ough all the worl~.By·an /m·will, Secbnd!y, arrogant and lhamelcffc which, the dcuills cnttiitie' agalnlhhe·Chtirch boa£Hng ,' to vaunt himfelfc cucn to the Lotds is motl apparent. . ' oWnc fa'cc, a·s'tllo"ugh he were foucraignc lord Thevft. I. This ll1ewcs what care and 'd'iliof•that which belongs to God alone.The congecc Gods Mini!tcrs lhould lhew forthe bitilfidcration whereOfmuilmooue vs, who in all D dingofGods Church,., an<l the furtherance of g<)dly conucrfatioa mull be contrary to Saran, the Cofpcl :for they !hould fcekc to"the vtterto renounce :ill lying,& to make confCicncc to rno!l of their power to countcrvaile thecnuifpeake the truth from our hearts.And alfo to a. ouspraetifc ofSatnnagainll the Chu_rch,• ban'don.21l vaipe boaA::ing of our felucs what I I. Eucric Chrifiian mull hence learnc, to we are,or what wecan do, yea rather to fpcake pray not onclyfor their 'ownc good'eOate,but .bafcly oi our fclues, that fo God in all good alfo for the welfare of Gods Church 'euerie ·things wee doe may haue the glom.Lymgand where, i.n.the free paffage ofthe Gofpel, in the brap;gin.g are the properties of Sat.han, _and cA:abii!hingof tr~e dpChine ,and in the conri- ;thciforc cannot .bt:feeme!he tong-ue andheart nuance of con!lamobedience thereunto. For Of -the childrenofGod. ' SatanScOdcauour is tO fubucr_t and cOrrupt the ~ The fccond 1 j>oint in this temptation, is the' rruth; :md to drawe men from obedience_; sod ·liard cenditioti which Satan would haue Chrift v11to him Gods children mu!t cuer oppofc tG yccld vn.to for this gift; lfthour<>iltfalldowne thcmfclues, the rather bccaufe their welfare At~dworjhippe me: Cucn to commit mofi abhomi- £lands ih the good of Gods Church. nab!c idolatric in wor!hipping the Dcuill hiniSecondly, io this coditioo ofSatans_o!fer to <:;brill,