----~--- (hrijl and thcVeuifl. .!l.uth+ l ::.:."0:__, ! 1 ChriH,wc m:1yobfcruc thli his cndcauonr is tO A i fi1re: he flc:1lcs mens hearts from God, anti (d 1 bring men to wor01ip him: for if he durft at~ herein they doing chc \\.ill of the Dtuill, mull tempt :1 dcmaund hereofat the hands ofChriH, needs woril1ip him; for !oQkc ~vbero11 a tna;t f(t;. Tw~ Rula~ r~r uilll of Kc!igio1t. I who 01:t.l thinkc to dc:1pc this ~trault when opt~lh J1is hcai't, rh:lf het mak$th hiJ God. portumtic fcrucs him~ Anti hov\'focuex: men Th1rdly, here oU!Cruc th:tr the Dctiil \.,·~u1(J thmkc it impoflib!C', thar S:ican thou id thus fat [;tine make a conenl'lnt wich Chri11;for worfl}jp prcuailc with any, as eo bring them to ~,o\·orl11ip at Chrift$ hands, he \"'ill giuc Cbrift eh<; g-lorlc him; ycr doubtlcOC (though he could not prcan.d ricbc-; ofthe world;hctcro is nothing Wanuai!c \Vith Chri!l)hcrcin he ;mahH:s liis purpolC ring bttt ChriHs confcm, VVhcrcby "''' (Cc"th~t in the world , and dut ··Nith the grcatc!l part ir may be true which fundry tit'ncs we he:~tCo( thcrof:forthc three religious ofthe let;\' ,Turk; :~nd many hiHories doe rcco'rd; ro wir)tH.J.'t and PJpiH,doc ar this day oucrfprc;~.d the grcafomc pcr-!Ons doe. make a league Y\·irh the D'ctefi part of the face of the earth; and in them nilI, wherein the Dcuill coucnamcrh to be·JC'r~ aiJ,fuch awodhip of God is propounded vmo uinablc vmo them i~ procuring them hot~pr~ men, wherein God is not worOlippcd but tHe riches, plcafures, or great renow:1e fc>11 •f6~\1e Deuill. For the cuidcncc \o\'hercofntarkc chcfe B llrange aCliuitics,whcrctohe will enable them; tiNO rules; Fid1, rh.-tt r.tfl doUrinerdetJifod6; ma1i vpon condition that they for their p:uts giuc i11 rh~ matur of uligior1, r~hich ~irher dir~alyor vnro him, their bodies, their foulcs, or their 6y iuft confoqumcc oppugne the WQrd of God, tlrc blood. Some indeed arc of minde, that fuch doffrine~of Do11il!J: 1. Tim.4. 1. 3•. DoClrines things arc mecrc forgc:rics and dcluGons of the rcpugn:mt to the word,touching m:uriagc,and Deuil,and thac no league can be made between mcatcs,arc doCtrines ofDcuilb;:md fo by ptohim and man: but they a.re decciued, for he at.. portion arc all fuch like. Secondly, alldevifid tempted in cffeC\fuch a thing with Chrifl:what wor{bip of God6y man, .-r.r;ainft God1 word, if no will he not therefore doe with filly and finneworfbip of God, but ofthe Det<il!: r.Cor. ro.2o. fitll men, cft>ccially when he findes them call The thing! which theGmtila facrtjicc, th~{rtdo'.\'n with difcontcnts?And thus much for the crificevntoDcuilb, and not vnto .cJod, Doubtdcuilsa!raulr. Iclfc, the Gentiles intended to worfhip God in The third point in this cohfliCt isChrill'san: their images, butbccaufc that worf11ip was not f,_\'er, v. J o, Then lcfm foid-vnto him, .Amiid according to Gods Will, the Apol}:le rcfpeCl:s Sathan ;-for it iJ written, thon fball wof-/hip the not their intenc, as :1 thing that could nothing Lord rh; God, a>td him one!y_ jb~tlt thou fd'He. auaile in this cafe, but faith peremptorily, rheir This I \\'il hlndlc as the words doe lie in order. worihip was done vnro the Dcuil. And in rea- C Bcrorc hi~ anfwcr he propoundeth a·rpee:ch fon icmuil b~ fo, for why lhould we think,that· of indignation :ind dctcilation both ofthe de• God fhould-acccpt tlllt for his worl11ip, which uill and his offer, AnoidSatan: as if hce lhoula is noc agreeable to his will,but deuifed by man, fay, I hat!C heard thee Satan fpeake iniuridufly according to the wil ofthe dcuill? againft my fathers Word, ~md againll my felfc; From the(c two rules it will follow,that the and now again,thou vttcrdl blafphcmy againfi bcfi of the three forenamed religions, is no my facher, wherein thou godl: .:~out to difho.. worfhip of God, burof the Dcuill : for all of nour him gre-atly;but I abhprre thee Satan,and thcmhauc fueh worfuip as is dcuifcd by man, thcfc thy tcmpt:uions, t:hetcfore hence, auoi'd, and not of God; The·Iew worf11ips-God out and hauc no more to doe \~'ith me. ' .. \ · of Chrifl; and fo doth the Turke ~ yea and the In this detellation of Chrill towaids s'aion, PapiHs worJhip God, but yet out of the true for vttering biafphemie againfl his facher}_in·his Chrifl; for(as hath beene 01Cwed ciic-wherej chalengc to haue power to difpofe. of all the the Chri!l: ofthe Papill-s is a coumcrfcic Chrill. kingdoms ofthe world~as beeing his o\Vne:wc And in many ochcl; points of·.their religion, arc caught not onely to gteeuc atfuch blifphc~ there is apparant 1·cpngnancic to the '"'ord of mics as we 01all hc:arcvttertd againftGod,but God; ycaofcheir facrificc of the lkfa_l[c, we D to tcfl-ific our dctelhtionandindlgnationtomay as trucly fay as the Apoflle did ofHeathen wards them, The world is full of black-niouidol worf11ip,rhac they facrifice nQ[ vmo God 1 thcd Rab·n)rkacs, who will n.ot fparc to blafbut to the dcuil: for therein is as vile, accurfcd, phcme the glorious name of our God, and to and abhominable Jdol:ury, as cucr \\'as dcuiJCd fcoffc and deride his facrcd \.o.,•ord: 110\:V when by rm.n. So that it is plainc, the Dcuill dorh I we meet with fuch,wc mull nor be like Stoi\:ks I ~ightily prcuailc in caufing men to worfhip I without affeCl-ion, but in Chriflian wi!Cd'ome hm1. Yea hcc preuailcth rhus not oncly in the from bleeding hearts fot· the reproach ofqod, Somrm:tkc :t lc~guc \\ich 1hcdc. uiJI. Ho,,. cob,;!: hat:equ.r,.., felues'to--· w:trdsbbf· phcmeu, w?rld, bm in Gods church; for all fj.Jch as(notIhC\\1 tOnh godly ze:tl.cand indignation,for the wn.h{bndin~ their om1 Nard profcflion) hauc I I rGfcue of!1is glorie. The hypocriricall praCHfc ·. ., tllClr hearts kt vpon the world, more c:>gcrly ofwicke'd Iczabcl n in prodarning a faH vpon' f;.:~~ n.:u, affeCTing the honors,pro5ts,& plealim:s therethe falfC accuf.1tion of Naboths blafphcmie cuf, thc_n God and ~1is word, d.o indcc~ & trmh ! again!t God and the ~ing, mO.y .reach Gods a:~o1 H '''orflup.the.DcuJlJ; fod_H'= u th~J Godoftlu:s I Chlllchtobc zealous mdeed ag:a1nft alJ blafw"r/d,rulmg m the heart of che children ofdifophcmcrs.\Vhcn Rabf11eka railed on tlie God"of 1 ! bcd1cncc,by the batts ofhonour,p1ofi.t,& Plealf1acl, I> good kmg He::.c'<f.ah rent hu clcthu b ~Kin 1 .?. 1• ----==~------- --- -------0 9_~ and ~