\ 4-02. I .. The combate betweene :;:;1.:~4 I . ! and hmnbkd himfcltc in grear mca(ure fonlm I AI conclufion; cleoue fall to Chrill lcrthe Dcuill ' Pial• .;:+ j rcpro:1ch againH his God. Teares cwere D.t~tid.s I ~ay \\'hilt hcc will, be not <haV\;n thc 11 cc one I mMteda:Jnnd,ight, while the Hcathcn:lmong lOt, whomc hce was co1~fhaincd to Iiuc, ji1id vnto Aficr Chri!l hath fhewC'd his detcfbrion to d ),I'co.S. him, where is thy God? And iufi l..ot d vexedhu Sato.ns blafphcmic he anr\,\'Cl'S hi:; te·nptation: righte6HJ Joule from dny today ':irb the vnlawfui! l faying, lt is an·irten, rb0t1 J/;a!tworjhip rhe Lm·d dee,deJ of the(i!thie.Sodomue.r, la~ing amo"g 1hem. thy God, &c•.And ,,-..·hcrcas l:ec laiLh the third The pr:1Cbfc of lhefc godly men muH be a 1 time, it iJ written, takiug his :mfwer from the prc{l~~nr for vs to fpllow, that we heare no Sniptur~ ;· ic- rcachl'tb vs that Srripwre of it 1 plaf-phcmic againfl God withmn detcH:nion. fcUe b of pnv,·cr fi1fficicm to vanquil11 the DeAn~ as all Cods children mull praCl'Ji'e (his duuill. This the Church ofRome will not admit ; , tie, fo· cfpcdol!Y· Mallers of f.·mHics; Dauid for they make Scripture tobe of two kinds: in... c Pfal.toz.7. l c would not fLlffcr a ~ra or a jlandrrer to come ward and otttward' By imrm·d ScrtptHre they I i'! dJ~".s,(igbt, r;r abide .hJ hiJ houfe; much leffe mcane, the vniucrf~ll confent of all Catholikcs wmf!dhe hauc ct-Hlurcd l blafpbm,cr of God, in all ages. And by osmvardScriptHre, they vnor a Oandcrer of his ""ord. T he bw comman- B derlland the written word comained in the f Leu.:-rJ4· dcd that the f b!nfphemer fho~t!d lue floned to I Bible. Now they fay, inward Scripmre is the d~arb, who witringlj and \'l.'tilingly ipakc a more excellent; for the outward Scripturc,thcy wotd againfiGod: & no doubt this la"VIS percall a dead fetter, oflittle orno pbWer; and they pctt~aJI. Let a man bur fpeakc a word of difm:1ke general coiirels cquall ... vith them for fubgra~c againft an earthly Prinrc,and it cons him Hance of doChine. If this "''ere HI,Je, Chrift h~~ lifc, ,and d1ar iLillly: how much more th~n would not l1aue allcdgcd omward fcriptur~,as fl10uld.hc die the rlcath though he had a rhouf- \hey call it; but he kne·..,.,. the \ovrinen v·vord was & liucs, that !hall blafphcmc the king ofkingS: the po)" 1 erfull weapon, fufficicnt to vanquifu Shall one that hath bccnc bapriz~d jmo rhe the Dcuill. And therefore herein lhey doe name pf Chnfl, fay there is no God, and that fhamcfullyblali~bcmc the tfuth ofGoJ, and fo the Scriptures arc but adcuicc of p1an, and yet God'h11nfelfc. Ji.ue? God forbid: for this hcl!ilh fit) ne defiles Sccondly)rhis allegation of ChriH teach<'th a ~ingdqmc.And thcn:f~rc the magWrate with vs,ho\o\' to behauc our fclucs againft al enemies d\C fvxorsl of iuflict mu it crv out ag;infi fuch to the truth, thac would allure vs to hcrcil.c~·as ~\retch~s,4w~yfrom vsbltifphc7tter.t.. to Poper);, Anabapri!ine. or fiJCh like; namely, ~ccqndly, in this Auamof Chri!t giuen to tofiicke faH ro the text ofScripture,and not to .S?§:an, ~c karnc hovy to behaue our fclues a- C fuffcr our fducs by any mcanes to be drawen g!Jjn.Jl~!nif~r~s fron) r.e'ligion and the obedience from it. It m~y be thou arc vnlcarncd and thine ofl,God; we mu(l: hold them as limmcs oft he enemlc both learned and <;loqucm; yet ne·re is D,p~~\1_,: and in that rr,.gard haue no~hing to <;loc thy refuge, cleauc the f:~flc:.r to this \\'Titten V.rit~; them. bur t.vith Chrifl bid them auoid word,~and if thou hauc onctcxc forthy.tnah, g Deur.r 3 . from V5, The ~ Lm•d commanded thadn this make rriorc ~ccolmt thereof, thcn.of all the tc.. 6.:~. C~fe_, Pa'lcntsfbou!J not [par-e tl;tir ,own~ chil. ' !tin1o11ic5 ofcounfcls, f.·uhers) or-.afcn 'Ahatfoe~ dren, 1JOr c!J~ldren [pate th.eir .Pa~·~ms, if they ucr. This inllruCHonis nccdl~ill, for iuna.ybe were tf1fictrs to Idol;ttritJ 1 but their owne hand.r God will fuffer fcduct:rs to try hiS children,:and mufl bu firft.vpDrti~Sfi. ·ro put them (o d..-earh: then) vnlc) they kccp fu re tlus ground ef'faith,. !J•r s-.~iour Chrilt,}•ould not fpar< Peter whe they fhall fi~rcly be fcduccJ, . . h~i~•u•.him)pd coun.fc],to fparc h'im(dfe ftom 1 he text wh~eh Chnfl olleorlgcth for hisanfilffering, rhat which God h;lth ordained for f.y..·cr, is taken <Hit of Dr:\ttr. 6.. 13. where the 'h M:mb.16'. ~im, but J3ith v nto him, h get 6ehm4n;eSatan. I words arc thus tcad; 7hou fhnlt fr~re the Lord :.J. d, S9 t\la~ '!''e ar.cw ithom cx~ufc: ifwe fhal reicC! tlry G8d,a,dfortte him. At the fidi,Jt may fceme i Pr<r.l$1.l.9· . thijcpunfcll of Salomon,,Jirtlrt nomouJh~hl- n· that ~hrifl mifallendgeth that tc_xr,and corrupftr11frion, th.ft cau{eth to en·e from tke words of teth Jt: for wbC'rC Moles fauh, Thorl fod!t k;owled__~;. . J<arethe Lml thJ God' Chrill faith, Tho11 Jhale . Thirdly, hereby we alfo lcarnc how robewor[i>ip tbc Lord rhy God; ond ro the latter part hauc our !Clues cowards Sarhan when bee is Chrifl added\ the. \\'Ord ont'ly; faymg IJtm oJJefJ ·violent ;nd importunate in his. q;mptations p11t!t thoufeme ,for thar·whichMoiCsfaith, and :md affaults, to wit, that howforuer we may ferue,him. But the truth is, her~ is no cquup.tircply .to them out of Gods word \>'\'hen they on, but a moft worthy a!lcg:u:o~, as we thall ;re_rryq~c milde, yet ·wbcn S:mm bcginncs pbit.lcly fee,~fwe confid_cr tV\'0 rhJ_ngs:frfi,t~at therein t.o !'hewhis force and violence we mull Chnll: an.d h1s Apolllcs malleadgmgwe fcnp- . not~.cafon with him: fo·r Chdl1 wonld not enturcs ofthe old tdhmem, did not fo much ref- .qurchi; blafphemic, though he anf\~ crcd his peel the words as the trt1C and prop~r meaning temptations. In fchooles oflc.:~.rninF- it is counofthe place. ~ccondly, that tbcy ofc expound ted afimplc p:'lrt ro hold alw.:~.ics to thc ·concluthe pl?ccs \\·htc~ they a! ledge: & th~reupondo fion:bm in the fchoolc ofChrifl: when the con- (omcmncsvary1n word,bm fhl rctame the rrue r,~CilcC is tO dcalcwith S:ttan, the fafell way is fcnfc and me:wing.So it is in this texr allcdgcd: I by bmh hands of faith to lay fofi hold of the Mofes fallh, Tho11Jl>~i:Jeare rhe Lordrhy God, ---------- vndcr-