Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

M'"'k+ · [hriji and theVeuill. ! :""1·9· I vndcr!hnding by [care, r4igiov.4 4Wc andreue- A u~rno_ur of :tll thin_gs. FounhlyJby a~k.nowlcdrenu: And Chrill Etying,rh!J;JjlJaltwfnjilip oraglllg 1t to be the gnK·r of all good thmgs, the dorethe Lord!!'} God, vndcrHander_h by\\'Ordcfcn?cr:mdd.cliu:rcrfro~ all cuill. ~nd toj Dlip,out\.\'ard adorati6 in bowing of the body; wh::nlocn:r thlllg_m worlh1p a ma~ alcn?~s ~- ~ whereby we tc!lifie the in~.·v:~rd awe and n:ucnyofrhek,to the lame t.loth be af(nbc DJUJ/11- J rcnce of the hcarr, as when we humble our tic, This diuinc worfhip dorh principa!ly confc.lucs to c::Jll vpon God bv prayer. And this {ift in religion and piety; for by rcligion, ...vhtch change ofwords by Chrifl)Crucs for excellent indccdc is Gods IA'Orfhip, and by pietic, due v[c in this place, w wir, to let vs more cl caremen afcribc vnco a thing diuine and religious Jy fee what this tC~rc of God is. ToJear-e God honour, i11 that pllce, is fi·om a rcuercnt awe of the Diuinc worfhip is t~·ofold; Inw::trd in the hc:ac to·.v:nds Gotl, tohumble 3 mans fclfc in mind; orout,vard in the body. lnward diuinc 1 protlr:uing his body befOre the Lord, either to worf11ip is, ._\·hen a man giues his heart and praift God for benefits rcccined,orto pray vnfoulc to any lhing,deuming therero the affedito him for gifts and graces needfull.Agamc.for ons of his heart, as !oue, fearc, ioy,hope,fahh, the \VOrd which he addcth, therin is no fault :tt B and confidence,and that bccaufc he conceiucth all,for the fill fenfc and true meaning ofMofes it tobeGod, hauing rliniuc properties, as omtcxt mull needs include fo mueh, as the Prohinipotencic, infinite ._\·ifedomc,iufl:icc, mercie, I i\'cr!",lJ• ,hjcion. annexed in the vcdc following doth &c. or becing the Creator and Gounnour of phtincly fhC\\': for faying rhotl Jbalt feare the al!; or the giucr of all good things vmo him, Ciuillwl'lf– fl\ir. bi~inc •~o·or· 011p. Lordrh! God, andfeme him: and adding, Thou and his prcferuerfrom all euill. This clcuoting /bait 11ot walk,; after other God1, v. r4· is it not all ofche heart and foule vnto God wirh the faculone, as if he had f.1id, thoujiMlt fer-ste himoncf:J? ties and affeCtions thereof, is the ground :1nd fo that we hauc iull caufC to blcffe God for the fubllance of all diuine worlhip, and indecde true and plainc cxpl:mmg of the words , and can be giucn to nothing but to that v1:hich is not to furmifc the lean corruption in the allcd.. God, or concciued ofas God.Outward diuinc · ging of them. wor01ip is, ..\•hcn a man 11lal any waybow,proNow then for ou~ finthcr inGrth..'lion in this {hat<.", or call downe his bodie to any thing, text allcadgcd, c:onlider t\'I.'O poincs:firll, what thereby to tcflifie, that his minde and heart arc worlhip and fcruice is: fCcondly, to whom it deuoced to it: as that he holds it to be God,to bclongcth.Firll,wor/hip general becokencth,the 1 · be omnipotent, &c, Creator and gouernour, exhibiting andgiuing of reuereNce and honour and hispreferuer,and therefOre he: doth rc:pofc to~~other •. ~his wor.f'n_ip is twofold; Ciuill!or f€ hts trufi and affiancc therein, fct his.loue, ioy, I Dmmt;Ctllll worfhtp ts thac outward reucrcce and feare thercon abouc all other thtngs. And . and honour which OllC man giurs tO another, here WC may ob(crUC a difference bttwcene r~~::~n~~: as by profhating the body, bowing the knee, Ciuill woffbip and Diuinc. By outward ciuill c:·ui! ~~o.dhip &c. The end of Ciuill wodhip is, to tcfHfie & wodhip we oncly acknowledge prchemincncc and<Imine, acknowledge fi.tpcriority & prehcminence in and fupcrioritie in another,in regard ofa'uthoanothcr, either for autboritie and office, as the ritic) ofgifrs, agc, or fiJCh like, But by omward fubie8 worlhipshis king and gouernour; or diuinc wodl1ip we acknowledge diuinity to be for gifts and graces, or for aideage; as inferiin the thing whcreto we bow or pro!lratc our ours-in gifts and yonger in age by due rcucrenc fclues. Againe, we mull here ~lfo remember, muft acknovo.ledge. In this Ciuill m:1nner did that 6utward diuinc wor01ip ferues o'tfe'ly to lacob how himfclfc foauen time1 to hiJ brother rdl:ific the inward, eucn to make knowne '"''hat Ejau, thereby acknowledging him for his fupething it is which we concciuc robe God, and riour'and better, Gen. i i· ~.Thus ::llfo did .Awhcreto we haucdcuotcd the affcCti6ns ofour ln·aham bo1v himfelfebejtJr( the Hittitc.r,Gcn, 2 i. hearts. 7· And Lotvntothe An .. '(e!!s zh:tt came imoSo- . D Thus we .fee \\'hatworfl1ip is, ::~nd the kinds tlom~, taking them to be but men;. Gen. 19. r. thcrcot: And here \oVC mufi vndcrfland our SaAnd int~is ciuill ma.nner it is !awful! to kneele uiour Chrill to mcane, outward dittineworfoip, b~fore Kmgs and ~nnces, to tdlifie our Ji1bicas ifhc 010ld f.1y, thou fl1alr religioufly fi1bmit, Clwn ~nto them_, and Joyall ackno~vledgcmcnt how, or profiratc,thy body vnto God ln pr3ier pf tl~e~rprche1m_ne~1ce oue.r ~s_vnJc:_G?~· and thankfgiuing, thereby teA.ifying th~t thou Dmmc wor011p IS the afcnbmg ot Dwmity hlll dcuoted thy hcarr and foulc vmo him, not to the thing:\·~ hon?r, whcrby we npkc it vnoncly concciuing him to be the diuine effcnce, to vs fome dm1ne th1ng abotlcthc order ofany omnipotent, infinite, &c. but alfo "that chou cr~acure. ~man may afcribc Diuinitic vnro a doell refl and relic on him as on thy Creator, thlll~4·Wat:s:firll,byattributing the Godhead Vl·ho cloth tlleffc thee v,·ich all good things,3ncl vmo tt,or gtuingvmo it fuch ho~nour whereby preferuc thee from all cuill. he ackn.?"~·l~clgcth the fame to beC";od.Second11eGJes this woriliip, Chri!l d_oth mentibn a ly; ~)y a.lcnb1ng vnto it the attributes of God, fcnii 11 it; of' God, which beting diihngui0 1 ed as omntpr~"fcn~c,omniporcncie,to be moH iull, from wor01ip mufl: need~ impOrt fomCmher to know all tht~lgs~ &c. Thi;d/y, by accepting I thing.Sen:icein gener:l!l,is'nothing elfc but the scruice. I & ac.-knowlcd~g_:~be the Creator and Gogiuing a~performing of obedi~tlCe to the 0 oo z com-