Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I 404 ! · The combate betn'eene \ ,H."nrl·+ J--- · 1./, I command.cmcnt of~nothcr.Thi~ fcmicc-i'. t\\'?- \ A Here ~h!:n we ru:~y lcarnc, thaJ: iris not Ja\o\'- 1Vfo. - 1 Abruluteo fold; .tbjolm~, or m part. ..A6Jolme fcrUICC JS, full tO gmc tO Saint or An("lc'll nr any crc::aurc :-;.. crcatur~ when am.J.n obcycs the c.o~nm~ndcmcm. of a- ';h::afocucr,otlt\'\'lrd diuit~c ,;.orO:ip or 3 dor;.1- ;;;::~ ~~:~h\~ norher wtthour any condaton or cxccptlon,& tlon,.,Nhcrcby the in\vard dcuocion ofthe heart \ that not oncly in body out\.'\'ardly, but i~n foule is tdhficd, This text is plainc to the conu~riC', and co~fcicncc, in though~, '-''ill,and affeCtion. and the .rcafot~ we hauc hca~d, bcc:n1fe dininc And thts abfolutc fcruJcc ts pr~pcr to God aprofl:ratmg ot the body to any thing is l rdl:ifi.~ I lone, for we muH ncucr callim commaundccation th:n we o.fcribc Jiuinide vmo it fomc ments into qucHion,buc lookc what God comway; which without rhc guilt o~~ idobtric canmands,and as he commands it, fo mutt we fimnot be done to :my crcarure: for kt a lllr\4:) wor. ply and abfolutcly ycild obcdtcncc thcrno,not fh1p Saint or Angel by prayer or thankfgiuing, onely outwardly in body,bur mwardly in foule and therein hce doth afcribc vnto them fomc land f}1irit tvith the pov\'cr~::md faculties thcrof, proprietic ofthe diuine nature; :ts, to know and in all the affcclions of our heart, s~mice in the heart, to be able toheare, ro hclpe, or (uch l'- ptrt. pan, is that wh1ch is due ro goucrnours and Cu- .B like. The P:~.pifis here fay,thcy doe not thinke I periours from their infcriours in. the Lord: for the Sai1ns to whom they ptay, robe God, nciGod hath giuen power to mag,fir~tcs here on therdoc they ·worfhip them as God. But this earth,to nrakc b.wcs for the good of Clllill c_- will helpc them little; for the D euill moouing I flatcs, in yeclding obcdiena thereunto, thc1r Chrifl to yceld vnto him outward diuinc worinferiours muft doe them feruil:c; yet notabfo":' ll1ip,neuer meam,that Chrifi fhould adore him lucely, but with re!haim, to wit, in the Lord, for God,but onclyddired,that by this outward (o f.1.rrc forth as their commands agree '"''ith the adoration of pro{lrating his bodic before him, v:ill of God, and!Te not his command. Ch~ifl would acknowledge him to be the giucr Againe our obedience vnto them is in body & of tbcfc kingdon1cs(for he dmfi not be [o bold outward conuerfation : indecdc we mufi from as abfolmcly to defireto be wodhippcd . for the heart ycdd feruice and obedience vmo God) and yet Chrilt tells hin1, that OlltW:lrd them: but yet the confcicncc:: properly cannot diuinc vyorfhip,cuen in refpeCtof the <'lcknov·: ... be bo.und bymens lawesj they oncly concerne lcdgmenr of fuch a gift,iS proper rO god alone. the outward man in fpCech, ge!lure, and beh::tAnd ycrthc Church of Rome doe giue vnto uionr. Now of thefe two kinds of feruice, our I Saints, that which the Deuill demands and Sauiour Chrifi (pc3keth here, offimple and ab- ~ ChriH denies by appropriating it vnto God:for folutc fcruicc, whereby both fOulc and bodie they make fcuerall Saints ddiuercrs ~nd pratewith all the powers and parts thereof yeild ab- ,C Clors from fcuerall difeafcs and dat,gcrs: as the folutc obedience and fubieCHon to the will and I Virgin Mary " from fhipwracke;S~Roch b from :a ~ftvl•1.i~~ commandcmcnt of God. . the pdHlcnce;Raphacl c from fore cies;dApol- 1 d~~.~~u~~~· V\te fee what worfhip and feruicc is here relonia from the tooth-ach; And c Cath:uinc; for b Mi!f:alt& quired: Now we mull obfcrue the pcrfon to all manner ofaffliCtions. Ye:~. they make them ~:b:~~i:;s;ir. "vhom the is to be giucn, in thcfc worc.Js: patrons and proteClors ~f V\' hole countrfes and ~~h~~ntio "''"he Lord thy God. Diuine \oVor{hip ... vhethcr in- ·kingdomes,as s~int lames for Spaine; s. DevU c Ahn.Cop. ward or omward, and abfolutc feruicc of the for Frasmce, S:~im Patrick:_e fOr Ireland, &c. ~~~~~~:~~m. whole man,o1u!l be giuen to no creature, AnNow fith Jn~ny a one m~y giue a kin-gdome, concil.Trid. gel nor man, be theyncucr fo excellent, but to that C3nllot defend it, lct.:~ll men iudge,M•he- ~:r;~~·~~· the true God alone. The fcopc ami drift of the thcr they doe not giue more vmcrS~ints, fana. firH and (eoon.d commandcments, is to bind cthen Satan demanded to be :leknowledged vn... , c Iac.dcV(}otJery man to giuc fo much to his God, and to to him by our Sauiour Ch·rifl: yea they make ~~~~;.ur.lcg. beware of giuing the fame to any other bcfidcs tl1e1:.1 intcl·ccffors for the procuring of·the fa- / the Lord. And the pr3cHfc of the good.Angel not>rofgod,&: life et><rhfiing:they cal theVir· I alteu. 1,,10, that talked with ~ Iohn, doth fl1cw the fame t,in Mar_.'l,th(. ~UI!cofHcaHcn,and pray to her thing,for when John f~l before his' feet to wor- D that by rhc :lllthoritie of a mothcr,.fl1c would fhip him, rhc Angel r~ld, fu thou doe it not:--- I commaund her fonne to hcare their prayc_rs; worfoip Gud. Where we fee rhc good angels do ,..,·hich is to make Chrifi a puny ':lnd vndcrltng flriue for the furtherance ofGods right in thcic vnto her; which arc grcac-er ma-trcrs then the duties) howfocucr this wicked fpirit tempting ,Jifpofing ofearthly kingdomes. J:?crc th~y fay, Chrill, doth herein fcckc Gods great difgracc, th3t they may cloe that to the glonou~ SatntS 10 And thus we may perceiue .that Chn fls apply- ! hcaucn, which is don~ to c~rthly Pnnccs; for ing of this text agaidl Sath:ms rcn1ptation is men adore them, and m thc1r :~bfencc fa!! dow.n mo!l pregnant; for Satat~ requiring of C~r~!l befo~e their ch.aires ~fefbtc.-:1~[. T he adorau~ the profiratiug ofhis bo~1c b.efore the D~u11,m on .gmcn to ~nnces,1s. but <1 cmtl a~kno.~ledg:- tokcn that he did wor011p h1m as the g:uel' of menr of the~r prchemm~nce: andkne~lm,gb:cthofc kingdoms which he offered vmo Chrifl, fore ti.1c cha1re ~fc~atc~Js.oncly a. tefhmon~ of is iuflly rcpulfcd by this ce:xr,whic:h bindcrh. clo}:llnc and fubJeEt~on;a IS not dJrcClc&ro·tbc ucry man to giuc outward diuine wo:fh1p, PnnccspcJ .fon ?ccm~ :'l?fent, but onclyfe:- the inward worfhip of the heart 1digucth to tdhfic h1s fu~JeCt.lOn to that .au.t.hon· nificd, to,aJ~d not t~ ~ny crcat~:c. ___!itic aud p~wer \Nh1ch IS fet oucr hun m the I.ord;