Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I ;;;;J,.4-.I---·-- ·---· verf.Io. _ ------------------,----___,~----~--~~· _ _c_ ) Lord; there is no diuine propriccy ;1fcribcd by A t~cir hands·, becai.1fc their htir-;dt were j;t-1/ Of I . either of thcic vnto the pcdOn or authoriry of blood. v. I 5. Re.1d /lfich.t- 6. v . 6. 7· 8. The th,cPrincc. But now in bowing dowoe to pr:~.y offering of facrificc \Vas a fpcciaH part ot" warto Saints, there is religious adoration gwcn fhip vnder the Law, and yet though a man them, for therein be aicribed vnto them rbefe nwuld bring for his r~crificc tl:)(mfl:nds ofl diuinc properties, that they can lmow d1c h:1n, Rammt>;, or tCnne rhoti{a11d riucr.r of o}~, 'Al'f hc:tr<.";!lnd he!pc :1farrc off,pray for them in p.:trrh_ong!1 be brought his firjl bonJc, the fmiu ~f ticular, and fuch like:; by all whi,h Cod isrobbu botfre for the jim:c of hi-5 fo;t!e, ycr all is no-~ bed of his honour. thing wii:hout ti':fticc, mercie,bumMing him/elfe, And though \\'C the Papi{h fnr tlfldwa!kjng Withbh God, vcrf: s~ Let vs thcrcgiuing to Saints t.liuinc worfhip, yet we nmfl fore tCruc god finccrcly in our conucrfations,as bc\.varc of de(pifing theSaints ofGoci in Hea.. we feeme to honoJJr him in duties of religion; ucn: fonherc is dblt vmo them a threefold holet vs f11cw the fCarc of God in our liucs; for nom: firil, rhankfgiuing w God for them, who "'·odl1ip Wl~hout fcruice, is like the cmti11g of( inabled thcrn by his gifts and graces, to be in ofa do..( I ht4d, or ojfcringfw;nnJlejb, &c,:.s Jfai. rhcirtimcs, fpeciall inflrumencs of godd vmo B 66. 3· whic:h is an abhominadon to the Lord. GoJs Church. Secondly,"''' are to carric a reThirdly, obfcruc that Chrifi addcth or.ely ro ucrent dlimation of therh bccing now in hea.. Mofcs words, for the better de~riilg of Mofrs ucn,as ofthe freinds ofgod, and temples ofbis meaning; which may feruc for our iufi defence holy fpirit. Thirdly,we arc to fo!low rhccxam. againfhhc Papills; rhey blame vs greatly for ple of their godly c6ucrfations in the dmks of ·~caching that a man is iufHficd by faith,fay~ godlincfi'c: Bur from giuing vnto them diuinc mgthe word one'J, is not in any place afcribc.d worG1ip we mufi carefully ab(bine. to iufHficationby faith. We anfwer, in all the Worll!ipof· Againc, if the diuinc V\'Orfi1ip ofSaints be tefiament rhis wordone!y is not ioyncd to this J:~!~~tvn· hc::c condemned, then much more is the worcomrm.nd, Thou fhalr worfhip the Lordthy God 1 {hipping oftheir reliqucs: then alfo is their i-nttndforuehim, and yet Chrifi faith, it Uwritten, fiituting and obfcruing fafling daycs and holy him 'me!yfoa!t thouferue, becaufc the rdl:r:1int dayes vnro their Saints here iuflly r.eprooucd. a.n.d inhibiti~n annexed, from gluing this warNeither can our Church herein be condemned fl11p and fcnuce to a.ny other, doth in effcC1 iJ~- wi_rh them, though we retain the names offi1ch elude onely;euen fo,thougb in letters and fyHadaies among vs, bccaufe it is for another ende; blcs we doe not finde rhis word o;:IJ. adioyned our falls are mcercJy duill on fuch dayes; and tO this ft·mcnce, man if ;1tjJijied~y fllith; yn be- f our holy dayes turned from the ador,ation of caufe ofth~ rxdufion of"'orks vfiJa!l~ annexed Saints to the feruicc ofGod, \Vhcreon alfo out 1 C to that phrafe, as that, we are iujlified 6y f.:ith confcicnce knows her liberty giuen ofGod for without the workp oflhe Law, Rom. l• ' 8. and honcft labour in alawfnll calling as neede reare iujlified free!J. by hu grace, v. '4· and1hat quires. a man is not iujlified by the work.!s oflhe Law,but Funher,ob(cruc how Chrift here ioynesrhe hyfaitl., Gab.I6 heroupon I fay we may hold worfoip of God~nd the femicr ofGod rogerher: andreach,and rhattrucly,accolding ro rhe true reaching vs not to content our [clues ..,·ith dofcnfe thcreof~/ollowing Chrifis example in this ing the duties ofGods worfllip,but withall we placc,that the Scripture faith, amanU iH.flifud mutt yecld vmo himabfolure fcruice and obe• h; faith onelJ. dicnce.Men commonly thinkc chey haue done La!Hy, from this con1mandcmCnt we mufi enough, if ot1 daics appointed they come to Icarne our duty touching gods fcruice: in wOrd the Church, and there perfornJ< outward worwe will all acknowledge our felucsto b·; his ihipvnto God in hearing che word, in prayer, feru::mts, bur if herein we w!ll approoUe our omd rec:ciuing the Sacraments; there,I confc{fe felucs, to be his feruants, we muLl rcfoluc and be worthy Workcs, if they be \V ell performed: , labour to yecld vnto him abfolure obedience, but herein is the common errour, that when ! aswc1linhearr,mind,will,andaffeCtion, as in they haue performed this outward "''orlhip, ' D outward conucrfation.The cod of the rninilkthcy make no conf<icncc ofabfq[fltrfervice, rhe I ry ofthe word i"lotondy ro reforme rhe,~ur- :~;::~ ;~~;~~ ~~::~!;fi:~~~J,':~'~,:;~:~i;'s;:::~~ I :;fidn~:a~~ ~b~ r;;:t~:::~e; r;,:J':;:,~~1 ::~~; ~~;:or-Io, f.ifl:, either idle or vniuHly,by ti·aud :llld dtffcm~- captiuitie emry tho;f!.ht to the o6edience of bling:but feuer nOt thou reruicc from \'\'orfhip, Chrifl. And this is done when aft('r true rcpenwhi.chChritl hath ioincd togcthcr,lcH Cod fay I ta11ce a mancndcuouretb to yceld vrfto God J vnto thee for thy wor{hip as he did once to the totall obedience, :md that fiom the whole man ~u..,~4·1·S· Iewes,:: lvly fou!ehateth )'OUr 11erv mqonn, and in foulc and body and fpirir, not for a time,but yrmr appomtedfeaf/s, thqarc a hurden vnto mn, I continually. j &c. What.' doth God hote th~t wor!l,ip himV .11. 7hen the Veut!l left [eJ~c ~ppomtc?? no, but h~ hates the fcuering I r:J I of tt fro!n fenuccand obeoiencc,whercin they I him , and hehold the f!Anf1et/s I I Chould t11c\\'c foonh to their brethren Iouc 1 0 f . i_nn_,_,.c_,:....'_"_d_,,_.,ec:.'.:.:'i.:ce,_; .::h:..:ce:..:':.:-c.:.:ie~t1~'.:.:':::ll.:.:"~'':.:::'.::i'::<.:.a~;.:.. ' __.:...:.c..:.a:..:m::...:.e and mwiftredvr, to htm• 1 - O_~_o 3 'fhciC. .,.:_____ (hrifl and theVeuill.