Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ 406 1 7"he combate betweene \ Mnrih.~. I wrj.11. ~ Thcfe V..•ords comanlc the thwJ. pan of tins ·A firlt Adam was tempted and ouc 1 come lhrreiH; I--- : ft.~~~~~~~r· · defcripuon of Chrdls tcmpt3.tiOns; to wu,thc Sathan prcu:tiled in that conOitt and brinns I 'I tation$, happic cucnt and iffuc thcrcof)in Chritlsglorihim clptiuc intohis kingdomc,ha~1 fpin·c~. , ous viCtory ou~r the Tempter; which is the :1lly taken polfc!Tion of him.The tCcond Adam I I prindpal parr,wherein confiHs the m::tinc comis tempted alfO, bm the Dcuill c:Jn find c no tOrt ofGods church;for as in rcmptltion Ch1ill mcan.cs whcrby to prcuaifc wich him: theprince fl:.ood in our roornc :md Head, fo is this vitl:orie o( tbu 1vor!dcomrnnb, bm bath ncmgl;t in mee, I not his alone, but the viClory of his Church. f:mh ChnfL Ioh, 14. 30. llm aftn hisaffault is \ I This iffue cont::lincs t\ 1 \'0 p:urs. Firfl, S::ttans defaitlC to flic away. , parting from him. Secondly, the rnini!lcry of Funhn in this departure frO ChriA note two good Angels vnro him. circumibnccs : rvhenSar:in departed, :md for ! Forthe firll, then tbe de~~i!! him: that is, howlo11g a time, Fidl, when hee departed is no1 after that by tfpt::ttiOOS he C.puld llOthing pretcd in this \>YOrd thm, that iS :tfter the third uailc, then he berakeshimfclfc to flight.In this temptation; ..,,,hen ChriH in Indignation for his appcares the vnfpcakc::tble mercic of God vnro bl:tfphemy ag:~.inllGod,h:td faid, At:tJidSa:an; his Church, in mitigatin~,and in due time put- B &: wi~hall had anfwerC'd his rCpt:ttion out ofthe ons thereof; fm~ the ca(c of Chri£1: the head in Firfl, that the bell way rovanquifi1 S~tan is c;neS:m.n I ring.anend vmo the affliCtions and temptari- . 1 written wordjthcn h(\dep:ms.Hence v·,l(: leun, this confliCt, is the cafe :md condition ofall his to giuc him no ground, but w wirhfbnd him 1 nogrouuJ. members. Now herewe fee what a gr:nious if ... I manfully at the firfl: 1am.4·7· Rcfifl theDo11ill •fuf: the Lordput to thefe affaults of Sathan; in 1md heew,/l flie, Now Sarha\1 is refilled, when I duc.tfme his enemic flies: and fo will the Lord from our hearts we c:til our foules on the prodeale in all themiferics ofhis Church,::thd chilmf[es ofGod comeined in hisword,and in the drcn: God prorni'fcth to Dauid concerningSa- ,..,·hole courfc of our liues pray for thength of a 2.Sain.7. jlomon, , thJt if hejinne,hc tvi!Lchafti{e him wilh grace to lland againll his afCwlts; \Nhctcby ·we 'i· I the roddu of men, and with the plagues ofthe may fee the great error and deceit ofthofe,who chtfd.-cn ~fmen: that is, with fi1ch punilhments accompt of Satans ren1ptations :ts offits ofmeas he 01all be able to be-are,!mthis mercie he rvi!l bncholic, and think they may be rcmooued by I not tltk_tftcm him. The Prophet Habacuck in mulickc, mcrric company, and fuch likC'; but his complaintagainftthc \o\'rong & violence of chcfc arc no weapons to driuc away the Dcuill. the wicked done to the ~uH:, is fOmcwhat tmpa~ Secondly, this alfo fhcwcs their dangerous time rowdlrds God for hu dei4J, Heb. r. 2. 3· I courfc who yccld to S:nhans temptations for a I Therefore in the vifion afterward fhcwed vmo ,C time, raking their pleafurc in their yomh,'pur– him, hcc iS bid to waitc for de!iucrance, for I pofing to refill himwhen they arc old, and tt!C though it tarry, yet it jha.llforely come, andj!Jtdl \ to repent; toomany take this courfc, but i:t is notJfaJ, Chap.>. l· ThusPaul comfortcth the fcarefull: for thus doing, they fer open all tht I Chriflian Corinthians, GodUfaith[ufl,a,dwttl doores of their heart to the. Dcuill, and fuffqr notfiifferyou tohrteinpted ahoue that which yee himtorakequietpoffeffion, little co~fid(!ting areahlc to heare, !nu will giflc an iffue with the that it is beyond cheirpowerto difpO!fdfchim tcmptarion,that]emay he nMe tobeare it; I .Cor. :~.c their plcafure: For indrecl hereby they bel s R'(IV,u. 8. 1o. I 3. The bodies ofthe trYo Prophl'tl 1vho j Come like to a man that isJicke of the dtopfic, '' 10 • wwe flaine for the teftimMic ~f the Lord lefiu, I who the more he drinks,the more he defircs:fo -are fitjfcred to lie in the flrcetet vnburied, for he that willingly g!u.cs pl:tcc to Sarans tempt.arhre~daynandan ha!fe, rhat is. fOr fome lhort tion, the more he hnncs, the more he may; tor rime; which becing expired, tl1e fpirit of life j the longer he iJsrcmpted,the more by yeelding CoinWii»gJromGod(ha/lenter into them, and u- ! is he wcakenc ,and thegrearer is the danger of uine them; then fMrc !hall tak.f thei1· enemies, I his rndlcfTc confiJfionahcrforc lcarnc ofLhrifi lmt the;{ball ~fcendvpto hea:ten, and theirene- ! to relift betime. miu (h~tll foe it. All thefc doe pbinly manifcfl D . Secondly, in this circumltance, note that Gods great mercy, in giuing a gratious ifTue to when ChrillrebHketh Satan& bidshim auoid, the troubles of his children,yca by good cxpche departs,and is pr.efcntly gone.\.Vas this any ricncc we may fee the truth hereofin the h3ppy venue'in Sar:tn that he Uoth thusre::tdily depart i{fuc that the Lord hath put to the mofi feareat Chrifls command? no verily, though he ofull temptati0ns C'!f fimdry in ourrime, who bey, it is not prai!C-wonhy : for ~bcd:ence is h:aue bel"ne exercifcd therein, Come for a yeare rwo-fouldl voluntary, and confhall)Cci;volunor two, other for longer time cucn m::tny years rary, when rhe creature doth Gods conunapd togcrhcr,and yet in the end h:mc fuog the fong v.:ithout compullion, thus Adam did before his of ioyfull deliucrance: it m:1y be fame ofGods fall. :1nd all holy ones that arc iuflified and children bearc rhe Croffe to their dying<lay, fanCl:ified doe thus in p::m in this lifc.Conllraiyct rhe Lord ftlllaincs them in it byhis grace, ned obedience is, \\hm the creature is made and in the end lhewcs ~hemmercy and peace. to obey God,wil he n~l he, Thisislike to the . 1 Secondly, in this dcpnrturc of Sat<Hl from obedience ofrebels, \\ho bcci1.1g ~m;cl:cd:md C'Hifl, we tn:l.y ohferue a not;'lblc difference arraigned for their trcafons, m luffe1_J11g arc. bcn,\'ccne the firft Ad::tm, and the iCcond. The mz<!c to obey the Princes!awes, And 1uchwas j thi<; Su ::tnsobc· dienceisi!O! commca.da· bl~