Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

! -~~ltlh+ 1 v~rf.I r. !·-- Chrijl a11d the 'Dertiil. .:.;__::_::.::...:.._= this obedience of Satan, fOrced ~·po·n him by in t~mpcation, that he t1rall tric bnt,t,e is{·Or!J- : the powerful command ofChriH,,vbo ispriucc ken of G od, and D1all be damned ; \\ hm as 11~- ~ 2nd Lord ofall crcarurcs.And this ts to be mar.. dccdc he !till rcmaincs the drcrc child ofG od, I ked, that when ChriH giucs fOnh his pov ..'n..: :.::s C.hrift our Sauioutdld GoJs wt!bdOucd it! ! full command, then Saran muft obey whether the dccpclt afilults ofSatan.And r.hCrCfore the· l he will or not. This is cuidcnc by his manifold rc!;!tiori publifl)cd ofFrands Spi:ra liis dcfprta- . F:. ~p-t:i: difpoffcilions ofrhe vnclcanc !pirits, .. -.ho came don, d~rh inconlidcratcly raxc him for :.leaHa.!·! A!;"'d grn11n!l:\o £1io(l: dc– lplire, fonh at hiscommand, though theyaccomptcd ~~:l)'iCOn~idni:lg th~t t10rhingbdt.l him in thr! I him as their tormenter. Now that \.vhich here t.1mc cfh1s ddpcrauon but that whtch rn·:ty be- l befalls the deuill,fhall one day be 7crcficd ofal f.-loll the chi!dcf God : yea o·ur ownt l~nd tan wicked men; if they will not now obey God afford 11'J;1r.y examples wh'ich march Fr<rnds') willingly, \o\'hilc in the miniflcrie of the word Spira, 1,\·hethcr we rcg:trd the tn<Ht{'f of his [ he bids thcl11 rtpcnt rmdbcleeue the Gofpcl; they tcmpr:ttion, or the d.ccpcneffc of hi·sdcfpenftf.1 fhal one day be c6pcl!ed,cucnat the Jreadfi1!1 on, v·:ho yet throgh the niCrcy ofdod hauc re.·;· 1 day of iudgement, will they ni!l they', to n'bcy c~iued cot~Jfort.Aihi thcrt.?rc in tl'us c~fe, chri·- r that wofull voiccofChrill, Dep~rtfi'ammeey e E !han chanty muH euer bmd vs to thmkcand' curfedintoeueritJjfingfirc,Mat.'!).4t.1nreg2rd I fpe:aketha bdf.. . whereof, we nmfl- cucrbe cardidl, no\'\' in the 1 tallly. Satans dcparting~pon th~ ctJtHI'ig of d:ty of gracc,toyeeld vnto Chri!l: voluntary & thefc three rc-mprations,gJUes v~ to vnderHand I cheerefull obedience, vmo :tll his commandcthat ho\\'foeuer the deuil abound \o\'ith tempta-· ments both ofthcL:lw aod Gof})ell, lc:ttl one tions of all forts, yet rhcfe duce arc the .sromH~ daywe be confl-ralncd to obey in going to our of all, and the moll principall temptations thnc ] endcldl'c woe:: Sadun who is a Satan hath;for in this combatc he did his vvorP.-, . 1 • fironger then man, coUld not refill his po~;vcr, and Chewed the violence ofhis rage and Wrarh. how then fhall we -th:tt arc but dn(l and al11es And therefore it will be needful! for vs to take l £land before fo .2r.t':it a GoJ ? fpcciall notif'e oft0em: 1 a-s atfo ofChriHs repo!.: f Thts c1rcumftance of time tsmore htlly nofcs gincn vn'to thcni,t&at f~ we may be the bn21 ttd by S. Luke, faymg, and when tbe DeHIII ter armed againH them arx:ithclikc. Thusmu~<W httd ended all the temprat:on, bee departed (rom fOr the time whenSaran departed. . him: \\'hereby thus much is fignificd, that look The lccond circumfl:tncc co~chirighis d'cpat... what ~nowlc~gc,craf[,or power the dc.ui! had., I tu re is., for ho ...\' lon-g the detlifl I'e.ft him, noted' that dtd hce unploy to the vrtcrmofi m rhelc , by S:unt Luke, not for cuer, but for a [n{o1t; tulo,1'.ft< temptations before he left our Sauioor Chrift. C ' Some may fay,v\·c do not find that Satan temp .. Whereby it appeareth that Chri!l wastemptcd I tcd Chritl e"er after this,faue onely vpOtHh~ in the highdt degree and meafurc rha:t Sathan croOC, wherehccfpoi!edprmcipalitiuandpowcrJ, poffibly could attain vnto: herein did the deuil Coloff. >. t 5· Anfw. The DcuHI tempts men· !hew the e>:trcmitie of his fraudc and malice atwo "Vai-cs; fometimc by himfclfc,as hedjd out gain!l Chri!l; which further nppearcs by this, Sauiout Chri!l in this place, and vpon tho that the Angels of h..-:auen came a:nd miniflrecl croffc, andourfirft mother Euc in the: garden/ vntohim for his comfort.; fo as though Sarhan Gen. 3. ' . fomerime by men whom he vfet!~ a:;J could not taint the facrcd heart of our Sauiour his intlrumCts; thus he tempted AJam·by liYt'- 5 Chr-ifi: with the lcaH fpot of finne; y~t in thcfc and lob by the Cha.ldc:ms and ~abeoms th3t ! tcmptations,Chri!l: was troubled with the fame robbed him, and byhis f.~inds -..dlo fought to forrowes, gricfes, and vexations which Gods drawc ·htm from hisintcgritic) Iob.27. 5.ikiw childrenvfually feelc in their temptations: The though ChriH ·were not often :ltier this tcrnP? confideration whereof fcrucs for fpeciall vfe. tcd illl\llCdiarc:ly by the Dcuil,yct by s~uans ii'{.J Firlt, to kccpr:: {lll Gods children from defl:rumentsh~c w:.~s ma.ny t.imcs fore affau]tcd to fpaire i-r1o thcgrcatefl extremity of their temp- D the gricfofhis hearr,as by the Jews ,the ScribeJ, rations,Cuen when they flKtl feele _their con(ciI :1n.d Pharifes,Jlerod,:md Pontim Pilttt, whore.; I cnce(as it were) fct on an Iron rukc,. :~nd t11c "-1uired figns ofhim,mocked ~pcrJ!:cuted him. I flalhi"ngsof hell fire already kind·lcd jn I Here we may fee a norablc pan erne of the foulc~ for Chrifi: Icfu::: thchc!:ld of the Church Haec (If gods church :lt.t·.lchildren in this world, \t\'as tempred by SJtan in the 1ighdl degree, (o tOr Jooke ar; Chrilt their hrad is fore tempted, as the Angells c:unc to mini(kr comfon vnto a.ncl then let alone, ~nd yet bur for a fCafOn, belhim, and yet he fiill remained the wclbe1oued ing tempted agaiilc by Satans intlrumcms; fo , I fonnc ofGod ; and fo may any of God~ chi!- f<Jreth it wi[h them, one ~..vhile they arc cxerci- 1 <lrcn remain Gods deere clcCt,euen then fed with aur.ward temptati'ons,. and ;tnothcl' I th~ violc~ce of Sathan {hall fceme moll to prcwhile with inwnrd alf:-tulcs;r,!len through Cod.g { U:llk ag:unH them. mercy tl1cy hauc frccllomc ror a(c::~fcn; but :1f- ; . Secondly,this rc:lchethvs to ft1pprcffe allr::~fh tcrward Sat::ln cOJnes vpon themagaine, cithe;; I 1 iudg~n;cmin our fclucs; of all fi.tch as Dull be b-y hi.mfclfc-~rbyh~s infhumems : which mutt I 1 .. ! ~xcrCI!:d ~?Y S~r:m in cxtrc:ame ren~p_tations: teach vs wik\1... mu:: i~ rcganl of.rhc H::tc ofom j · for oft It w~ll f.1d out that the confc1cnce of owuc Church 1n partlcu!ar,to w1t,th:1t '~-\'..C mu,ll 1 j f G~~i~~~·aB be f0 exceedingly tormented not dre:unc of :1 perpt'tuall freedomc from \ --------~- 0 oo 4 trial_h~~~-~