:.u.,u''+ 1 CbrVl ztid thr 'Deui/t. -~ _. _._.______ ) 4S9 f •vrr[rr. . ; _ ___ I ~ -- ~ rh:n [ 0 their m1LH{kru:n11ghtb~ rhctnOJC con·- A }'!'~:..le •Jnto rhe dconh, bcfctc he cbt~ld fln,fh ! ! fortable vnto bun· as lt 1s 11kC'>thc Dcllll :1rpr2 - ~· tht \.Hnkc of our hfc · yea bets tcmrtcd by Sa_- I 1 cd 1 n fOmc tl,::~pc for Ch11!b grtatl't reum.nn ! ran hcturc he i's comforted by the Angels;wofc h 1s rcmptatJons, , rhrrcfo1 crhat '' ere nci.!Cl ttn'lprcJ)hat:c ycr nd • Go.J",n In this cJrcumlhncc of t1mc, we n.ay oh-, fd !u·~ f1•(p 111 hl.s affitCbons, they~ haue not bt: ~7;;;~~~~:'~\r. fc 1 uc :1 \\Ot J,c- ofG0ds p:oull~ Ctl(C v'!' Jth he g<.~nnc a•)y co•1tor•n.nc \\ flh Ch<Jll, lo asH 11 ,iefromhis plcnfcth to cxcrcl!c 111 Lhc nw_c o~· rcmp_r;.~uon j ~ Hhc t!H'}· ~u_c ih!l bonc!f1~11.n _\'llto S;;tat1t f_or 1f : ,hildrcn. vpon his owncchildrcD: t_o \\"lt, for a mnc to I t.!1cy h:"td ck_<'!ptd our o f hts in_arc, tlH·y !hould hide hi smcr(ic fi·om t_hcm, Wlthdnl\'.ing t_hc ~ ~ fcdc his 3~:ndts t~ ge-t t_hcrh ~~~ ~go.inc :_in r~.: . fen fib le fcc!i~1g ofhis f~:10r.!hus h.e dt~lt .,.,:nh i f;:u·d hcrcot 1he_ cbJ!d of <?od ts cou~h;jtncd t~ I his bcloucd Ionne Chnlt ~dus ,dunng tt1et!m~ 1 1)ucklc hard ~-vnh Satan 1_n t~mpt_:J.tt_on, ~nd to ofSat:lllSviolent rcmptattotH,he concealed fro ., · pr::y m:my a tlme tO be dchucrcd from tHs bnf~ himthcfCnliblc affi!1~ncc cfthe ~11inill~t~c of l ~~ting._ And in~eedc howfo_cuer fOr therHe~ his Angels, they l11ew not thcmiclues ul: Sa1 i<:nr thti be not Joyom,yt:t they m~j cc1:nt 1t e.\"- , tan is deparred. And (ofareth it mo.ny times B c:edir.ggrtat/r,l-rdnl'jje, a:. the c ./:.'po/fle fa.ith~· ci:~:n. 1 ,,., with Godsdccre childrc~1, vpon v;hom he be- I I nor Ondy for this mail of their fJith "'hieh Howcs the good graces of his fpitit: as a nourb1 ingnh tOnh p:lticncc,but alfo bccaufcherein ciog-mothcr to try the affeCtions of her child, they become lik.c \~nto ChriH in his hmnili:.ui~ will fomctime hide her fclfe from it, Jca.ue it aon, ""'"hi eh m:~.y giue thcrna!li.trancc that thry> lone:, and fuffer it to take a knockc or afall : fo fhall be like him in glone: d for if rra be def1t! J ~ Tir:t2.. wiil the Lord leaue his children to thcmfelucs r11irh Chri/r, we(hall dlfoliue wirhh:r-4, and if tu 1 n .Li. and concealc from thetn the figncs of his faJi:fcr, 1v~ Jhi!llal(o rAi,tnewith}Jim, Adde fuJthcr : uour.fuffering them to be buffeted tn tcmptatithat theiCmen that neuer felt the a{l~ults ofSa.. \ on fOr a t.ime, th:u they m.ay finde ther~by what ta~1,~re a~ yet vnde~· a mdfi: fco.refuU fud~emcnt' \ thcy~nc 111 thcmfclllcs wtthout Gods grace, & of God m ba.rdneflcofhea~·t. \i\'hcn Chnll feed· by fcding the bitte-rnes ofth:n cLlate, the more fiue thouf~nd n_1cn with~fiue loau"cs and tWO' td hu.nger and thirft after hls grace and fauO'ur, fif11CS 1 c h'u di.flributed it~} the hand1 of hi1 dif c r-.i:~t.6 ·it· the more ioyfully and thankfi1!ly to cn1hraco it ciplcs; But after it is faid, they p}rceiuednot thU when it is rcneucd, and the more carefully to maturofthe /o;-~Hu, and this reafon is l"Cndrcd, kccpe it all the do.yes oftheir lif{-, \'Vhat made 6ecaufo thetrheattJ wereha.rdned~ verf. 52. And Dauid to accompt (o highly of the courts of C fo it is v.:ith checn that neuer fccle the ternptatiaPlalSf.l• Godshoufc, as that he cfleemed the filly a 6irdJ ons of Satan, for he gocth abOut continu:dly, 1>3· hAppy that might 611ild thetrnefh 6y Godsa!t~tr, likearo.aringlion ft:cking whomhcmayd~- bm his banH1unent thence, by the perCecution uome; as they whofe hearts :itc not hardned da of Sauljwhercin he was conflraincd to rcmainc \\'ell pcl"ceiue. To eoncludc.tbcreforc, let thefe bPfal.llO•S· in bM ejbech, and to dwell in the tents of Ked.1r? men whq yet neut:r felr in thcmfCJues tl1efc afAnd (o when the people ofgod were in Babcl, faults of Satan,vnfainedly cndeuourto change ~~Pf~l.ll7· 1• .. ~~;:rh!~d1o~:;;o~~~~':J~~o~~e:ht~1 ;; cdc;e;:_ ~~;c~~~~f~~~ ~~i~!~~i~:gb!ui~~~1~r~~~~~~~t~d~ falem; . let f tongue cleaue ro the roofc of le.t them giuc tt1emfelues fin.c9rcly to the exermy momh,if pr;iferrcnot Ierufalem to m; chiefe dfe of prayer for the remoouall of thcirfloni.e· ioy. / hearts, and the renuing vmo .them hearts of But·Yntorhany,thls doChine oftc:mpta"ri"ons f\dh, let them hearc the worE~, ::md doe the" will fecmc to finall purpofe, nay ~ltegnhc·r fame; and therr they will fhorrly fing anan~cdle~c, for that ~hey ncuer felt ~ny fu.d1 cot~- D ~h-:r f~ng. , to wit; that whofOeu.er Jvi/1 liuegodly I filets \-\'Hh the Demll, they def.e htmfrom the If 111 Chrift lifm, muft fuffer temptations, and he hearts; and they trull: to God nem•rto be trouaffi!u/redby zhc Deui/1; and then·will they finde . bled '\Nith him: this i'i the common dlatc of th:n this d?Chinc is i?e.cdf~l~,yea they wil ble!fe.l moll men ( thofe oncly excepted who h:~ue felt ged for th1s work ofhls fpmt, that eaufed thcfe 1 how hard a thing it is trucly to rcp~nt and betemptations of ChriH to be fo panicularly re.. 1 1 lc:cue) thus to hldl'c themfclues tn a carnaH cor.ded, with his happy i£fu·eand viCtory ou~r peace; but filly (ooJfcs, they kno·w not thdr ·them all, not onclyfor himfelfC", but foraU .hjs I own hearts, nor the fc:treful cafe i~1 which thCy me-mbers, that in their tcmptadons they may fiand; for all the true members ot Chrifi muH lookc vnro lefus,I('afi rhcy fhould faint in their I be made conformable vnro their head; now he minds, for i;: that beefitffered, andw~tJ templed, I :w.u confocrated the Prince of their firlvtttitm hu i.J t~blflttfi~ccrJ:tr tht>m that .-1re remptt'd, He!i.- through affli[f.ons, Hcb. 2. 1.0 .. his foulc was :.18. I Rom, 16. 20. The Get! ofpe,:u:e jlJaUtrettd Satan vr.dery~JIYfNrt fborrly. The,~ra~e of our ! Lo>·d If[ m Chrift be wirh JOI<. Amrn. FINIS. I __ _ _