~~ . T 0 T H E R I GH 1- 'v 0 R S H I P F li L L , M Y V E R I E worthie and Chri!l:ian friend> Syr IFilliam qee, Knight,one I of hu~aieflieJ Honowab!e C ounjellin the:J\(orth, 'R.ecorder of the Townes ofBmer!yand H"fl, and oneof his M1ieflies lu!lices of Peace ill the E:jl-ridi11g cf the CotmtieofYorke, atrueftil'lld of learning, and pietie; and to the vertuous, and religious Ladic his wife: Grace and Peaceft"om God,& c. . Mongfl the many reafons (Wor!11ipfu1! Sir,) which hauc perfwaded mee that Popcrie cannot be the true Religion ,'this is not the leaf!! rhe iofilffi– ciencie of their doctrine offaith and rcpentante:which tWo things though they be the cheife and principall points in Religioil; ~nd fo nuellilrie, that be;who dorh not, both know,an~ pracbfe tho,marighr,can neuer be faued: yet I dare auouch, that rhefaith and repetitance ofthe ·R(imifh Church 1 as they ard caught by many ofthe bcfl approoued Papi!ls.; arc no berrdr·rhen fitch a repentance as an hypocrite, and a veric reprobate may attatne vntoi Inde~de, to inliflvpon repen– tance onely (they makemanyfaire flouritbes) they call it.penfiancc, fhey makeit aSa– crament, and fay it is a board that Canesa n\ali afrct.th1pwracke;·and writc.'many great volumes ofir, and ofcc1tj'}Sion, andof Cafes ofco5lftrencc1(as'ymrgood liril'!)our owne reading know better then I)and }'et ala~, whi:n•all is'<lone 5 l~ls liucafhadswe'ofrepen• ranee: and indeede bow can they reach aright th·eao<ffi:)n~<if r"pentatll::<!;.whkh erre fo fowly in fetting down the iuflii:e of Go a, andthevilenelieaffinde?Which two poinu aman mtlfi knowe, elfe he willneuer repent-: buW_6p~·rie tl~ittio:nceiuing' tlie iufiice of God, teaching~~ n~:>t to be infinite, in as ~uch as•it tieedes iJOtarl,infini!i:"fatisfaCl:ion, and mifconceiuin'grhe nature Of linne, reacliing.eucric 'Clunclcn6t to b~ ilamnable, nor to offend Gods infinite iuflicc, erring (I fay) in rh.efe r.wo, howis it pofliblet~ey l11ould conceiuearight the niuure of repentance? by whi,;h a marl·f~Qlng his finncs;rheir foul· ne!Te,rheir ptulifhmenr, andhis owile miferieby rhcm,confelfetl1.th' m,bewailesthem, fearing Gods iuflice, flieth from it, and cranes IOrgiuene!Teo~h·is merde,au<llafily purpofeth , .and endeauoureth to leane them all, and to lcade a newc life. The ferious con· fideration hereof, bath ofren mademe wond'er;w,liy tilany Jl>o~ilh ;ir.datlfeS';' bceing in fame fort exhortations to repenrance,fhoul&belo accom11ed of~s they are.by fome:for though I confe!Te, there arc fame ofthem, good and whaleftime,medi~ations, and ma. ny motiues to mortification ,and good life ;-ye£woulil1gk<Hy. lcarilc·Of any man bur this one thing, how rhofC exhortations can b~:plthic, o'~ 'powetfhtl, foitgd, or any way fitfficient to moouea man to repetit~nce,when a~', ·ROt th6fe boi:Jkcs, nor all Poperle is able to teach a man fufficiently wh'ar rrue repcnt~-nce is. ·· - . ' Ifany man reply; I will therefore lcarne the dcrttrinc ottt-clf t:hc Proreflants bookes, andvfe the Papillsfor Exhortation oncly: I then :aBtWet~ ·is it not amore compendi– ous, and conuenient, and ale fie fcandalous coulll:<, fo fecke •exhor't~tion 0111 of fuch wri– ters, as doe teach the dottrine aright? nay' :.I llo·ubt how it is poffible to fin de a power– full exhortation to repentance in any Papifi, who crres in the dotl:rine: the reafon is manifefl, becaufc Dottrine is the ground of e?'ho:tation: and if rhc doctrine bee vn- · found, howpn the exhortatio'l be any bo(rd··?L.er vs thctefore·lcaue rhcfe muddiep 11 d– dles, and fet om water at rhe f<'lunraine : the water of Me, at the founrainc of life; I meane thedottrine of faith, and repentance, at 'he written:word ofGod, and at f 11 ch 111ens wrmngs as are grounded thereupon, and agreeable thereunto. ' C.1fiitius in Catco:hilind. Coftcru, in E1o;hir. Co'rtadus, Nav~rru,. LoperSai– ru~·. Hallus. Gutfus;1nd manyCJthcts, . Ppp_ I - ------· Now, - --s----