_ }==-- - - - The epifl!eVe~icatorie. ! -~~~ . and pa!Iionately, you tooke im de:Hh and deparmrc: therefore to cheare you vpmwant I ' oflu:n, I fend you here thrs ltttle Bookc, his own cluld, begotten m hrs itfo ume, bur 1 bomc after his death: obferue" well,and you (hall find Jt notvnhkc the Farber:yea,yon ' (hall difccrnc it in rhe fathersfpirit, and it doubts nor, but to fin de enterrainment with I them, of whom the f.tthctwas fo well refpcekd. And for 111 y{clfc, I !pare to rchearle what interdl you hattc in me,and all my labours, I it is no more then you worthily dc!Cruc,and !lull hauc inmeforeuer: you are the fairefl aowers in this garden, which in this place I after others hauc planted for the Lord (or rather God by vs:) And two principall pearlcs in that crowne, which I hope for, at the lafldayfro:n the Lord my God,whq{e word.:>t iny mr;uth you haue receiued with much reuerence, and with fiteh profit, as if I had the like luccdfc of my labours in others, I fhould then neuerhauc caufetofaywith the Prophet, I haue laboured in v~ine, and fpcnt my firength in vaine,but my iudgement is with the Lord,and myworke with my G~ . And ifl knewyou not, robe fi1ch as take more delight in doing wel1, then in hea– ringofir,[ would prooue at large,what I haue fpoken of yolt: yet giue me leaue to fay that, which without open wrong, l may not conceale,that bdide your rare knowledge, & godly zealc in religion, and other duties of the firfi table to God himfclfe,your chari1 tic and pitie to the needie diflreffcd Chrifiians at home and abroad, your merciful! dea– l ling with them, who are in your power, your beneuolence to learning, and namely td fome in the Vniuerfitie, doe all proclaimc to the world thole your due praifes: which I (well knowing your modeflies) doe fpare once to name: neither would I haue faid thus much, were it not for this cold and barren age wherein we liue, that fo, when our prea– ching cannot mooue, yet your godly examples might flirre vp. Pardon me therefore I praieyou, and thinkc it no wrong to you, which is abenefit to Gods Church: bur goe forward in the firength of the Lord your God, and hold on in that happpie cour(e you pr, 1.,.., 6• haue bcgunne,bc faithfuH vnto the ende, the Lord will giue you the crown oflife:faith- ~!rt,~,;;;~~full is he which hath promifed, who willalfo doe it: prcceedc (good Syr) ro honour learning in your fclfe ;md others,and religion cfpccially,which is the principallearning; and proccede both of you, to pracrife religion in yourowne perfons;and in your family,' hold on to fhine before your familic, and amongfi the people where you dwell, in zeale and holineffe: hold on hereby ,fiill to fhame Poperie,to fioppe your enemies moutbes, and tohonou~ that holy religion, which you profeffe,to gainc comfort ofgood confcience to your fclues,and affurancc ofeterna!l reward:ar(l'b!llie,to encourage me in thofe painefull duties which lie vpon me: for I openly profeffc that your religious zeale and Jouc of the trurh, with manic other good helps, are principall encouragements in my Mini!lerie,and cfpeciall motiucs vnco_me, to vndertake the charge of publication of fo I manic works ofthis holie man deceafed,as rrr.ry not in better manner be done by others. But I keepe yotftoo long from this holy Exhortation following; I therefore fcnd you to j it,an~ it to you, ~(Jd from you_to the Church of God, fo_r I dare not make it to be pri· I . uateheyours and mme,whercm the whole Church hath mterert, as well as we. It was preached in the field, butiti> worthy to be admitted into out hcamJ formd it in the o1 pen field, but vpon diligent view,findingitto be Gods corn~,and aparcell of his holy& immortall fccde,thcrefore I brought it home,as good cornc deferucs: Anda. it is Gods eoroe, (o ia you, I dcfire all holie Chrifiians to by it vp in Gods garners,thar is, in their hearts and foules. And thus committing thislitrlevolume to your reading, the matter to yourpracrife; you and yours, to the bleffcd fauour of that God, wbomc you ferue: and my felfc I and my endeauours, ro your hcanie loue, and holy praicrs, I take Ieaue: From my fiu– ' die. tArlgt~fl. 7· I 6o 5· I I I Tours in chrijl!tjiu, etler aj[uud, Vv'illiam Cra!l1awc. ~ - --~~-- ~=~-~=~====--- P P.l' 2 ---=---=-==~==-