_::____.__.:;.~---· -,- ·- ... - 'I i 1 r!An cxho1WiotJ t&repentantt. . I 4'! I I - /_,_ j --- cufcd, when they f~r~a~e man)' oth~r .greater. A i~:uch where fo t~:my Iit!OcS :lrc fpared and not / j' · finnes: Bur a true pcmtet !inner rnu!l: feareh fbr found our. It i$ Phadbicall, for cucn (o thC I futh, [ 0 :u a good Magiihatc fcilrchcrb ~or a Pharific ;~when he tame ineo the Temple to re:.. I lurking traytor which is con"cicd intO Jon~c ckcn wirh God, and to rc:ll wh3t T1ayrors·htc clofc and fccrct corncr,and he muCl ranfack h1'i had foun.d,rhat is,what linncs vpon good fca~~~i ! heart for fuch corruptions, as wherein his hcarc l1c had efpicJ..he returns his precept, all is wclf 1 ! takes fpcciall delight, and mull rhinkc chat no hcc harh found ncucr an one, bur bcginncs to I I ftnne can be fo fmall, but it is too great to bt-e thanke God that he \\·as fo go:od and 10 good, · fpared, and that euery fiamc great or litdc,mu!l and not fo ill~ and fo ill, nor yet like the Jiubli~ be fearchcd for, as becing all Traytors to Gods cahc. Tl~c WOild is full of Ph:uifics;~:_not onlj Maidlic. the Po.p:fh Church , but cucn Our Church Bin alas, rhepra5Hfe ofrhe world is farrc o. fwaa-mes wnh thefc fuperfid:~.ll teachers; v>hb therwife,grc:lt !inncs arc latle linnes, little fins cannot (bctauf<: they will not,)tinde nny 0nne are no finncs: Nay, afccr a lit'dc cuHomc,grclt toprcfent vmo God. M~n thinkc it1 the Coun~ finncs are alfo little ornothing, and fo at Ja!l I trie, a Church Officer haz.xrds his O:ah, ifhc.c men make no bones of groffe & gricuous fins: prcfent all welJ, and findetl1 no f:mlt in his Paand for thcmo!l parr,mcn fcarch fo tUp·crficial... B rill1, to prcfenc a,; punilhaOlc to the Ordioary1 ly, thatthcy fcar(c fi-udeany thing to be finne: for men thinke it vnpofliblc, th:atthcre Jhould fuch cxcufes are made, fuch diHinC'tions are debe none In a whole parith: then how doth that uifcd, fuch mitigations, fuch qualifications, mah hazard his owne fOule, who'becil'lg made fuch coulours arc cafi vpon all finncs; as nowe oucrfccr and fearcher of his heart, .fin des novp and downe the world, gro!Te finnes arc ea!... th1ng in it to prcfcnt to the Lord. For it is not led into qucftion whether they be finncs or no: more cafi.c tO efpic outward. ahd ·atluall trat:Jf·l and the great tranfgrcffions of the lawe, arc greffion~ m awhole patilh, thrn it is tb find·c a\ coumed (mall matters, nccdfarie cuilts or inhe;r,pe ot corruptions in a mans hean, if am~n conucnicnccs, rollcratcd to avoide other euils: will feareh into the Ooicortie ofit with che lioht and what is he counted but a curious and preof Go.ds laW. Therefore when the Lotd i;o~ts cife foole, which fiands vpon them: Ignorance and kcepes his vifitation, what iliall become of after fiue and thinieyeares preaching is coun... fuch am~n, but [0 vndergo the fh"it'td~id rcu'Cre red no finne: blinde dcuotion in Gods fcruic< feareh of the Almightie, b'ecaufc he would not no ftnnc: Jip ...Ialj>our in praying~ vainc and cu· fearch himfelfe ? , _ !lomable {i.vearing, m6cking of tdigion, and .C . 9~r b~d~es i'nd li~c-s ~rt free ft'ofi'l the Spa:.. the profelfors thereof,llo finne: ptophaning of mfh mqutfit:oo, (wbJCh IS oilc oftho loll pro"frs the Sabbath, conremning ofpreachers,abufing whJCh Satan bath lerir the Pope, whctewit!l. ,· 0 · ofparent!, no finne: pride in appardl, fuptrvphold his declining kidgdbrne)~h~_thi:lt·otif fluitie in meats,bea!\ly and ordinarily drunk<'- graunt we may beeucr free from it. But i!fthe, nes,fornication,no fi1mcs. Na~, deceits, cofotfltahctimc; that might put VS in tnirldt: H~*e· nages, oppreffing vfuric, notorious bribcric,& to dcalc wi.th oUrcbrtupt he:trr~, and vnttf'ot((..; couecoufnes, that mother finnc;thcfe arc coutlfied affeChbns; euen to err<'tt an' lnqufji(Wn ted no finncs: thefebeamcs arc madebut moats ouer them, to lay i-Q_ waitcfor th(-m; io {~itch. byprofane men, and they arc fo minced and them narrowly, and tov(e fhen>roubhly·: )'h carued,or there is fon1c fuch ncceffitie ofthem, to let our hearts Vpon the racke of C!ods htWd·· or fomc fuch other flourilh or vcrnifh mufi be that fu it mayconfclft the !Ccrct wiik~tlnelleof caf1'vpon them, as that they arc little or none at it; for the Papi!h do not rhinke Vs Prote!h~.·ili~· all. Alas,alas,is·not that a fimplc and filly fbrch greater enemies to their fuperfiition, thtn the where fuch blocks as thcfeare,lic vt1fpicd?what . inward corruptions of our ownc: he~ths, are to are molehils, when fuch mountaincs arc not our (~Iuation: therefore it may be a godly Jl61i;- (eenc? Moates will be little regarded, where 1J cy for cucrle man, euett to erechn/n1rlijition d– fuch bcamcs are not difccm~d : but it ls.clcare, I ucr his'o>Yile_hc:~rt and confcientc j a11d n()t tb ! that therefore there is no true trial n'or diligent fparc his moflfecret a11d deercfl finncs, & fltch fearch made :for a true conuen will fcarch his as arc ncerdl allVtd to his owne nawrc:fok- rhat heart for all, and will fparc none: Hedcalcs irt is the rruc f<!:rrch here commandedby the PfO. feirching hjs ow11c !\em, as agood Iufiice of ph<t, and praClli'ed by all godly •nd btJly't11~ii>· Peace in rearcbing' for traytors or Scrninat'ie' ·wh('n a rharl purpofeth tO fin~e all thatare,;and . l'riclls. He ieckes not fupcrfi<ially, but moll: to ·e(pic cuen all his finnes: for a godly miin is I exatl:ly, and leaucth neuCr a corner vnfought; nc.uer fatisficd in his feareh, bur Hill, the mort I and he thinkcs gt·eat Gnncs to be infinite, and he finds, he fufpcc!s the more arc fiill behitid; little finnes grcat,and !udgcth _no !inne fO fntal, '3t1d therefore he continneth fe~t'ching.his 0\\~n ~ but that it dcfcructh the anger ot God , and heart all his li~e long: Thctrfotdet cucry ptdthcreforc hec wonders at the mercic of God 1 fetfor look to 1t betWIXt gO'd attd·his confdCcc ., I I <which throwcs vs not all down to hcl in a mothat he dally not with .himfclfC in rhi5 ca(c :' ro: L:~:n. J•l1. mcnt: and he cryeth out with holy Tercmie: ft M i~he doe~ chc~1, when ~od ~orncs \\'ith hispri1 tl;r Lord1 mercie that we arc not a!lconfumed. Aute (carch, lns hypocnfic {hall be difcoucrcd way then with this fitpcrficiall and hypocritical and his nakedncs fhall be laid open in the viC\; l_~----- Ppp-,f . ofl