j ru1n exhm~-;~pentance. - - ~ •1-'1~·/ i ---- i of willdifclole the darkencfi"c ofour beans,& A 1 iolutlon•n thiS fcarch, thattho;, iiande!l guilty , --~ I I the mlbcc whetcof WJll rcueale th..: vnnghtc- .of A dams tranrgre'!Iion. oufncffe and the pcrucrt"tlcffc of our natures: The fccond rule to be kn'ownc is:, that ln'--C1 therefore to the lawofGod mull we fly to help licry man arc all finncS, more plainly, th:u i'n e.. I vs. in this feareh. ucry m:mby nature aE:e the ~cdcs of all finncs2 And yet for our better he!pc in this duty,&: and that not in the worfl, but in the.bctl nafu.. ! that there tnaH be nothing wanting ·to that red men; make choycc of thc.bcfl man &t the' I f foulc, that [cc~kcth God,thc.rcforc v.:carc furgrcatefl finnc, & that wor.ll !inn is to be found ther to koow, thlt if:v..·c "''ill tCard~ our fdut's jn that bell man. lfa1iy doubt ~fthis, let •hirp hy the Ia .. ,·c profitably, we muft m<i.rkc three confider what original I finn:C is, namc:ly,acorrUles, the truth whereofunldfc: we k1'1_o\v; ac- •ruption of the powers of our foulcs : :md th~c knowledge, and fce~e1 we fhall ncucr .fee our not of fame, o~inpart, but of all, .and wholly; , ownc clbcc, nor profit by this Se~trch, but This corruption hath tvm p3'r-tS. FirH, awan~; plod on from fim1c _tiJ finnc, vmill We plunge not of fame, but ofall good.indination,3.":..\·antl into hell. ·r , of all goodneffc. Stcond!y,.a dcprau:ition, •ud· The lirA: Rule is, thta cucry man th:u came proncndlC,not to fom~,bm!o•aJI cuill:arld 1lot fro:n Ad~tm, finned ih the finnc: of .Adam:thou a·proncndfc o"'ltely, but o·rigiwall finne: infuf€th muA: therefore knowe, \hat his finne in eating B into cucry ·tflanS' hean, the ft:crdc ofall cotfup...· the fo'fbid,dcn fruic,was.thy finnc:and-thou fin.. rtion. r .. ,, .~"" ~,. ned£r therein, as well as h< (thougll thou wa(\ 'Many mcn-lland much vpon tHeir good tndal. then vnborne) and th3t thou arc giltie of it bet1ing, and vpright hcnn., <lnd bragge<>fa--g661! fore God, and muf\ ;anfwcr for it •to Gods iu- .uature: bunhey are fouly' <kceiucd.: for (ll'kellice,vnlcffc Chrifi doe it for thee.' The reafon the ciuilcfi man vpon the earth; and the fe.des • hereof is,bccaufewe are his fccdC and poficri.. ofall finnes in the world arein himby nan~re; tie, we were then in·his loines, he-wa~ the faButto cxplane this point fully-, obfcruc' dlefe rhcr of Vs 3.11: and·\\'as norapriuatem~n as we two claufes~ .~, · .: ,f'!.• ·..:.r:d ·:.m, are now, bu12 publike,p'trfon,thc pl•d·gc ofall' Firfi, I fay not tho pralt!(_...-of all !innes,rbut mankind, and barethe perfon ofvs all at the. thcfudeJ; for a'll men practiCe not all !innc:the time: therefore what he did then, he did it for. fcedcs are in th<irn~ture: bui_tbe·ptaelife .is~ him(clfc, :2nd for \'5·:' What colieuanr God• ·firaincd/omet1mc by cduca.li~, t[ometime.by. made vrith him, wasm~dc for himf~lfe and vs:- 1 good and wh'Olofome laws, fornetfmc the·cori.. 1 what God promifcd hi•ll, and bee: t<>·God, he<> ~ lfitution of:m~ns bodies' @en.)L~he pra.;tife::Of promifed for himfclfe;and for vs;' what he refolne finnes, fometime thecCZonn!r<y·• (11:fn" ceiued: in: his Creation, hccfece~l~e'd for him- ..d~c1lcs in) ol.~alling a man Hue~·ic1, ·ketps-~rnr ... felfe, ondforvs: ai)d what he gained orlofi c l,fromthcprathfeof.fomclin~es.aud ai)Ytf$a by his fall, bee gained and lof\ ,fot~s, as for< / Jgenerall and limitting grace oJ:<?od,te~~iiies. himfdfe;' I~c loll th~·fa~ourof G~d·; -~nd ori-· . the natures <>f~lj mcn_,fro:n:runlflng ~ntb•u~ny. gmalf punttc: therefore bee loll it fbr all'h11o> I, fiAnes:wh~e-1\.handotyoa;•liGodlh<>'Ulti•(ake_ 1 ·poA:critie: guihindfe,JndGods a.nger,and·corJ away, and~le~ue euerym•n"'f6'-his"'natur.ei.:w~• ruption of nature whith'hc gained, ,!le got for : lhould feo; -that cuory min~vould pratllfc,~ny· vs_31J; .~s w~ll.as for hl'mfdfe•. I~f ~·~ doubt of finne·in the wer_td: yca,eucn t)~c grearc:~ fi·~es.. j thtspomt, 11 "prooued by thellpoftlc: where that cucrwc heard to be do.m"fh the world,A;ll the h<1ly Gnofl faith i • Sinn• mmd6y-on• "'""• . men which-kho.wthemfelues;:.know ·thlndbec anrliltritll".J jinne: 'd#d th4t ftnn; 'W"d'lJ1 tJH~Y all; ItrUe. Ar)d thC> more aman~kiibwes hi~ rowne-- and tbJtt if went otln.-dltthem, 1PhJt'hftnn~d noi heart the more he fccth thathis heart is afea.()f bfthelifl.! tri<~fkreJJiol. wirh Ad.<m fibat is, euen al·wickedn~ffe:and tha•it"isthe:mercic'-&.gf1ce our children) who a$'they are b61'n<';,aro borne of God, >hdt lie hach nor.fal!cll'iot<> tln!mlg:bc not ondy tainted widt originall 'f'buuptiofif (I ticfl andmofl.monfi'rousfmtr.d in tlft'f\o\Qnfi~C: 1. but-gtii·lty alfo of Aa'am1 fi•1nc.•·!f~(;.is·a rnofl' Second!J;·l ·fa)·, by natmo: ..For. I krlo'W(Ily'! certainerruth,though'it fcethe Hfarlge,~or few good eduCatio~,,.a'nd byrgf"ate, iJ i's otbel~~fu;J men thinke ofit, th~feuer .they~ 11\'all'onfwef' grace rctlili<rh nature, ·b~•nhat-is-nb-<i>fl,lot's-• for "AdAm.' finnc, afitl.the:refdr~•ifllny-obictl';: to nature: for it is as euifi"and·coll'llpt fi'lllrbt.:c what roifon is there'tbao J'anfwat>ll\r <iiloihcr ing fcuered from grace l'llmY rhcrc(ore n:iruttman's-limle?1 :mfwer~truc,iflt had bee.n Ak1tu mull be fi11lV a'bolHhcd,3forc'man Cbmef01lioal6rtnedlilnc: but it was his and tfi>n~alfo: for h'e um. An-d Jtt'(though all this'Oc truc)I fa)t ,tl<ft' wa.s thy~Fath'et, and fliiode in'thyroome: and tl13t fin ne bteokS otit in alfnaturdi!li~ti·rhhugh th~b atfd (!nee thou'W:lfll=J'ornc~~'ii{l'confirmcd al nature-s be ~likr torrupr:for thecourfi:t.Qft1a-- what he did.Now t.hCrcfore thoU~H not one of' · ,nlre i:S rdhain'"cd in fomc tt'i~fb then oth'~Rfby' ntinythinkS fcriou1lf"th"ercof; lfi'tllely, tkailhe ' I, 1 the mcarrco·safo'Fcfaid; bu~·tms is tile truth;' that lhoVUlibrrd guiltie Ofalinoc ~·dm1jlit~c9•fl)or~) · :~,,·hercas .fCirnC arc nor. fo.angric~ fame nOt ·fo rh'cf1 fitfe·thoufandydres 4eforc'h~ was·bornC,! 1 w.an~on;fomenot fo cttfc1If,1fohJe not fortoue·- yt~·~coing it is nfo'!rtrUC,both in. Sc'~ipturc an~p j tous, foro(! hot foambiWOiJsJ&c:)s o~hcrsfth~ri ~ood tc:tlo: let cucry m:tn fi.tbfct'lbe m'his conL , come'S not >fr.om any goo_dncffe of nature in 1 fcicnCC to this truth•..And1erthis.lfe'jhy fir A: re-·· • __ thcm_L!_b~ the other orrgmall, but ftotl~. \ Gods ,;· ,:;~;) ·<.'"'"<':" ' ~ .. ' .ee..ctr ...