Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

416 .An exhortation to repentance. --- · 11 t:>c=n.4; ·Exod.J. Gc:n.S. :and1.S, !.f:L.J3. :ui?ds hand, which tcmperetll, rcHraincth, and ~ 1 ·vilely& bafelyof thy fclfc,anJ fo.ronfcqucm:v j ;modcrateth cucry m5.s n<tturc as he fecth goodt> bring t-he.c to rcpcnt<~nce and true amcndmcn~: i And if God did not thus moderate and reand the very rcafon, why llJCO rrpcnc no.t~ tivr I iluinc the nature.s of meA, but fu~r-rhcm to amend th.cit '..v:l.ycs, is bccaufc they are Pharibreakc·out to the fUll : there wOuld then be no fics by nat~Jrc,and thinkc highly.ofthcm[el!les, order buvaJl confulion in the world.~ thcrcfOv~ and ofrhclr.'uwnc natprcs,mld their n:nu'ral in- ,(a~ efpcciallyfor.hi.S Churches quit'mdlC,(o ;tl:-, I cltnauo;ls.:.! thJs V\Jil bora ha1n1 and a Hr:mge fo for the prcleruation of pub!Jkfpcacc,& the Do6htt~e 111 thcmJ- O!i,tlrcy hauc c~q·Jk:J.u na- ,v·pholding of fociety in th.e W0Jld, between~ tures, an~,they ca\mor t'ndurc fi1ch ,~u}Qfuch m;m,.an.d ll1311) the Lord holdes a haJ1d ,OUG.r c-' finnes,and they thank<: Gdd, they Jrc· tll !Ufay inans nature,andkeeps cucryotle in a c~r~ I as or~ets;bUtlcr all (uch men kno\v,~rhc~ t,:nufl:~ luine compatTe liminedby the wifdomc ofhis cca(c magtufymg natpre, and lcalllc~t_?'-t\ngm- .po\over, \\'hich reHraining hand .of hi~, if rh~· fie Geds.grac~. Le[' th-emknow rhat nature in iLord Jhould take. away, all focietics and camthem, ts IJ1·_thc Rootcq! ll1£&}b.corrupr,..a~m.thc mon .wcalthcs, wo.uld be turn~d·ypfidc down,> worfi man m the world, and cucry m:iji~ heart be.c:mfeeueryman by the vniucrfall corruption is abotrolnddfc founraihe of all finJ1C,;.rhnc- 'Ofhjs'nature,""0Uld break out int:.o c;uery finn~. · forcptatfe !)pt thy nature, but Godstgiat.~ ;:uuii I C_Jl~ thiS ronlt wuh appealing- to the te{hmo-. B,J rncrClC in glllltl£ the fo g<;?od :l nature;pr rat}lcr niofthc confcicnccs of all mcn,;md cfpecta1lyl fo ·well rcfl.rainmg :;md 1eCl:tfymg th,y, n.ature.; :' o(the bell and nolieft men, of whom I would and flay t1~t there, but defire of the Los4.; tliar,l aske this quc!Hon, whether th'ey finde not io, as he hat_h gjuen thee abetter tcmpcre.sUJa~vrC~; their Oatures .anJiuclination, cuen to the fow-1 t~en t~ othe:,mcn:fo al~o he w.ould btfto..w·on·~ lefi_finne in the ~odd; if Dlam.c,pr.fcarc,or cl~ thee hts fp~ct~li and famng grace: ;m!l tts he(n ·1 heora« ofGod ;rcJhaincd them ioot; Co rba.t, ' hach kepuh.e fi:o.m the fqareful finnes;pJ<lthersl.' thc 1 §cflmen do ~~1ow well cno~gh,whata do.c; (thou b.;ing os. mnatural!~ as rhey)fo,he,,y 0 u)d ;theyhauewith their corrupt natures, to kccpe· al(o lcad-thc~;in~o.~hc1)}'3;',.Qffaluation1 Which ; (b.erhtwjthin the·coinpaffe,of Obedicn"cc. ·clfc·the bc;{l natUr~ in}he world; .;an:Jlc.ucr at._, .... hlt~y, 1y,ct 3ddc..fur..thc:r, the naturc.of men;, lt~m.c vntQ. . .... , # '~ ~ ~~·. r.c .h~1 i':hr :~ and oLallmetNisfQ·<<>nnpdin« Ad•m,that • The th11d rule to b~kqownc.andpJ•Clife~; cucnrthe feedc of.·thc fim)e' JlgaJn{l_ the ho!Jil .by \tm!,,who,~ill truely (earch)urn)elfeJ~,-thatl Gbofi-;; and a pronf:ncffc eo it; iS: in the·narurp- 4 ' ' oucry man'bornc: of .Adi!m, is by.- na~tr.c: th~z b:t:'<uery man .(, thou~q nQ~.9n.Qm~.ri,a_mong'll\i (: ! ch_ild of_LI'It~tb, apd Gops'cncmie ' :th!:;:ls_tnle · many thoufands ao commtt thadinne) fex fc:.e~ 'ot .all W..JJ.·bPU~ exception ;'H1gh, apQ JQ.'N,nch ingin.that·finne;dier.ei• a he~pe, <;>s ,fc~ of,all orpoore,'uoble or firnple, borne in rh~1 '4i6b\<l !.nn<.5ogath~r.e.d togorher,be~herfore.that),~JJ,j1 1 <;;_hurch or without, Andf.4rthcr, !>y l!~.<ing7~it .fn h>s !latUic tlle feed ofall finneo,hath alfo th.c;; ,nei11y of,G!><!, -hC'is.thetcf.ore bo.rnc,f!tl!l~t.o !feefk.of1it. ·And:~gainc,·fccing~.U euitl tcnd~sl , ; hell, to d~dm:l"tion, an<\..~Q. .~JI oth>J! q.f~f§~, (et to~.p<rtC:C\!on;:ts.W'ellas grace ddth;·whar rea,l : tiJar1oo.k~ 'IS~Ttaycor.(o))uj~~d,ll:~~·ltu~.,- 'for>t~crefo.rc is th.~re, but we may fafely thinkc :by:ip hio P,t;i)1ctshigh difp_!ta(urc ,andi>:li!t4;ql" 'that ·,theDeilll! <WI>uld..hale .~ucryonc '" •h~f, •k~tb,wi_t)Jqut afrcci~ll;p~l~on;fo lf~'lll~l'l'fJ't h~g.lir ofJitino:oi(;ic were not,that the po.wcr"! !tnaq,wh~p he,i,pqr,ns} fQnu,i.c!eg of hig~trlfafulll\iahd of God••preuentcd hinl; who will fon againfl•GqdJn his hi,g\1;Qis,f1~0I'f:lJi"J1.<liis, , ppil:bnfuff~<wickcd t'ri<Q, JJot.the d~uill bim~, in dangcro.( Hcll,JNhrch is.~hc fpJ.(itlj)lgliMi•!~ .,,., . ,,. \ fdfc.t<> bc:fo wjcked.~s-they co.u-ld and woul<i· 1 y.-rath of-god.1hus,Da[riJ.,;ofcjfelhAAhllilrul;•. Bec,·o;.~l r, ,; • :.~ • 1 r ... ,.., • ..,f · i I wm ho~·n{in, lniq'/it{~., fHn~ har-hf'Jj,.,np.,., ·:Thcvfe of this fect>nJ.Rule, is 'n<>tablc.Fer" · thcr <?~OPJtlfq t?urv,I.f.)tJiiM~,'then,it~;l41>dit. in ' i)lii.fearchingt·..O.Lour fe!ues, it £11cwethlvs y.-,rath ,, f'<l,'lrvpdcr 1hch!rl;<i' o!a~m.<iittii>Jl>•lf whi\lwt: are; without all colours 9r.d.cccir,ap,P D ~\1Y askc,,Q,Gw, or why r,4~s JS [o.,~J an(W$ . ..\'j)t.h..J:. \fully-chfcoucrs •nro,vo, the vglmdfcofour narFurh,.ili,~!fpjth,<; .<qMit¥.cqf. !h.i.$ dtiFd,f.~c-: . tpr<s;an.d Jt may teach v~ aU how to thinkc and pcnd~-Q\b~~-:c.wo fosn}((r·~··f0r, 'l]ecaurc. cucry, I cj}(c:mt ofour fclues, when we h~Jr.eofCamu, tpanis,bpw~ 1\uilt}\Of .,Af/Jms g.rcat(lpqe, j\nd vJ)Ij~tu.r-all munher;.Phar.1o/u vnnaturall cruel~ 1 , aJfotaintf4~iiitl!l}~,TJ~~el.I c:orru~.tiq'n.,;md; ,•Y• tb<.\:o,:/omtt<r ~nnaturail lufls, Achttoph,:s, a.prqnepol!)>q~~llrli;o.n.Q.:jJhcr~fQte tr;f<>ll9.,~- ! ·de·uilhlh polhcy,Smai:har.6.r horn~kblafphc" cth m ~I}UIH~,,and ·mJJ~>.<;· that.cp~~}'ir!flat~1~ j !mic., 1 11 dr:u monfirous ti'cafoo,,ltt!i4'"f fcarefull 1 ; borne vrulc.rrtCltc ·,vracl1 .. ~nd: curfc of,!Cod•• ,AP.otla~ic.'Whcnwe-hcare of1hetc~rcful mur-, . i T,his point," a pla(n~ ~8!\ ~HLd.<tlt:!Fqt~'i' y~,l :thtinr:tr~afons periuric:s,ftn.nesa:gaidfl natUF,c;~ r :tncn itf thc .... ~qrJ9 thm)<NJlOt fo, ..an4lKt'§ 1dJ~1 bJafphemics.,APofiacie~r"''itch~r;tfr~,~nd other: ; , tauf~·" \Nh~ rfl.:n..-r.<;pctn ~9t p,f.~hei.r tfint!P.~~(~I\ the hqrribldiones oft_hc'world:~r,y·s,thcn. re;, I moll;,m.~>! .-~Bmkf,-t]>ai-~Y:!\~_tut~>' t.~vr.rq,u>l turn~ into<>ur (clu~s, .ao.d. lookc .J>.o,,cwar!ll, 1 I c;;.pcj;;fauour,s, and. thctcf!lt~lhf~J)e<dJI!9.t.f9'1 , I cu~njpt:O pur owtic h~q_rts, and ~onfCtTq cuqy 1 fp<: fq_r-!1~ H~ ~l,HJ~lh~t!Q.n ,aiJ~ !rcp~nran\_qti'! Qt;JJ!i: bne't~at thcfdhon!d.haue b.ocn eu~n ll:l.y .. fin,ncs, ! j. <11Wly.Irw:,<;<,tJtlly..,a.pli ~0.~!\C!R,RC:'l ;.·yr~pg,:)lq!}l[ ~Ifo,ifGo.ds grace had not pr~uented,..!J«.· . .all/ts,wcl(:wl!.orc,as(alos) tP~·r.~JSPac~t)(is!VJ«<d l, ThjsJwt1 humble thcC',<ind n1ake t-hc~-Jf]inke •T.r.alto\lr; IH19J~.ouc:9.f;.\l.~5.'\'~.~-~ f-auour-,~por'! I " .. -- - morc 1