-----·-----··---~---------- -~·-·-- -----~---··-- 1__ / .An exhortatiou to rrpentante-: ' . : .±' ~- 1 {more furc of death wirbout a pa1:dqn.. then :tll A· ~odic togcth: r,and ~or cnc.r.TI:isctern3l rlonth ~ we are our of Gods f.1uour ,and furc of d~mn:l- ~ ~~ the curfc of· :1!1 curi es, the mucnc of all mJ!~..: 1 cion,vnlctfc we procnrc Gods (auour aga1n, by n cs, and torment of all tornJencs;:md I fhevv Jt i faith and rcpcmancc, , t_hus. Ofte n whm thy tooth akcth, and fomt•- ! For the better opening ofrh is third rulc,aod nmc \I\' hen thy hc~d akctb, or in the p~inc of.~ chc n13nifcClingofthe truth;lct YS know funher the Hone or d :oJbckc, thou woulddt gtue all j that the curiC of God,vndcr the which we arc th~t thou h:~l1_1n the \Nor Id t?_ be c:fcd of rh:a .j. allbornc,isthrcc.fold. ... ..., p~unc: Nay, m the cxrremmcoflome 6ttes 1 i The fidl, is 2 bondage vnder Sat~~!l: It is a rn:..ny wi!I WJ.~l. thcr~J[clues cucn am of the t ccrt:linc truth that eucryman as he JL bgrnc of world: Now d tnc pamc of one: toorh, can fo I his Parents, and till he repent, is nflaue of Sa... f:me ddlcmpe_rmin_de:1nd bo.die,that ir cannot 1 tan: man or woman,highor JO\o\', S.athan is his be rclecucd wnh al; the plcalures ofthis lifc;O l · Lord &Mallcr. He fitte:l as Judge in his heart; then,_vvha: a~orn.ent fl)all that ~c! when not ., :md in this fence Sathan is the King of d1e Naone kmd otp21ncJbur the \"·:hole vJolc o.f Gods tions,and God o~the world.Mcn. will in words I wrath lha\J be pe>\.\'rcd,not onone mc.mDcr,bot J defic Satan, & nor name himwithout defiance, on the whole foulc, bodic,and confciencc;and and fpir at him; and ycc (alas,) hec is in their B that not for a time, vnder hope of better; bm 1 hearts: they fpit him out.of rheir. mo~thcs, but I cter~l<.Iily_ without hope of releefc: and. that J he is lower; they fhouJa alfo fptt hun out of not 111 dus world , where there are comforts, I their hcarcs.:and that is true delianct indeed for hclpes,and remedies;but in that vgly :md dark~ alas,hc lodgeth in thy heart, & there he makes fame place of torments: and that not among(l his thron.e,and raigncs.vmill the fp~rit ofregeliuin~ men, which mi,ght mittigare thy paine, nc:rationdi(polfcffe hit\1: and till then, no feror cl le bemone thee, and bcwaile it with thee~ · uanr. is fi.o fubieCho his. maller, no {laue to his ... b1~t with the Deu,l.·lls,and damn:d ~liritS,\\'hich 1 Lord, as is the hearr oJ ro.an by nat~Jre ynto Sa- ¥'Ill now laug~at thy dcHruClw.n..t ~nd folace than, theprince of da~kerndfe. Nay, our boot.hcmfclues in this.thy miferie,and will rcioyce, dage is more f~arctllll, then the flaueric of any as thou didddt ferue ~hem in canh, fo now in. 1 pore Chl"ifiian,in theSpania:-ds,or in the Turks hell robe thy c~r~enters. It mar. be thercfor~ Gallies: for their bodies are but in bondage, & (by the way)oood_ \\'3rning ?-nd wifdomc to vs at commaund, and vnder punithment, bm our all, wl1en wefcdc the extremity offomebodi.:.: bell parr,our hcarc, our confcience, our [qlllc it ~ Jy paine,toronG,dcr with ot~r f~tues, and f.1y: 0 felfe is captiuatcdvmo him,and vnder his corn- C then, ~yhat iba!l bCmy mifr;.-r_y and wrment if I mand, who is thekingof cruclt~c, an$1 \Onfu. repent not; whcnnpt one llferhbcr, bm foule, fion,and Lordof hdl, whofc commandenlenu bodie,and copfcience, iliall¥b~_rackcd and tor;. ,arc Iniufiice,whofc feruicc is fin, &. whofs: hire mcnted in the feeling and ~pnr~hcnfion of the· is damnation. anger of the Lord of hofles., . 0 .1 Thc,fecond pm of ~he Cur(c, is theftrfl In rhcfe three points, lhnds th3t curfe and death., or the death of the bodie: that is; a fepawrathof God, vndcr which a man is bofne. rationofthe foul~ and body afunderfor a time, And thefe doeanfwcr to tl}e _three degreesof namc.ly',til thdafi iudgcmcnr.This ~e;1~h is dufinne, .,.vhich arc in vs: for ~S';qe tJ..\10 fi tfil\u1rs lydnd iuillythcpunilhmencqfany QUC, pr the taught vs, there is in cueryma,n RY nature, .t,ill lea{l::finneahereforc-;how due and m!t apuni{h.. he rcpenr, athreefold guiltincJfc. Fidl,a gld.lti: men.t vp~n that·horrip\e hcope of (lnfulndfe, ndl~ of Adams. finne. Seco-~dly, the tJit\O<{ whlt:h-u tn cuery maos nature? and It IS ;t moH ongynaU and vnJUerfa~l corru.puon. Thirdly,1 ~crribk curie. For jt is thevery g~tc of hell, B<J!lurionbymany 9utragious aC\:uall tim~~s.~~ll aod:rhedowncfall,_o.f dfln,nation,vnto ~11 men·, the firH of the(e, cucry n~anjs equally guilrjc:-- but.fu.ch,.as by (,JI):h an.d r~pcmancc doe gc~ ~In the (ccond_,euery man Is. equally corrup~.BJ.lt th<lrdearh f~ntli6~<1_1;>yrhe,~J'ath o.fCl)rlll;vninthqhird, eucry one keepes .th,[ conJjl']fc; to{ucb men mdcedc tt is np cur{.e,..l?ptagract- D '!..vnhmwh1ch the Lord will keep them_, ~Y .his olis;:tnd glorious blc!lit)g, for it i~.alu:cd by l,imitting po\yer. , '_.. <!:hrill,his death.Em ,vnto ~lli:P¥0 by nature,& No\N as i~1 our guihinc!fc of .Adam.r.finne-t whic-h repent not, U,is the heauic curfe of finne hadl his bcginoin.g:~n orjginall fin ne, 1\i ..S Gods 'fbath, aad the very do;v•wf.aJI \~to the continuanc~: in aC!uall Gnne;~is perfeelioq:,S,o gulfcof hell. · _ . anfwcrable 1\Cft;lllltO,thcwr.at~ ofGorl("' hicq 'The third parr of.th~ onfe, vnde_r \'vhich ealwaiesfbntleth oppofitc to finnc) is begup iH I u~r~ man is borl)c, ~s, the fo_qdr.d ~~ath, th~ lcauing vs .by nawre to the Q~ ... ucrie of Sa£an is dc~t~ of foulc and boc;lic; which is th.ectcrnall continued \Jy death,& i5 ac~ou~p~ilhed i11d~tll,.. \ wantofGodsprcfence, omd the accomplilhnation. :- .. mel)t of his wrath: ~nd fltl apprc.h,enfivn and .And now th(:(e three Rules, I'comme:ld~tci feeling of~hat wrath, ftaziflg 9;n \:>oclie, foul c. [he c:an.full3nd ~hri!l:ian confidcration of y~"u and con(ctcncc. Thc.fir(l cu.rfe, was a lpirituall 1}11; ccrtif~ingyoufr~m God, that as yo.l_! cari death; the death Qft\l~ foule.The fec.Qnd a remncuer be laucc},vnlcf\c you repeqt: nor repent, porarie death,the death of thebodic.The third vt}k{fc you ~c:uch your (clues(as here the ProIS an eternal! death, ;i tlcath both .of foule and phet biddcth,) So, that you can ncucr JCarch your