Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

your !clue~ arig~r, rill you b~:::~:~::ti:n ;,:~:~a~::~:o:~~,:o his hem: ;nd finding I· rcfolued ot rhde three Rules, and of the trmh thcfc to be fandie,au..d roncn,andthcrc:forc too o( them all, cucn in your hc::trt and con{Cien- "'·cake tOr the foundation of!O glorious a buii-1 ccs:namcly,Fid't,that thoil art guilticof.Adams ding, '''ill refule them all, and labour to furni0 1 linnc.Secondly,rhat thou art prone bynatmeto his hc:nt with iitch found gran·, as whereupon I' al cui! in the world.Tbirdly ,that for thcfc thou he m:~y trul~ fo wcightic a workc, asth~.:" Saluaarf fi.1bictl- m rhe wr:nh of. God, and &to all trhe tionof his foul c. .Agaiue, ifthou wilt Hand cudCsofhis wr:1rh: bur when thou an in heart in the~day oftrial,thcn fcarch thyheart bctimes l and conicicncc rcfolued thar rhe(c are rrue,thC and difcerne-ber ....vixt Chaffe aud Wheat: thou thou art a Scho\lcr for this Ldfon of the feefhhac 'ch·:JfFe Aycth a~"ay before the winde; Prophet, StaYch thy fc!fc.For when thou godl, bur the good cornc indurcs rhc fannc, and the thus prcpJrcd vmo rhis Search, and dlccmdl: fury ofthe winde: foin the day of triaiJ,rempof thy (Clfc, as rhcfc thrc:c Rulc5 hauc defcritation,fickencs,or open pcrlccudon, thc- d1affc bed thcc:rhen ~frhou fcarch into thy fclfc,thou of narurall prcfumprion,and outward formality ,wiltfinde thy fdfc, and rhy cilatc to be ~eh, as in Religion, will flie away: and itnlllfi be the I will caufc thee to repent, rcturne, and take a penitent, humbled, and bclc:cuing hcart,whidl new courfc:dtj;'reforc,what the Prophet faid to B muft then abide it our, and endure the fan of thofe /ewn,l fay vrito you alfo, my brethren of temptations 01nd pcrfecutions. this Realme of England, who are here now g:1And to conclude, Let not the Dcuill dethcrcd rogcrhCr our of many countries, :~nd cciuc thee,in rn:1'king thee imagin·c or hope to quarters of this Rcalme; yea in the name ofthe plcafe God, and yet to let thy corruptions lie fame God, I cry vnto you, Search, 0 Search vnfcene, and thy finncs vnfcarchcdout,lca!t yo:tr felues: and thinkc it not a mattter indiffe-· thereby thou marrc all; for thou vfeH not to lay rent to doe, or not to doe it: but know ir,rhat vp wheat in thy garners, vntill it be purged God commands you, as euer you will come to from the Chaffc: fo thinkc not to flare vp ~my faluation; Seaichyour fc!un. And the rather befalling kno,sledgc, or any other grace of God caufc by rhcfe three Rules you fee how much in thy bean, vmill rhe Chaffe of v:mitie be firfl: ·chaffe of corruption is in your nature,and wh:tt b!owne away, that fo the holy graces of God, nccde therefore-it bath to be fcarchi::d into,and may be laid vp in the garners of thy foule. And fanned by Rep~m:mcc. Be ·we,li a!fured thou therefore qndl:ionlcffe (to fpcakc one word to man, whatfqcuCr thou an:~ ~here is fo much touch our Common profdfors, in the very fore Chatfc in thee, th3t ·if thou·fcar<h not, and C of their foules,)all knowledg that is !lorcd vp fanne it not our~'thou will prootJc nothing but io thefc imt'urc and vnfrarchcd beans: is:euen Chaffc atthc Ja(t day, and fo be blowne away as whcatlaid vp m the Chaffc, which ii a.tbouwith rhe winde oBGods iu!l:icc into helLTake fand ro one furc .to be eatenvpby the chaffc,fo 1 hold theretOte ofrhis exhortation J and defcrre that, v. hen the winnoV\'ing time ofttialls and it l'!Ot. l' :),. • pcrfeditions. comes, I fearc;that'fuch menwill Thou wilt 1iot (uffcrthy Whcatc to lie roo (foraI! th'cir knowledge) lhrinkeafidcpnd belong in tbe chafft, for fcarcofhurring it; Is~it [ray rhe truth; their knowledge thc•~proou·Lng then fafe eo fuffcrthc chaffc of thy finncs and no better t-hen chaffc , b~cai!fe it was·,J;thf-vp i corruptions t6UCC;:mkcring and rotting in thy in :m vnholy heart. Iftln:~cforc rhou.woi.1tdc~ , heart? Be fu re hat that little portion of grace, fland and endure ..,..,·hen Popcric orpctfetrltif:ml ! which thou att3ineft vnto, by Jiuing in the or temptations come, if thou :woulddf:abide C:hurch,and vnder the MiniHrie ofthc word of the fury ·ofthc fanne oftc'mpta:tiolts~ novJ thC:n I God, will be putrifyed, and cleane corrupted c:xercifc thy hear~ with the fant}e of Go·, 1 wit,h the Ch:llfeofthy finnes: therefore againc Search and ranf:1cke it, purgc~om the Chaffe.of . and againc,I exhorryou to make confcicncc of corrupcion,and flare vp khowledgehl ·a:nllnJy 1 this dutie: Search .into your (clues fan,out this heart, and a:g?od ·confCicncc, a·nd' ch·ar ~·ii!Ja.J Cliaffc,·this pl'cfumption of ours,& high efl:e'e... D bide the viOlence of•all tcmptations;y~a wh~n minaof our own ll,lltUre,and conceits ofGods God !i.1ffcrs the DcuiJI to doe with vs as hcdtd fauo~r before we hauc it, rhat'fo .·this Chaff~ with Ptttr, to winnoW vs likewhcare ,to fiti: being blownc a~vay,thc L~rd tllay then bcfl:ow and trie vs as he did lob, With che furious \oVin~ vp~mvs foundnCffc of gracc,and the foundatiof all his malice; the knbwJedge will proouc ·on.ofallgoodnes,whichisaholyandhumb!ed Wheare, rhar will abide thewinde,and gold heart• . · · that will abide thdire: thus glorions will it be s~luation i< fuch a building, asthcfoimdatiin the code, if WC follow this holy Ptopheto on thereof had nc~d to be fure and ll:ronQ; lgcounfell, aod Search our hearts. norancc blindncffc and prc(umption, a~c not And thus much for the firfl point {namely) {iJfficicn~ founda.tiOJ,ls for fuch a building:ther~ · the dutic of Scan:hing here commanded;· in fore as no m:mwill build a flrong houfc vpon \..ddch we hauc-flayed the longer, be~aufe it any timh, but will firil fc:1rch ir,lcafl it prooue is the foundation of all the rcfi: and this bceSandic,omd fo oucnhrow all:So awife Chrilliing wcJ laid,the whole buildingwil goevp the an will not build his falu:uion,Yponfancics and fl(ter. . conccits, and nacurall prcfumptions :but will Now we come to the fecond f?Cnrrall po111t ----------- -~- I i_____