.----- -~-'f ; 1 An exhortation to repentance. ______ /__ 5:?) ~ ----, here la1d downc:that is,v.·hom "''Cmuff fc~rch? A ther men. And thus rnuch m:;.y illfi1ce ior thgt j - J l the Prophet •nf,sercrh, yourfe!un; not other point. ·1' · 1 . men, but your (clues. This feareh fo \'rgcd :::ad It followcth; 0 nation not n·on!Jic to bebcluinforccd by the Prophet, mufi not be of orher ucd, ! mens he~trts and liucs, bur of our ownc: our The third point: whomujl[em-eh? the fcwcs, j ownc are our charge, aud nor mher mens; and who arc here rearmed aNation, nOr wonhy to 1 . rhcrc~n is the faying true, \-\•hich clfc is moft be bcloucd: and yet for all that, they are llid to fal fc; Eucry mt?;tfor himfoift : for as eucry foulc feareh thcmfrlucs, that fo vron rbcir Rcprnnmll be faucd by ir fclfc,f'o mufi it bclccuc,Rc. tJnce, they might be bclou:=d. VVherc we m:ty pent, and fCarch it f(dfc. fee the vnJi)CJkcable loue ofGocl,and hi5 \YOnThc dutic therefore here commanded, is,for dcrfn!l mercy, offering grace vnro fuch rncn,:ls euery man that would haue his foulc to bellarc: alcogcthcrvnworthy of it. Gods children ued, eo Search it, and rcforme ir, and Jeaue o.. arc by n¥ure like other men, and God findes thcrs t.o be fearchcd by thcmfc!ues, Here the norhing m rhem, '':hy to rcfpccl rbem aboue oholyGhoHmeets with the common corrupti6 thcrs: but·cuen of his own n:ercic,nJakcs thcrn of this world, (and that is)rharmen are Eagle B wonhy, who of rhcmfciues ::~re eot: therefore eyed, to fee imo the liues of other men, but to ho"" worthy is that God,to h:wc ::1ll the 1ouc of lookc into their O\NO hearts, and liues, they arc our hearts, ·\vho loued vs, when we v.crc not blinder then Moles: they can fee moates ino- 'vVonhy to be bcloued. thermens liues, but difccrnenot beams in their But leevs examine more particularly, why O\oYnc ; whereby it comes to paffe, that they God doth call the !ewes a Nation not worthy llumble and fall fowly:forthc eies ofmoflmcn to be bcloucd: l aufwer, God had bldfed them arc fet vpon others, and not vpon themfclues: abouc other Nations: He .gaue them his Coue~ and thereupon it is, that :m euill man feeing onanr. of gracc,and thereby made them his pcother mc:n,and not himfclfc, thinks bell ofhimple,and conunitted to their truH,his holy word felfe, and worfi ofother menibm contrariwife, and Oracles, but he dclt not fo ~~'>ith other Naago~dman fccinghimfclfe,and not other men, tions,neithcr had the Heathen knowledge of' thinke_s wodt of himfCife, ::md better of other his lawes. Bcfidcs all this, they h~d a bct::er land men: an cuill manlookes outward, and iudgthen others about them, irflovvcd with Milkc, cth Orl?cr men; but agood mari lookcs homeand Honie, (that ic;, with a!! commodities,and vvard and iudgeth himfCifc: and in iudging, delights) and though their Countrie \\!as but condemncs him:"tlfc, f~ure aboue orher men: C little, yet thCfclues iO populous, and (o power– and ~hat becaufc by fe.:rrching inr.o his ownc full, that whilefi they plcafed God, no enemie heart and waio:s, hCc knowes that by himfelfc, ~, durfl fee vpon theti.l. ,; . which. he knowesnot by anyman in the world Thus for foulc and bodic, they ·were cuery belides. way a Nation bidfed of God, a people beloSo then \YC mufl: feareh, not other men, but ucd ofGod aboueall othcrs.Now how did this our[clues: ourowne hearts and our owne liucs people(thus bcloucd oftheirGod)requite th1s arc·ow: charge, and burthen: the liues ,ofothCr his louc, ..~~,·hieh tbey had no more dcfcrucd,rhC men conccrne vs not, bceing priuate men, furany o~hcr Nation? Certainly,as they ~eferucd tber then citb~tt to follow them beeing good, it not afore they had it:fo they requited it not or rake hecde of th!=m bcring euill: but to when they h~d it;but reqili'tcd this louc ofgod fcarch; or to b'e inquifitiue imo them, is no with finne, with rebellion, and with difobcdiduti:c commanded V$, but ra.the.r a foulc and a cncc.They tempted him,they prouokcd him to bafe vice forbidden ofGod . Indeed Magi!hats wrath, they prefumed ofhis mercie, andprooin their people, ?aHorsin their co~gregations, ued 3 moft fiubbornc and fi\fi1Ccked people, a 3nd,ho~{holders ih th~ir fami!jes arc to fearch: , froward generation: MojCJ. partly fawe this in but rhcy can fcarch.only for O!iminal_l caufes,or D hisownc expcricncc,ancl better Gifccrncd it in opcruaCl:nall finnes: but this fearching mufi be the fpirit of Prophdic : and therefore wonof .our hearts, ;.,·bidl no man can fearch, but dring atthi~ their wickedncffe,-hce cried out; our [clueS onely. Fewe men,haue a calling Doey~u tlimr.cquite the Lurd,O fooiifb people,& to enquire imo othermens liu~s,btit euery man tmwi[e? thm, that is, with fin ne, and difobcdihat>h a calling ~o fcafch into himfclfe:but (alas) c:ncc:,which is the onely means to difpleafe the men doe: farre Othcrwife,thcyfftiffcr thcmfelues lord, and to prouokc him ro wrath :for this toro.tte in their ovmc finnes; and ereCt an Incaufe, they are worthily called a fpoliHl &~m. quifition oucr other mens liues H·:and it is to be kind people by Mofos, and here by the Profcenc indaily expCrience, thac..tbofe men 1 who phet, A Nation not rf'orthie to hee he!oucd: :tre the grc<lt Searchers and priers intO orhcr namely,for their vnthankfulndfe, and vnkindmcn-; are the.negleCtcrs and fGJrgecters ofthem.. ndfe; which was fuch., as they not oncly "''ere fclues:J\nd co1ti::r3riwife they•who do nano'vvflackc,and carclcffe in performance of fuch d!lly Searcl~ themfelues and their ownc wayes, tics as God rcql1ired,bur cucn multiplycd their ancflooi.: lllto the corners ofthcir,o\.vne beans, finnes> ·and committed thofc foulc rebellions, doe finde fo inuch worl<e to doe with themwhich hls foulc-h ated. fclucs, that they little bufi.c rhemfelucs '1-\'ith o- . l\nd a1nongfi many,rhcProphcc here in this Q.g q , cr;;p::