\ 420 j rufn exhortation to repentance. \ I Chapter, notcth three of their great Gnncs; for A we inioy not in fccrct, or by flcalth: bm we i j which they '"ere a ~ation not "''onhy to be hauc it counrcnanccd by authotitic: fo that reI bc1oued, Coucruufi,~.De, Cmelrrc, and Deceipt, ligion is not barely allowcd,bm cucn as it ·were , all \vhic.h '"'ere; rhc more hainous,a.nd inrollcrathrull:: vpon mcn.B,·hdcs all this,we hauc aland b!c, bccaufc they were the iinnes of their alfo that flov•tcrh with milkc and hon•r it is Princes, 11~eir Rulers, and their Priel1s, who plemiful! in aiJ good things: ·we hauc M>enic I fhould hauc bccnc lights and examples to the and peace vndcr a peaceable Prince: -:tncl the rcft. companions of peace, profpcritic pkntic , Now though curry 6nnc in it fclrc,is ofthat health, wealth, cornc, woole, goldc, G.lucr,:~.- . ill defen, as Jt is :1.blc to caH v::; out of Gods flboundance of all things, that may plcafc the uour, and dcpriuc vs of his louc; yet, behold) heart ofman: thU$ hath God delerucd the louc here God complaincs, not vpon a little caufe, of England. buc for wonderful ~md exceeding vnthankcfulz. But now Engl:md, how hafi thou rcqui-· nd1C,and vnkindnc!Tc 1n thrm, who of all otcd this kindndfc of the Lord? cenaincly eucn thcr fhould hauc loucd the Lord. with a great mcafure of vnkindndfc: rb'aris, As .a m:m cares not tOr hard v(agc from him, B \.\'ith mor~ and greater finncs then encr IJYael whom he cA:cemcs not : bm a little vnkindnes did: fo that if Mofts fpake true of them, rthC'tr cloth grc:nly gricue a man, from hun \\'hois lomay our Mofo~ mull more trucly cry om al ucd and rcfp\d:ed: fo is it \.Vith the Lord our gainfi EHgland : docfi tbou thus requite the 1God; he lotJcd not the Gentiles, as hcdici the Lord thou foolifh people? And ifthis Prophet 1Iewes, ne:irher was he lo boumifull vnro them: faid thus of /fr4elforthrcc Gnnes, then may it I Pbl..Si7· 1and t!tcrcforc{3i we may fee)though they liucd be f.'lid of England for 300. finnes ( 0 Eng1 alwaies in ignorance, 3nd cominued alwaies in land) a N:nion not \o\'Orthy to be bcloucd; for I A& 11 • 3 4. difobedie:nce, yet the Text Gtirh, the time of thou hall multiplycd thy tran(greflions, abouc that ignorance God regarded not: but IN hen theirs of lfracl; cuen as though thou hadfi reas the Icwcs his ownc people, whom hec chafe folued with thy lclfc, the more Gods kindneife out of :dl people, <ltld befto.,.\'ed his loue vpon i~ heaped on thee, the more to multiply thy ~ them, and made his Coucn:mr of grace with finncs againfl: him. Forthou England, as thou I them, when they became vnkind, vmh:ankfull, haft requited the Lord with finncs;fo not with forgetful! ,flubbornc, and rebellious, that eaua few finncs, or finall finnes, or .linncs 1 which I fed the Lord euc:n to complainc ofthe indignihardly could haue bec:ne preuented: foi.~hat tie, and to cri.c out by MofeJ, Doe you th;u rehad beene a matter of fomeexcufc, or not bffo I qttite the LoYd, 0 foolifh people and vnwife? And great complaint. Butthy finncs arc many, and l here by the Prophet, 0 N.uion,notwoYthy to be C grieuous, and capicall• .And which is worfrof /Je!OHt.i:and therefore dlere is no man, but ifhe all, wilfull and affeCl:c~, cuc:.n as though. God be asked "'l1at he thinkcs of this Nation ofthe had dcferued cuill of vs: and that therefore we ___ , Iet..·es; he will anfwcr, that they areamofi vile ought malitidufly to rcquii:e him. and ,..,ickcd people, a froward generation, and lf any man mekc doubt of this, and ther~o:~ th 3 tth<y "'·e worthy ro tafl dccpely ofal Gods fore rhinkc Hpcake too hardly ofourChmch: p!agucs, who fo farrc abufcd hisloucand merl will then dcak pbincly, and p3rticularly, and ClC. dp vp the fares of our Natjon, that fothe~ ma}r But what cloth this bel on~ to them alone? be healed to the b'ottomc. ,-, and is lji-~tel onely a N:ltiOl1 ~wt wonhy to be The common Cinnes of England , whcrC'by bcloucd? nay,l may cry out wfth as good caufe, the Lord is rc.qnitcd·,arc thcfc. 'Firfl, ignorance 0 England, l Nltion nor worthy to be bdoofGodswilland wmlhip,(l (ptlkc nor ofthlt ued. For God bath beene as good a God to vs, compelled ignorance· in many corners of our ashe was to them: and we hauc been as vnkind ·Land, which is to be pitticd becaufc they want a people to him,as the} 1 were to him.But that I 1hc means) btitwilfull, and affeCted ignor3.n.cc. maybe free from difcrediting our Nation, and ·Men are ignor.mt,eucn bec::mfc-they "'ill belg.. from defiling my ownc nd1:l!=t vs prooue both D · noram. Mcanes of knowledge were ncuer-10 t}lefc points, and lay them open to the viewe of plemiful,and )'et neuer more gro!fc ignorance; the wOrld. is not he wilfully b!inde, whowill not open his 1. Fir(hhercfore,the fame mercies and farre eyes in the light? and can there be any darkne.S greater; haue beene powred and he3ped vpon :lt noone day, l:illlit mull be wilfull ? Bur oar vs: he hath called vs out of the darkcneffc:Firfi -Nation is dorkc and blindcin the $unne~fhine ofHe 3 thenifine,and then ofPoperie::his coue- ·of the Gofjrdl, and gro!fdy ignor3nt ihcn nant of grace and fa! nation, hee bath confir- ·theGofpcl beates thC'ir cai'es; and lightfhinos med v•ith vs, his trcafiues of his word and Saround about them: ~o ns ifthey clofcd noc.th.eir cramems, he hath imparted vnro vs , his holy -eics, and Hopped not thcir.earcs, they could word nc:ucr better preached, :md the myflcries not but both he:uc and fc:C'. VVho would lookC thereof neuer more plaincly opened, G.nee the lor ignorance :tfterthirry fiucyears preaching, time ofthe ApofHcs:and 3s we haue rcligion,fo and yet, many are as ignof3nt, as if they had ''-'Chaue ir vndcr a religious Prince ,whereby it beene borne and btought vp vndcr Pope~ comes to pal'fe.that thefe bleffings offaluation, ric: fo that our people arc as cuill as thofc in