Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

f .lln exhortatfrm to repentance,_. 1 4~ .. ~ --- i ln the daics o(Chrifi~ofwho\11 the holy Ghofi r ~- {peritic; for which oftlde (!.) Engiand) Jod._l .I I faith; Li .. 'l,ht r~ cmne into thewor!d,lmt mm lo~c thou cdmcmn~ my rt'llg!On? The lcJfi ofthde darl:.;r.ejje more rhcnlight, So knowledge IS dcfCruc louc;bu~t Englat)d hath a ~ettcr then all l come imoEng!.md: hue many Englifhmcnlouc 1 thcfc; that is, his Gotj:>ell, and word of lidualgnor:;mtc better then knowledge. A!Js, how tion: and}'er, alfo is contc:nncd ( as bct>- many thou{anJs hauc \VC in our Church, who nothing word])& thofCwhich confcfTc it, knowc no more in rcligiC:":.t then they, bearc i1i and thofe chat bring it, and confcqucncly God common talkc cf nil h1cn, and whieh is \.\'orfcJ himfclfe that gauc it. If EQglaud had no mor.e they chinkc it fi1f!icicm alfo,and which is \vorll finncs bm this: this dcfc::rues, that it fl10uld be of all, tvhcreas they might haue morc,t'hey Wil taid C?f Vs, that we ::ue a!Vation 'z;nwGrtiJ] to bf!t not, but care not for it, ., beloH~dabotlc all Nations; for for.1c .Nations 2. Th-: fc::ce~nd mainc fin ne of England, !J Wb1.Hd hlttc rcligi.on; that they might Jouc i.t, Co11ttmpr of Chrijlhtn R~ligton, Rc~tg1on hath but th('y catinot hauc it: fame hauc it;and Iouc becnc amongvs this fiuc and thirty but i~ nor: but io no N:aion is it made a tnockingthc more it is publif11cd,the more,it is.comcm- B !locke, but in England. And ."'·here arc thofe ncd, ahdreproachcd of m1ny; in fd much, as 1 men, but in England,who(like the Oog in the there is not the fimpldl fcllowe in . ~ Comnric manger) will nt'ither cntcrqine religion them.;. towne,who although he knows not onepoint fclucs, nor fuffer them tha!: would ; let vs in of religion, yet he can ttlocke, and fcorne fUch time rake heed of this finne,as a finne that cri. as are more religious then himfclfe ~s : this is crh wGod,to reuenge fo vile a difbonour don one of the riloarhs of Englar.d, rhar fates vp to his mateftic :, neither is there any !inne rhat religion,this i~ grcuous in wh6foeucr,buc moll: more ccrtain~cly fordhcwcs, and more forccaintollcrable in two forts of men. Firll, in rhcm blyha!lcns the rcmoouing ofthe Gefpell from who arc altogether Ignorant, that they fbould vs. For high time is it to Jcauc louiog, wh<:re n:ock they know not what, A piti~ull thing to louc procu~e's difdainc: And to ftay giuing, bcarc one, whohimtelfe C3nnot giuerhe mea.:: where gifts arc fcorncd. . ning ofone petition in the Lords prayer,co vp~ Carry home this lcffon toyoUr grdt tb.wnCs braid othcrmcn,bccalife they arc tod forward: & cities whereyoJ.I dweii, for in thefe populous but It is the worft ofall, when mCr. of know.: I places arc thefe grcarmoc.kers, for ¥\•hereGo·d ledge, and {uch as liuc ciuilly, and would be b.~th his.prQfdfor!, rhedcuil bath his mockcrs; counted good Chrillians, and indecde of the and repent betimcs of this finne; for hold on ·in better fort,canndtobide to fee others go a little 1 mockipg, and be.fmphat Goc) (who will not before them: but ift~ey doe,pre{ently they arc C be mock<jd)wUl rcrnqoue his Gofpclfrom,you$ hypocrites and diffcmblers.Tluis n~:>r propha~ but if you leauc this finne-, .and emenaine r,he netfe, nor wickedndfc, but euen ·Religion it Gofp.c!f(~s it wqnhily defetu•s)thcn be.fim' 0 Ji fclfc is aby-word, a mocking flock:, and mat... it, God wi}l continue hisGo.fpdl to you:~ artd ter ofreproach; fo that in Englandatthis day, yo•r pofieritic •frer you, in rb.e of all y.o11r themanorwomanthatbcgins to profcffe1tcenemies round about you. )., :<. ; !igion and to {eruc God, mufi r~folue witli 3.- The third convnon (lnoc,of, E.ngland, .i• himfclfe to fufraine mocks and iniurics,cuen as Blafphemir, many waycs)but cfpecialJy in vainc;:- th.oughhce liued among the enemies of Rclifwcaring, falfe fwearing, anq foriWeafing:, and gion,and not among profdfors;and as religion the abufe of-all the n:;.me.s apd titles qf the:_ incrcaf~th an.d fprcadcth it fclfc, fo doth the Lord God.J 1 hisfinnc is gcncpll,cuen ouenhe. number of thcfe mockers, 0 what ·~. curfcd whole land, efpecial!y in F•yrcs, and Ma,·kets finne is rhis? to contcmnc the greateft fauour where men for a little gaine,ViUl.not care to cal thar God can giuc vs, that is his holy religion: the Lord of Hofis to be witncfie t(\a lie, -and for the: which we fhould rathCrprai.fe htm all the God of truth,ro tdtific-ap.vmrtuh\ ~- .~:; the daycsof ourliucs. All that God can giuea And which isworfi of all, Godsaolyname man in thi~ world, is his,gofpel, w~at rhen can D fs,vfcd in vaine oathcs,and ordinary talk,when God giue to be regarded, when his Gofpelis · men hauc ng caufe to fwearc~tall: f<> rhst,it is COntemned? . mpfl: J~mcn~able tO fee apd qbferuc-, rhat..,tbe This fi,nnc was ncuer among!l:' the lew'u; t:l:lmeof anyn'lap of)10nouli-d)r-,wor!hip, isv.. they indeed regarded it,not !Oas it. de.f~rucd, fed morerctlerently, and ldfe abufcd~then th:it but whodid cucr make a mockcand fcornc of fca'rcfull and glpriqus name, th~Lordo11r-GQd. it but England? 0 l;ngl3nd, how canA: thou ·;' 4· lhc fourth genera.U and great-' finne is, anfwcrthis? Godfchdstheerbemofiprccious Proph:mation of "the Sd~b4~b,., A common_ IeweIt, that he can fend to a Nation; and thou finne cucry whcrc,and y<;tfo g.r~fl.:lt afinnc-,that fcorndl it, :1nd them that bring it, and them where it raign~s, in that C,oopcr.jc:, cougrr;ga.a that rccciue it: cuen as thot-!gh it were no blcfon, family, man or wom:1n, th.crc is lio fearc of fing, bur a cur re: fo that as Chrifl fatth ro the God, nor :1ny true grace i.n them : fort11c kcc.. Iol~1o J!: lew~t, for which ofmy goodworkgt doeyouflonc pingof the f.1bb:1th,is the n.laintaining,incrta.. mc?So may the Lord l3y to England,I hau.cgi~ . !ing,and pu~li{hing ofreligion. -· ucn thee afi·uitfu:I land, a blcffed Prince, gold 5· The lift finne of our Nation, t"-1 vniuftdta- ::,:ld filuer, peace and liberty, pkmy aud proling i~.~ ba;;f{,aining !Jf:twixt man and m_11n. How '--- - Qq q 2 !lard There \Vdi i~h~~;=~~t of1hedJiefc:' Cities and townesof i:heL-and: