Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

l 42.2. 1· · :__ eAn exhorta~_~n to repe!lt'tlnce. hard is it to' findc an hone-A-, fin1pie, plainc I A' more o"pcn doe they lie"in--the face~f God: dealing man: and that cucn in fuch great afiCm- .and the_n wh_acwill follo'"' C, bur that .t.hry "' iH blics as this is, 1 fc-arc prcfcnt experience \V ill all be d1fclofcd at the laA: day 1 to thy etcrnall rdiific:you arc 110\\' many thouf:mds gathered confufion. 'thcrforc ::~.gainc,and :'!..,.aiu I exhort' togclhcr)fomc td huy ,fomc: to iCI!/omc to ex- , ~oli in the_ ::a me of Cod, ~carchz:. yo;Jt fch~s, changc:Rcmcmbcr that 1hauc told you,an hofind omyour finncs, confdrc them to God frc· \ ndl hcancd ~:md plainc dealing llJin is hard to ly, a:1d ing9nuouOy; confCfi"c their dcfcrt to be findc:rhcrefore labour to :1.pproouc your fclucs· Hell and darimation; humble your hc:~:·ts to 1 !i.nccrc heaned men; remember chc counfcl1 of God, cry, and call for pardon as for life ~md ch'e holy GhoH; Lnno rmw opprcjfoizord~frmu!. death, purp'6fe and promifc to lraue them, behis 6rother in baYgainin._{ : for rhe LordU tbe a.. ' gin a n:w courfe of life, belceuc fiedfafHy,and 11i11gcrof allfltchthing.r. ThcfeGnncsarcgcnedoubcnot'O~ pard9n and forgiuendfe in rhe raU :md vniucrfa!l as a c:wkcr: And fo arc the blood·of'thriH, continue in th~t faith and th3t fi.nnes of the6, 7. and 8, Commatmdcmems, new cob'I~fe of life : So may E11gland preuent (chouoh they be notalt~gcrhcr fo common as· Gods iu'dgCmcnts, and quench thac great aCH .. thefe be) /vbmhers, .Adulteries, Vfurics, Brt'.:. 1 B on of vnkmdne(fc, which God bath ·o:~gain!l berin,Extortttms,CMfonages,th~y arc abunhen them, and becomea Nation as worth] ( vpon vodcr which our cacth groanes; and they crie their faith and repentance) in Chri!l to6e /;ea-gaiH!l: vsto heauen, fo that vpon as good or lo1Jcd, as for their ptace and profpcritie, they much better canfc may it be faid r6 vs, as to the" haue bcCne of all Nations of the earth admilc.,vcs: Q /Vationnotli'Orlh1 fofH{je/oucd. red. . Lookc at the outvv3.rd face•of qur Church, Hitherto of the third gcnerall point. at the f!gne.sof Gods l,ouc, whicn:3rc O.mongll: 41-· The founh gem·rall poim in this cxhortavs,:md at Gods dealing with vs;and behold wC tion , is the time limined them when they are a moft beautif~11l Church, :1 glorious N3rJ!! 01ould feareh. Before the Decree co~e forth,. on, a Nation to be admired, and'WoildCrcd at:' &c. As thOugh the Prophet Jhould fay, lf'rae/, but look at the lines Ofourordinarie'pro.fcffoi's, repenr, before God execute his iud·gcm~nts Qn, lookc at our finncs, & at our reqUiting ofGods thee. For behold the gracious dealingof 'God, lone; and we arc apeople of Sodo!_ne, as full o( Man finneth, h1s f:nnes defcru.e ph1g~cs, but. iniquities as the~ Were,whofe finnes-ar.c fo maGod prefcntly plagucth not, but dcfertcs it,he ny, fo rifo, and fo ripC", thb.t ac chc lafl they will I puts a time betwixt the finne ::md thC Pt'mi{h.. cuell·hring downe fire adl}br!imfionc;~r fome ment (ordinarily:) this he doth to fhcvn~ his othc.r·firange iudgement vp0n1vs-,ifrepentance :C mcrcie vntomankind, bccaufe that he ·would. dda n·ot prcu~nt ie, or the criC'S and prayers of not dcfiroy"them, ifthey would arnend.There. h0ly ffiCll flay. llOt..<Gods haiid, Sb~ then !et VS fore, after the finne he fii11 itCS DOt pfefcnr'ly,but all hel'e a!fcmb,cd.fgf?nt and confeffe, that we· puts off his puuifhn tent, that in the mcanetimc are·~'Nation fo few fr·ombeeing,~worthy to be man may rerenr. Here the Prophd be!oueci. as that we·3rc moll-wOrthy 'to be ha... the Lor~ to a mother, for as Jhc concCiuC"s the :tCd.,' ana ~i:> h3.uc ·an the ,vrath of God.powr~d fruitc in her wombe, an"B Gtarcs it.::tlong time, V}')on,vs. ( · • ere fhc·bring it om: fo 4 t.he lord after a mans I···Now then, :trc~·e fo? -.and £1yall we continue finnes, or apeoples finnes,conceiues;rhabs,or- ! {o· ftill?N'ay that is•woril',and m'ofi~retched'Of d~incs, and decrecth a iudgemcmfot )t, bm he ~ll:thtn'lc-t-eucry ori'eofvs lcarnc th!s duty,enl kcepcs it vp;and ::~H that while he bearcs it; But ter lnto oUr fcluCs, fearch our heuts and Jiucs, as frr~ whe~l her time is conic,and tr:nJa'ilc~ and that t·hcymay lie open to our Own fighr,to the' brings forth; fo ,., hen t,hc time th:~t Gs,d'ha,h co·nfufion 6fvs in our fclues,that lh re... 3pp0intcd is come,al)dflilfinnc is not rcpen~cd pcntance we may be r~ifcd vp. ·. '' .' . ·• of:thm his iufiice uau:~i!C"s to be c!eliucrc~t ·of ·our Jinnes lye open before theface ofGcd, D that iudgi:mem,which l\1<rm lmh l<~pt vp fo and fiinkc in his prcfcnce,"~nd 'cry for ven• lonnatimc. Thtisthe'old wOrld .had an hungeance~ and-befOre the f3ce of Gbds Abgels; dredand tWenty ycares·giuen them for ti'me of who be\vaile them,& before the f:tce ofthe derepcntan~c;~all that\\ hi le God was in COJ,1ceiu"ill,who reioyccth in our confUfions: and f11alf uing,at b!l when thCir fi~ncSwercripc,a.nd np thCy lie hid only to our fdues?Now then,ifwe hope of amendmenr: then God rr:~ueilcd,and would h•ue them hid from God,. ono llop the brouglit forth 3 feorcfull birth, namcly,the VJlicrlc that they rn~kCagainftvs, :fndkeepe tlicr:.t uerfall flood, to \\301 a"' ay, and takcrCuengc from Sann, who' 3Ccufeth vs for ~hem; we mull vpon the vnit1crfall iniquities of thofe times. fo.iearch ourfclues, that they may fie open to So many hundred ye~rcs hce gaue vnto the our 0\\'n hearts: Remember theu thy finnes, & lcwcs lone he was in conceiuing thclr ddhu1 GoJ will forget th'cm: lay them open befoi·e Clion; ::tod ~frcmirncs he,had it at the bringing thy ownc face; and God v.ill hide them from forth, :lS in the c:tptiliitie of Baby/on, and ,·.nder his:Writc them vp for thyov,·nc fclfc,and Ccd .Antiochm; yet his mercic fl-aicd it, and !hll .will blot them out of his remembrance: but if · he craueHcd longer:tc!Is them hereby thepro~ ·con'crariwifC thou hiddl them, then ~fii1re thY. phet, and yet the decree is not come fonh, fclfe th~ more thou hide!!,and buriefl: them,tbc {though ir be concciucd:) but at l::fl "hen If- ~·acll l