Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

·- - ~--- , ~n ~xhorttttion to repentance. /' +~i r<el would not Repent, but grew wodi: and A faid to the !ewes, I fay vmo vs, Sea~ch tbJ [elf; --- worfe, (as in Chrill: histimc) thtrt h,e,could 0 Englnnd, ( aNationnot worthy to be belon•· containe no longcrj ~ but trauellcd indcede cd) 6efore the decree come forrh, which is·although with oriefe, yet he bath brought forth: readle pall: againll: thcr, Thus much for the and what? a t~lofifcarcfull birthJ cuen, an vtrcr fourth point. dcfolat1on of that kingdome and country, of 5. Now fol!owcth the la{l point; the rcaf01t their Citie, anjl Temple, and a difpertion of <;fall, WhJ jhotJ!dwefoarch o11r folucs?The tea• their N:nion oucr all the world: but-as a woiop is included in the fourth point : For there f.; I • man at JaH is rlcliuercd with danger and diffitt D ecree come forth againfl thee. And though cultte with painc and forrow:fo ~he J,.ord long the executionbe deferred, and though_God be concei'u~s, but at latl ,brings tQ.rth hiS· mdg~- vnwilling to take it our, yet Without repen... mcnts: yet it is 'Nil~ griefe and vnwilHng~efle, tancc, it is moH: cc"rtaine, it {hall conac fo~t~, '· ~ and he is loath ( 35 lt}\'erc) and much gne-ucd and bccxecuccd -at the laft. In one word ch1s 1s· I ' to execute his mofi iuA: iudgetnem.s on chafe, the reafon. Repent, or elfe certaincly God will who h•neprofcffcd his namo:hc oft!'!l.tOuchcd B take vengeance., But (wilL mans heart fay) the Iewes llittle, and as. bec:ing vnwilling to is thts true ? Or rpther thefc be but words ro fmitc chem,hc drew backc his h;1nd againe: but fcarc men, and to keepe them in awe. I an;-. I at Iaft when thcidinncs. did fo iucrcafe,and fwcr, forrhc proofe and experience hereot~ 1 1 were fo firongc:,that they euen did wriqge out rlcucr goe further th_cn this place, :md pre... by violence his plagues from him, then with fent example we hauc 111 hand:the prophet bids much bewailing of their great miferie (as we th_em Sear~h, Sfttrth, and Repent, c;:lfC as ccr..o . may fee in Chritt weeping forthem,)he execu.. tamdy as there was-a iudgement conceiuccf,fci red his iudge1pcncs on them. But as they are cercainely it tbould be executed vpoil thd111 long a comming: fo, when they come fonl\, they would not hearc, nor feareh, tlor repC11f1 they are tl>f hcauicr; as achild, the more fulbut what follow ed; letall men iudgcwheme~ \ nefl'e of time it bath, is the greater; the liuclier, God is not true vf l~is word to thcrn·-or no:~y.d•· and the fironger: fo Gods iudgcments, the alas,~ho fecch not that God bath trlndkd in:.t longcrGodd~ferreth thcm,&isinconcciuing deede, and bath brought foonb a fc.-rcfull them, the heauicrare they, when they come: i,udgemcnton them, and hachmade them-for chat is manifcflin the lnveJ, once his own peothcfe thoufarid yc:~1·cs and a ha]fc, the gazing..... plc, for b~had dellroyed their land with an itll:ock,thc by-word, :iod the aiuazem<nt of a)! rccouerable dcfi:ruCl:ion, andfmirtencheirpo. the world.- · !,.,.."' • · !)•,': ~:1.~ • ll:critie with a blindncffe ofmind to this houre, C Thus was it thrcatned to the icwes, and fothattothisday, when the oldetell:ament is thusiQi:y>crforlncd: and certaincly thushatll read, the va~lc is ouert~eir c;ies, that t~ey can.. it beencthrratncd, and thusfuall it be rerfor.i. not fee the !tght ofChrtll: Iefus, b'!t plodde on mcd to thee; 0 Engfand, rxcrpt thou prruem in fearcfull and palpable blindne{{'~. r ,,,, the iudgcmems that arc comming ~ ', 0 happie This Docuine bath fpeeiall vfe to this our England, rhac I may-Jay -to-1 ihee, it jsiyclhut Chutc]l, to teach vs to looke tU OUt felucs becomllliog,For as for •he miJerallle lewcs.,vpon time:s,and tryour owne wayes,and turnc to the th'em .(alas) it is come ~lrc:rdie !rt6 thofe poott Lord, for we cannot tell how far olfhis iudgef<l\lles it can·b~ faid no more;· Ro'penr6efo"!f<Jhc· mc;nts are: in reafon ~h.eymufi needs be neC:re, t/ec..ree cort# f6rt~ for jc is.uo{\· pafl: :. hut •thOu • ~ ""' l, they haue beene fo IQilg pcferred, oad-fo iull:ly art bappie, 'for-rhy day is nor yet come :,.yet l · deferued of vs, Cenainely God ha1h long bin Jnay fay to, ·Repent b~fore the decree•com'} in conceiuing iudg~memsand plagues fotthe forth: and,O happ" England, thatth~umaiell: finnes !Jf Englan;.; ~nd often barb ,Cods hand heare this w.ord ( Beforr:) fduii.ding in'thine becne vpon vs, by warre,faminc:.,pefillenc.e;.in~ fares. Thenfore mybelouC:d·brethreft;·,.vho a!e undations: and yetit hath beeoc~»ldbacke •· here affembled .out (a!moO.) afcuer.y comed,f , t gai~e_;' and his fwl,>rd bath_becne-plit VPJinto D thiskingdom,h_~are my words, and catry>hem [ his !heath, and God bath ll:aycd .his birth <· home with yoii"into•ail eo'unrries•.God ::is the I ~~.n in the very t~au~U, · ~nd we-•haue cfcaped, fame Go~ fiill, ::is iu{l-, :ffid~as. iealouS, ~s~e!ler ; ~~ eucn;as aman,!A'hofe neeke hath be(h vpon the bee Was;:O,uti.fibncs are as ·iH"; nay·, nmch,Ziler bl<,cke,and;heAx~holden vp to llrike;fo.tbcn then the Icw.cStwcre; hovy can it be thenbnt ! yet the pay is not come, yet we-.\>auetime:hapJhat mufrfall to vs thaLfell td them; therefore ~ pie wc•that euerv''~ faw this d'}y, ;if. now we thezeale'of Gods glory,_andmy defire of}'odr · haue grace to rcpeot~and {rarch ourb~aits, for faluadons make me;rhaf\} d-3.rC not Barter, but r then we Gull £lay-thiSiudgemc:n~Pccreed, tb:Jt .reil you the tl-uth : that .is, that-out ·of all que... idhaJI neucrcome f9r-th agaiOfl: vs: but if we A:ion, ifwe feareh not ourJelues andl:cp~nr; repent, a"n4putotf fJiom thy today,. there is a ge.ncrall iudgeme;nt;. in preparing for and lie rotting fHll.inour l1hnes ·:~.t.hen k.nowe -vs: ccrtairiclY the Decree is out, and Whar:can andbc~a!furcd,that;ts the decrc:e'is-cllablifhedj flop the e;.:ecution of it, blnz:Rr:pentllnce; God fo it mutt needs come fonh: 2nd then ·when hath long fpared, and bee harh beenc long in mdgtmcnt ts come fOrth, 3nd the flroke fhitraudling, th·ercfore ( thoog~ nothing can be ken ilts>olatc: thtteforc what he faid in w.ay ofptophcfic)!am'in my confcicJicc Q__q q 3 _per-