Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~nexhortationtorepen~i;rce. -- - --- 1--1 Pctfwadcd to fcare, and 'that out of infallible· A 1 Efrth-i}q'a.ues; p~fHlct;cc~::·jriundations, Tt!:mn- 1' ' 'gr~unds of the \'\'ord of God, that a plague,.. det ai1cf.Jl'gb1hin'gs~rlti Wil1ter, and moLl Arnm~c· · and :riudgcmcm,and that moftfcarcfull>hangs1 ' 'and vnftafon'able Wc':lt!\cl"': ~ur·abs, all thclC , ouer England: and that it is alrcad'ic pronounha~e· thken no•effect: ~he~Q;.ls ~he huillil(cl.tion, I ced vpon this Nat'IOil,and !hall be as C<:rtainely rcpe~ran.e~Uand _refo.n'tlla.tlOll wiHch m~y ·h~hc ! executed, without aviilblc rcformatiorr~ ane\ 1 v:'r~>Ugh~? ~hercforc It muH n,ecds be, d\~re re-·j bccaufc I may fccmc to fp~akc fomcwhat :it' 1 in~tncs Delunp a1gre~~~d~~~?emt<nt.o ·M'~n. ina}~r large, giue me Jeauc to giuc you the reafons ill-' 1 , be fo. madde -to thtnke- 1 tHciC tb bt:'ordinrlrie I dUcing tne hereunto. tliings·;and to cOtne by cbul'fc of NatUre; :md 1. Fidt, rile Go~>cll harh bcenc preached ' ordimiri~ eallfcs: burcctthinly rhey are the'lhathefe fiue and thirty ycarcs: and is daily more : ~ing ofth~ R!o'd,1 and fo:r~itu,nhcrs'e-ater j and more., fo that, the light therefore ncticr , Hldgemem; nvnleffc Repentance- cut off ·their ihone more glorioufly, fincc the Primitiuc_; i courfc~For looke as enc'tfou'C1 folloWcth 3now I Church:yet for all this,therc is agcnerall igno.. 1 I ther,til the Su~nc con·fun'l~·ther:t;fo one iudge– ranc:"e, general! of all p~ople, gencrall of all 1 1 memhaRt:asafreran6diel';~lridh·penraffcfonpoints, yea,as tlrough there preachinglyi~the ~MritJe,which ntu'fldifpell them. at all: yea, when Poperic was newly banifi1ed,• B · 3;Tiiitdly itfhnds with the iullicc ofGod, there was more knowledge in many then iS accordmg as hce harh-rtuea1cd it in the Scrip-· now in the bodieofourNarion: and the more ,ture, efp~dally inDeUt: 'iS. out of,hc whole it is·preachcd, the more ignoranc arc many, the Chapter, it rnUtl ilcedcs b~gathcred as aR~le; more blind, and the more hardeOcd ( cnCn as a I WJU c(IYfo1'thAt peopte which bre11k$ mJ f~wes: R1tllie the more it is beaten vpon ,.the harder·it . ?OW \VC may not' deny, hut this land of Ouis, is;) fo they' the more they hcare' the Gofpell, IS for abundance of lillrie, apeople of'Soilomt: the lc{fe cficcni the.)'.it, and the more they con..: al!lkinds··of .. ~nnes, in a!Ltflatesof men, iagc temnc it: ~nd the more God calls, the·rdeaf~i"' and raignc cuery day~oreandn1orc; therefore they·are; and the more they are comm~n<lc'd, 1 I contlu'de~·that vnleffe-we repent, and fo ·dif..!' th.c more they difObey. We preachers may cry· iOiue this ~loud of iudgement, tPar hang~ouer tilrour lungs Sicout, or be fpent·withinvs, & our heads:Jt cannot be but a mofl:>fc:irdill1·t[m-· mcn.:ue mooucd no.more then flones. 0 alas,. pefi: at the lafi:, and when it'iSCdme; what is this, or·wh:~.t can this be, but a fearefun it will be too lace to' wilh chefl ha~ tloric it. ligne of delhu&ion? Will any man endure alTherefore in the bowells'lof IChrilt iefus 1 , waic:s tobe mocked ?then how long h~th God C let this be·ro"intte'atc and to. exhOrt yOU>all, t~l · been_e mocked? Will any man endure to fland fearch and lo·oke into your fe!ucs,thar fo "'pen"' knocking continually? Ifthen God h>:rhofiood ting and cha~gingyour warcs,you nl3y'g~t .rhe· , knocking dUr hc:atts flue and thirty yeares,is fword.agame IntO his fheath, whjcb is alie3die it not now tim~ to ·be gone.) vnlc!fc we op-e~1 d.rawneJbpt, but Yet hinh...'not flricleefl hO'mc prefcntly? ,,;:<:11'0 .0 , ' ; 2nd may quort'ch thewrailf1,which is alreadi~ ' .Bur if we willknow what this 'argu<'ti!l to krndJc{!;bta }er btirll"s nb!our as it Will'd~e,if contcmne the Gofpel, :m'dnor to repcm:1whc~ by--repentance we quencli it not !'ani! doet~is the W,ord is fo abundantly !'reached : te!!de the ' cuery:mre; aioycu ttndcHlrecnluar.jori•of,,)'6U~ Stot~' of\E(J hiS \vjckcd fonnes.Hc.fpaKe>vhrO oW,pe foul~s-iand thcco·n·tirh1'ancc of .. th'Ct GOthem, ~nd gaucthem godly·courifcll, 6unlti, fpell ro:t~is glorio~§N~t4M,'lind1hcpdlc~'.lnd , not vnto•the voJCe of /heir Father! profpCiolts r(!±tc of.lhw!!lhu!ch an~:OOmtr)oh' But will fome fay, that is no great matter, pot wealth<.f<>'• l~r1med tljnk~"'li':it'c-au'(dyJo<rWili to heare Eather i~ a~ commori t:Wing :' be~ it 'is ceruincly fi'.,ncfuh~t~th<Q 6u~7riirnes· matke·y;h•• ·followcrh; They rrJ1ou!dnot -h~ii>'e kitfgdomcs,-~nd chafitt«th ~t!:s', ·a's itll•fh<f~ thtiY Father ,.6edat~fr -tl;i Lordcl>ould."def/Yif) kingdome~ a~d fiates·halfefett;~vho h~t!c!>eon-j rh<m·: a fearefull thing. Eucn tiYitflis with a tinltc-d fir\'a!lyto conremrldth'I:.('JlifpcJ!Oil•bmr .narion,or pi:ople:arc they taught,-add~r.c:!rhey D o. lrfo!JO\<I<dl ;I AndJdil'~~ .UciJaffe, t~'Jiaf; worfe 'and worfe?takehccde:IfEqcifonncs o> fcth'onaday. :·: _- ' o. ; -'; ,,-(l '" bey;not,it is becaufc God will ddhoy themt •' . '· The Prophet}, anrl•ddc-ilbo.h 'IftbcreforcE/ie;~nd many Elje.Jit~uc.fpokE m'orcopl~iilel~phc ;motilt~~ ~nd llm~ of.'t~at toEngland, andEnglandhcar<snot, Engl~bll o• plague, ·whJCh>Gpd will-fend vpon them; rhe , beycrh nor, England repents not': "ra!oehecdc iTjOaning •W4sfartlyopen«l.b\!f~re,;o·be:th:ef- , the-Lord in_heaucn fay _ not, England, l.i/1: :nbt &>tft rhu~ ri>itch;-Search your-' fduc•, lca'fi'•God hcdre the voyceofthe -Prophets ,b<caufr1wtlWt3kc his--fa\me and rryyou;~'c:oaufc'Y6tl ·;lo\•M1d ftro;. it. Let no otTian fay, we .takev.p_on ~s .to,·.andlfi~iliQg you vr'c!n the prophdie; we oricly giuc warmng, and·Jhcwc rtiall; not :{ound whear,··bu't•lighrchaffe;blliw the danj::er, by example ofrhe like.• 1. ' ' you ro hell •with the wmlle.of.-h!< wrarh: lhe z.My fecond rcafon is rhis,Onc it~dgment exMttap'hor which•the P.'rophe~ .vfeth isirhis, - cclltfcJ;<md not wor.king•rcpenrance,is alwaieS he,compa'ros'thc bo\-d r'~ a~husbandina.n,.,~i~t afor~..runner ofanother: th2t Rule,is certaine~ tx:.Jrkh the whole wo1·ldiis hiH:ortudit1'd; fcuit1 and ·an cuident truth, a'nd needs tlo(probuing~ rill'nati6s~(a·s"chfs·of oo:rddr.'bne) apc.hi;.Hd.p~ · I N.ow., .we . haue beene vifited vii5l\~oFamines~ 0f coin·:bu~efe!heapStG~rne be ful of(ha§; \ fi _!) ~~_::__----:--~