Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

---.::.1 I r - Ithat is,thcfe particular Churches,arcfull ofhy- A fold lepracion ofthe Cha!fe ftom\he Whcac, pocrites:now a wife husbandman lettcth corne that is,ofthe wicked frO the dc..Z1; with the fan and Chaffc lie together no longer., rhen til! the of his \\'ord,which is powerfull,hc fcucrs"rhcm wiudc doth blow,and then he appoints his fanin affeCtion and d1fpofition, :md m:1kes adillinning rime to fcuer his cornc from his chaffc,and C1ion.of them, fa as generally the. VVhe~a.c iS · to blowc away his chaffe, and lay vp his cornc: kno"'·nc to be Wheat, and Chaffc.di(· fo 6od, the great and V\'ifc husbandman, will be Chaffo, by rhcpreaching:\:;l£rhe WorO :lbur not let rhc ChaflC lie for cucr amongll t-he rl,Jough the ~arcs be known to De rar<:::s,ycr both. Whcatc, he hath tb~rcforc appointed his fan-. growc·rogether, fo that the word •oncly fcue!'l ning times, \Nhen to bl0w the chaffe into hell, them in atfcCh o·n 1, and f~ts feUcrall t10tc:90fidi ... and togachcr his \-\'he:lt imohcaucnly garners. fHnClion vpbn •them both. 1 :" 1'" r ·• '. Now Gods.winnowing times arc two; the ' 2. But then the fecond fant:"J'e of his iudgc.::- one is at the laH day., after this life, and that is mcnts is more violent: for therebv hcfcucrcth ·Gods great winnowing day of alJ his Corne., thC afunder itr foulc,gatheri'ngihe..foulcs ofH1c (that is ofal men)whcn the had fhal b·e fcuercd godly ashiswheat into the hciuens,and-h~ol.v..:. from the good for euer,ncuer to ~emingled :1- B ing the foules 0f the \Nickedjntohcll:·b.ut yt:1· gainc wifh them, but by the llrongandpowcrthe bodiesof them b"oth Uc tog:cthcr. ;as p3r.t-a.:O: fi11l fanne of his laft and finall iudgcmem to be kcrs of the famciudgcment, "To kib-iel!l:: to:'l<ltc blownc into hell: the wind of whofe wrath,at fame corruption, ·-:md arc aH lodged inthe f:tJJl~ that day, !hall be lhongerto blow them all agraucofthe earth, and deadih•d'rlike domiui,_ way, then all the windcin the \"-'Orld to blow onoucrthcmall. ~ ~~ · ''.J· away one handfull oflight Chatfe, _ 3- But afterwards 3t the-~att·day, at' <';;ods z.Godsotherfam~ingtimc,isinthisworld., great harucfi, and great winnowing time,.•hc , and that is alfo double. The one is; when the then with the v.•ind ofhis po.·.-ve~feuerethtlrcr.n word is preached' the preaching of the word i; afundcr in foulr and bodie~ ~catt tionl;the--! oneof God!fans: For when the Gofpd is prea- - Chntfc,Shcep from the Gootai;'and ftpararerhched to a Nation or Congregation, it fannes them, ncuer w·beminglcd.agaiilc for..~ euer and. them, and nies them,and purgeth them, and fo cud': and thenwith the wind 0£-his wr'ath, b<tJ ; fcuers them, that a man may fee amanifcfi: difblowcs the Chaffc imo fire VnqUcnchab.l2, \'3 ! fcrence of the chatfc and the wheat, that is, of and with his louing f3.uour gathercch.hfs vvhCat~ l the godly man., and the wicked man: this prcainto the cuerlafling afld giorioo"s garnc:nt' o-f\. I ~'- · ·,. chingof theGofpcll cloth John theBaptift exhcaucn. ~ :. c-'j. :r ~uo~1r.. ·. ::r... ,L.•. prelfely call afnnne:whcre the holy GhoH pur- C So then, the firtl feuercthdl'dnin ~&lo••·_ fueth this whole Metaphor mofl plainly fpeaThe fccond, in. foulc; Tor~cat<li~. ~liHc·"thir.d;r .L ~:.: king of Chritl,he faith, whofe Fanne u in hioaCtu:dly in foule 3nd bodiefor=crand WCM1' hand, andhee willthrougb!J purge his.Floar.e,and Now of 1hcfc three winnoWnrgJtimes; "the gather hi; wheat into hit garner, but thechaff<he holy Ghotl fpeaketh hcrq>rop<£1Y of the fc...- lPill bterne with fire vnqU4ncha/;le. 1bc winde cond: namely,thc faf'me of"Gv:d:s iljdgement~-fOJ 1 ofthis fannc ofthc wordpreached isfo firong-, thauhemenning ofthe il-ln..'·this--.J~z:rtlr. 1 as that it feuers the Chaffe from the Wheatc, your fclues and rCpem.bctimes;leafi.GOd com!V that is, good profclfors from hypocritcsin the vpo-nyou with fomc feorefu!Lluagffl,-.r_.,,:lbd• , Vifiblc Church, and blowes fo firongly ..vpon caufe you haue £0 long conrn1unCd rlu faime'Jifi ' the wicked, that it brings them 10 the.beginrhe.word,ond·finding yon;too>ligRcro-'\_hidelhe•J ning of hell euen in this w.orld, for. it,fo wortr·Y~II;doe nikc youaway ir'k---;:heiudgment, anti- 1 keth vpon the confciCce,as ifit cannot conuert C::i~ou into h:cl:>~or as tiu-c.a~tihefanne of the. them, it flrikesthcm wi.tb fcarC, teu.our, .and , \.\lord hath made·diffe.rcnce;qf":oU.,~\Yhich'1lre! : torment, either in lifeor ai death, \\'hi'Ch tOrcbaffe, and.which·are.Whcat,,JoJimdhzlllbc' 1 met ofconfc·ience is the veryfbfhcs of. he! fire. D fall of his iudgcm<nts blowlluhy tBc chn!fcoti> 1 But, when this firtl Fanne ofthe wo1d, -will hell & damna~ion;Thus mucljfunhe mc'anfrrg! not ferue tobring men·to repentance,..(:for the . ·Nov.· for thovfo, for vs,:!tbe cafe- ' word preached,doth not confoundamari a6tuftands thus : Our Church ddubddfe is G.odS ally, but oncfy pronounce the fcmencc, and corndicl'd, andv~<1 are the C9J'tr heap~ofGnd:r thercbr llrikethcconfci;ncc) then Gop hath and thofc Bro,.ni/fs blind,and. 1 onother fanne,and that is the fanne ofhi; iudgebefotted, whoromiot. [~o •haUhC!chm_ulj. ..,t 1 ment: and that f.·mning or winnowing time is, England is a godly hc:ape"'f. Gods--E.orn_c :· hue f whenhe executes his vcng,eance and his iudgcwitholl wemuH cbnfeO~;.vc pruftm o&,cha!fal:r 1 mcntson aNation:this is his latter fan ne,when that-is, of prophane ra11tl \\'Jck·$!cb!'Irlfpb.ctit~S'~ 1 the firfi: will not preuailc, this is hispowerfull v.hofe hearts<ntn&in flnne'51 and: 1 and flrong fanne driuen about with the winde rebellionS: and hlan'y 0fOlmbdbprofcffots fn:i 1 of his wr.ath :this f;:tnnc we·nt oucr the olde <Jlfo•too fuH o_f ch:iffc ( that<tsr))Qf..ilorrupriOf!f world, :md f... ·~eptthcm all avvay,and went oucr and;do:e gi11c thgmfelucs to.o .nJuGh libcrtie iO. the n:uiot1ofthe lcwu, and v..~c fee they arc no m:iny;finncs; but•al3s,thc pnrc'whblt,how thin more. ' is it f<attbrc(\?,J.Jow... h<Jrd to find a m:m r•ac _,_,_T_I_"_~_e _th_r_cc_f:_a_nn'---e-'-s-'-o'-fG=o-'-d"--,•:::n:::ak:::c:_:•:_:t:::h_:_r<::<:_:-_!____c__:l_:_ca::tl_:_a_:_:_:fomily) w)lieh dcdic"r thei11fc!ues to the• ------------'-----~-'t _____ ·'__ Lcr1_L__ ·•-'"'"! I ' i , I