Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

i p6 I d n exhortation to repentance. Lord, in holy and fincerc obedience, and la.. A flare by thy fin~es, .and \\ hen.thou feefl thy nz- , hour to make con[cicncc of all fi.nncs: now . kcdndfc and tmfene, confc11c ir,bc\vailc it, be In thepl.r.· ~uea.tLondon,thcre died fome wcekea1.. \ therefore fccing 'INC arc Gods cornc field, and humbled fOr it, cry and call for mercicand for- ·wc haue fomc pun: wheat a111ongll much chaff, giuenc<fc; pray againfl thy fpcciall finnts,Hriue therefore God wil winnow vs to finde out the to purge thc~n our, as th_c poifon of thy fOule, I come, if he hauc but one corne of whcate in a craue grace fro~n Got! againfi rhy fir:nes;and 1 f handful\ of chaffc,but'one good man of many, thou fees any Jmncs tnOJ=e \\ clcOmc to thy nahe will Hirrc all the hc::tpe for thole few cornes, ture, more de:ere vnto thee, and which more he will not c::1re to blow all the .chaffe to hell, prcuailc againH thee, then others tioc, pray a.. to finde out thofe f.cwc comes of wearc, to lay gainll rhcfc fiamcs 1 and flriue ac>ainft them athem vp in hcaucn: fo that out ofall qucfHon1 boue':1ll: and cndeauour, that bJ the fanne of E11gland.bcin g fo full of chaffc,nmfl: look to be Gods word, they may be blowne away from Winnowed. thee. When thou ho.fl done this, then marke Now for the firfi Fanne of his word, it bath what will come ofit; when rhou haH fanned beene vfcd in this bud thefc fiue and thinie thy felfc, God will not fan thee: but when the yeares, and that :os powerfully and as plentiful- B· fan ofhis iudgmcnt comes,& blowesfo flrongly a.s any where in the wotld,& yet (alas)many ly vpon the wicked,then the Lotd finding thee are more God-lcCfe,morc ignoram,more proalready fanned, and denfed by his word, \vill Phane then eucr they were, yea v~kkcdneffe {pare thee, and his iudgement fhall either blow growcth, and the ch;1.ffc increafcth aboue the ouer thce,anEl paffc by thee vntouchcd(as oucr Wheat ; be furc therefore, that God will bring Lot in the dclhuC\ion of Sodome) or clfc !hall hiS fecoond Fanne vpon vs; bccaufc we will not fan out aH thy corruptionS'; and blow theevp fufferthefidt, the mildcond gentle fanneof hu to hcaucn, to belaid vp as pure wheat in the word to tric and fcarch ''s; therefore hee will heaucnly garncrs,and manfions ofglory which 1bring the fearef~ll fanne of hu iudgement,and Chri!l afcendcd to prepare for thee. ' ·with it, he will blow foulc and bodic into hell, Now then among!l thofe many bufincffes, f with thofc our finncs and corruptions, ·which with which this world doth comber euery o'nc we would not (uffcnhe fonnc ofGodsword to of vs (all which !hall pcri!h with the world it •li!ow from vs. The 6rll bath fo long blowne in fclfe) let vs good brethren, fp:u:e fomc time for vaine, thatthe fecond rnuft needs come vpon this great bufineffe. Mnrtha may be comhred vs, and it h~th alrcadic begun to blow; three about many thingsJ but th~ i4 that one thing orfourebla(ts haue blownc ouer vs, famine, C which is necefTarie; therefore whatfoeuc:r is pefiilence, earthquakes, fire,water, wind,thefc done,let not thi5 be vndone. Once a· d:iy put baue fo blowne fome ofvs, that they haue ta· thy felfe and thy life vnder the fanne of Gods ken away a great number of vs. Fa~ vsthat relaw, try thy felfcwhanhou art,& thy life, how main~, this oncly remaincs, th:u we fircngthen thou liucft. Once a day kecpe a Court in thy e~~k~c;c:~~. b~tin t60Jo .there_dic:d ,wec:kc:. our felues by grace, to beable to Rand againO: confcience, call thy thoughts, thy words, and thenextblafl, for come it will, and when it deedstothcirtryall: lcnhc ten Commrunde- :comes,no wealth noi' worldly thing can in·able_ ments paffevpon thcm,and thy finnes and cor- !v.s1to endure .it, onely faith and repentance,and ruptions which thou findefi to be chaffc:, blow ,the'grace of God,will !land at that day. No':" thcm,away by rcpcniancc, fo flialt thou retherefore, in rhatrfoJfearcfull afanning abidcth rnaine pureand deanc wheate,fit forthe houfe ivsi(CC:ing it i•fo ricore(os appearcth by tht blall and Church of God in this world, and.fot his ~lrca~y paftouervs,wh1ch are nothmg but the kingdome inhcanen. But, if we will not doe .fotcrunnets of 2 greater tempcfi:) what l11ou1d this, then alas,what will follow? my heart griebe·oUr c:~rc ( n-cc:pt we care net to be blowne ueth tOIVttfr : but l mufi, vnleffc I !hould be bodie and toule itno hell) buno labourto·efa falfe Prbphcr: And thereforci wili.Ourlong che.We this fearefuH fannc of Gods wrath:or at 0 peace, plenty, and cafe hauc: bred greadinnes, ,leafi, if it come 'lpon v~; , that it may not blow fo great, that they reach to heaucn, and pro- ~s w hell, but haflen vs to heaucn. Ifthy heart uoke Gods Maicfiie to his face-, and fo llronge, be touched to oskc how this may be: I anfwcr that they will violently draw dow·nc iudge- ,thee, only to follow the Prophct.s aduice in this rncnts from God vpon vs: which when they place, by[<arching and trying otiY folues. The come, they will be fa powerfuU,and fo violent, w•y to efcape Gods triali,!StOtry thy felfe:and that they will blow .v's away hke chaffe, and to cfc:apeGods iudgcment, to be a llldge to bringthiskingdomcto fame mtrerable rUJne. thine owne foule and fo the W3Y to cfcape the: 0 therefore how happie arc we, tf we can cnfcartfull fahne'o; God , is to fJnne thine own tertaine this doCtrine, andprat'Hfc it: for in fo hem by the lawo( God. For whomfocuer the doing we !hall preucm Gods iudgements, we fidHannc(that is the word of God) dotb work !hall c~ntinuc lhe Gofpell to this Land , and \~pon: thefe tncn arc ncucr blowne aw::~y with prcfcruc: this glorious Nation from beeing dethe fan.of G ods iud~ements. 0 rhcn,cnrcrtain !lroycd or difpeopled, by fomcfcarefuiJ.iudgcrhc word of God in~o thy heart, fi1bmit thy ment. 1 foulc vnro it,lct it pierce, and uy, and-ranfacke Belouc:d, you come hither to this place, thy hem, and lay before thccthy wretched epurpofely to buy and fell, and thereby to - --- better At Stur· brid~e f:Ure.