Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

i. ~--·-· -- ------;Ane;hortatio~to-;epentanc~~------ -- . i 4~71 ------~~~~~~--~~~~~~ --i---· better yourdla.rcs in this world: how happic A it fauc thee not, it !l1all condcmnc chel',thinkc ! l then arc you, if bdidcs the good markers you of it thcrciOrc fcriouOy, :J'i a matter rhat con.. , :m.kc for your bodies :md cfr:ltcs,you lc:m1c alccrncs thy fOulc ::md bodie: yea, and thy poflc..- fo how tO !llakc vour fi:l~lCS abide the triall of ritic, :Jnd thi5 whole Rca!mc, all which nlaJl j Gods iuJocmcn;s, and how to be made pure finarc for ir, if we repent not. And ifthe bodie i cornc, fir ~o rcplcnil11 the garners of hc:lUC~l,& ofour peoplc,:md thofc,\>\'hofe hcans arc \'l'cd.. ,' how to continue G0ds fauour and the Go{pcll dcd to the world, will not cntcrraine tbis do.. to this N::uion. Ifthou goc <i.way 'Nith this Jc(. Chine; then I turne ynto you that fcarc the fun,rhon h:l.{l a]evvcl more wonh,thcn ifd10u lord,& to you I direct my lafl: w;trning:Srarch I fhouldcll goc home po!fdi'ed ofall the 0 fcarch, and try your hearts and liues, rcncwc richc:; of this Fairc: you cl!! this lnd fuch like and ,rcuiuc your faith and repentance, that if/ times Faire timu: buc ifthoulc:lrne this ldfon iudgemcnr doe come and blow vpon this N arighr; ehen thou mai{l Iay,that this ~"-'35 the fairion,and driuc the Gofi,cJ from it,and it to he!; I rcH day indccd,that eucr !hone vpon thc,fince t.h~t yet you may h::mc a tefiinlOI~Y w your conthou wa{f borne. This precious Jewel which 1 Jcicnccs, rhat you did nor pull downc this gc- ~ haue fj'okcn of all this whi!r, I here offer vnro B nt.-rall calami tic, but for your puts laboured w thee. Eucry one brings hither fomething robe hauc preuentcd it, by your c2rndi prayers and folcic, this is the m:trchandize th:lt I bring,and hanic repcntanc~:that fo,the po!lcritie rnfUing fct to fale vnto you: what euer commodity any may not curfe you,burfpcak reuercntly ofyou, of you bring, iris ffom fame quaner of this and pr::ufc God for you, and wi01 that all had land, but all is from the earth, but this that I done as you <lid;for then they had cnioycd this bring~ it is from heaucn: and all the canh cangoodly land, and all Gods bidfings with it, as not yccld it: and as it is from hc~mn,fo it is of we their forefathers did bdore them:& fo lhal ahcaucnly venue, and will "''orkc that \Nhich our names not rot, buc flourifi1 amonglt the all the wealth in this fairc.~ isnot able to doe: po!lcritie to come, which fhall be partakers of\ thedOrc cafl: not to buy the bafcfi,and let palfc the dcfobtion; And whe-n we haue renued our the belt ofall: & ncucr a1lcadge that it is abouc t-cpcmancc, let vs then euery one of vs, dcalc thy compaffe, and being aIe~;Jcl,it is too dcere wit\1 the Lord by earnell prayer tOr ehis church and co!lly forrhce:for I offer itfrcelyvmo you, and Nation, that the Lord would 1llew his & to cueryoneof you: I pronounce vnco you, mercic vpon ir, and continue vmo it this from the Lord, that here this bldfed doChin is peace and the Gofpcll: it is norhing with the offered vmoyou all, in his name, fnely, 11nd Lord to doe it,his powerfull hand is notl11orrtb::tyoumay hriJ it withom mtmJ. Happic: is that C ncd,hc can continue our peace, when rhc P:l· day when thou comming fo farrc to buythings p1Hs look for hudi-burhes,hc can continue the for thy bodie,& paying fo dcere for them,dofi Gofpel, when they hope to fer vp theirIdolatry meetc with fo pretious a Iewctl, the venue agaiuc; let vs therefore plie the Lord with our whereofwill faue chy foule,and payell nothing prayers, :md with Mofes fee our felues in the for it. Thoumaidl. hereafter rcioycc, and fay;I breach, :1nd pray for the ignor:mce oflhe mUIJiuk tf.J3, went to buy and fell, and tohelpc my bodic: titudc,and be ...\•ailetheir finnes, \\'ho bcwaile 1fo but 1haue aUO learned to faue my foul e. I not rhcir owne. So did Noah, Daniel and Io/;, went thitherto hclpeto maimaine my own ein their agcs,and praied for rhe people in genellate: but I haue learned to hclpe to maintaine rail calamities: let vs all be Noahs, Danidr,and £,g/andinpr0fpc:rity:for a!furedly,ifwe would lo!JS in our gcner::arions; If we doe thus, then all of vs learne.this ldfon,and praClife ic., wee '~'~·hen Judgements come, \\'C 01all either rurnc 'mightaffure our fclucs of the glorious profpc. them away ffon1our Nation, or at the 1eafi, we rity ofEngl~tnd,to continue fi-om generation to {hall dcliller our owne foules. gencration:whcreas abs,if\Ye continue and go Let vs now turnc to the l.ord in prnycr,and forward in our finncs, and impcnitcncy, it is bccau(c ir cannot be hoped, but that rhis our greatly to be feared, that neither the Gofpell, ! D generall finfulndfe mufr needs ende with fame nor this peace, will reach to our pofieritte. rleauy iudgcment; let VS defirc the Lord llill tO 1 Therefore now to make an cndc;I once againc, fparc vs,::nd giuC' vs rime and leifurc ro !'cpcnr: and lafily commend this dodrine m you al,and th:~t fo, we t.·nmng into our felues,and fc:1rcing cuery one of you, (for this marchandife rhat I our hearcc;, and turning ro the Lor.d; be~ may bring, is of thar nature, that though fome take turne away his imminent iudgen.ems: and thar it, yet there is alfo inough for euery one) and I when his..,.,·rach doth burne out indC'ed,v,·e may commend it vmo you, cuen from the very then be connred wonhy in Chri!l, to efcnpc mouth of God himfelfe: thinkeof it I charge thofe things which mu!l needs come vpon the thee, as cucr thou Jookefi toappcare before the wor\d.Amen. face of Chrifi Icfus the great I"dge, ar the lafi day; & if thou woulcfl efcape the rigor ofthat mdgcmcnt, enter now into iudgemcnt with rhy fdfc,and fcarch thy (clfe: if thou now wilt not rccciue this doChinc,then Jball it "Ott the laf!: day be abill of Enditcment a!?._ainfi thee, for if Lament, ) • L.(fvsfearcb andtrie our tMiu, t!nd tt1nu againe to the Lord. Triu-vni Dcog_lo_n_·a_.___ . ....,.__'-------'------~--·~-----------...: __