Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~ •c----- - --:--------------------<-=- - ·-;16. The Epi~leVedicatorie. / I_ I I hitherto you haue done: Religion had neuer more caufe eo thanke you l andall that I doe fo,then now it barb 1 for her enemies were neucr fo infolent lincethey were our e– nemies: but if you and others bold on, as in your feuerall _Piace_syou ha_uewell begun, and otherstake the ltkecourfe, there ts hope thetr Infolenctes Will be cahly (if umely) rcpreffed,and themfelucs neereli the fall, when they imagine they are in rhefull, The Lord bleffe and allifl you in your painefull places, and make you on earth lnliruments of his glorie, to the good of his Church ,fo fhall youbeveifclsof glorie in the king– dome of Hcauen. And thus com:nending this little Treatife to your reading, and my fclfe to your fauour_, I rakelcaue, and will euerrefl, I6o). "Your Worjhips in the Lo~J, \V. CRASHAVV. R r r z ·- -- !