I_ Th.ecohe. rencc:of thefeworcfs 1 withthereft. A . nf:, ,, ... ·;t· '"·t•t .. 0! .TR·'·E .. ATISE OF THE. DVTf ES AND DIG NI TIES of the ·Minifrerie. lobH• :1.~~ 2.4. ff-t~erc f;c£: with him a8vfc!fengct,an 1 ntcrpretcr~one of a thoufandto declarc,vntoman hi.t rigbtcoujnejfc : T.hcn wfllhe haue.mcrcie on him, andwilLJay~ deliuer him that hegoe .not dowj£'into the pit ,for1hauc receiucdartconciliation. ~~<~<lX:r;:'~N1 ;bis Chaptc~: a1;d the for- A vfcth mcanes in his mcrcic to preferuc finncrs mer, Elilm a hqly, learned, fromf:llling into fin ne, but iftheydoe, then he noble, and wifeyoung man, in much greater mercic affordctb them mcancs had ·conference with lob in and helps to rife againc. And this is the fumme Imatters of high and exceland fUbH<\ncc of the words. Now, that means lent Diuinitic: the points of . and rcmcdie, is rhc rnomcr I purpofe to fpcakc .hls conference arc thcfc : of,out ofthcfc words: The meanes then to reFrOmF c r verfC (;f.this Chapt~r, to the fcfiore a finnc-r after a fall,is to raife him by r~prnuenth verfc ~is a Preface to his fpecch. From tance to a better dhte then he was before, and thCnce"to the I 3. he rcpeatcth certaine propothat is inclufiucly,and by implication taught in Gtions ofID!J, & rcprooueth them:from thence this text. Bur the injfrument by whcme that , -i·- • 1. to t9efewords, hce infiruChnh fob in certainc great \\'orkc is to be wrought, is here in pl;}inc • •• 1 ' • ;~· points rpuching Gods dealing with !inners j & teannes laidc downe to bee a Mmijlerof Gid, .. '· ., thofc arecwo. lawfully called and fcnt byGod, and ap_poiu- ~ep:uuof · i Ho.w God pr~fp. ·ucth a finner from falling. tcd by his Chur<h to thargrcar duric, So that tbu cbap. ~.' ~ 2 ~ ijoyt God rc/J~rcth a fi.nncr bceing fainc. B thefc •.sordes containe a won hie_dcfcriptionofa 'J'he(ummc aodfcopeof' this Tutit ldcferipti– onofthc I nilrumcnc by wbome Gorlraifcdt alinncrinto rhC!ftatc:of gr~ec and h!uation:. namcly,a Minirlcreo( his word,& hcisdclcr).. bed. n '· I ,;rh~ mcans vyh<;rcbyGod prefcructhafi,ntrue Minifter, and he is here dcfcribed : .n~r;·afi fct downc t 1 Q b~ two principally. r By h1s tides,which are twoAn Angei!.An ~~~~~~yhis ~ By Admonitiors,indreames and toijl'om~ Interpreter. ' , z. By fcourgn and chaflifomer.ts • ~\·hen the z. By his rarcndfe, Or.e of athoufand. ,.u.u."·, fir~ will notpreuailc. And thdC .arclaid down 3· By his officc:which is, todec!arev;,.toml!n froq1 the thirrcene vcrfc, vnro thefc words. hU righteoHfoe!fo. k,. I . ' .. I L 2. Thc,n follo\.\1 Ctl~ the:. point, namely the 4- By the bleffi11g th'lt God giueth vpon the reftorin{ of a finncr V\• henboth th~mcanes forlabours ofthis true MiniHcr: vvhich is,then God mcrly fpoken of, hat~e not prcu.aikd with him, willhauc merci~ vpon rhejim:er. bu~ s!lat thorough his corruption hc~is f3Jicn: 5. By his Commiilion and authoritic in .the I .and concerning this point, hec hanc}lcth thcfe Jafi words: God will f.1y, Deliuerhim thttt hee particulars, ~ J goe r.ot dQW;;eintothe pit ,Jt'>r I hf!tlereuiued are- 1 t The remedie and"{Mnes of ~.is !c!loring. C !conciliation. Let vs fpcake of them in orde.r l S 2 The effeCt that followcth thereupon. they lie in the text, :md fidlof his tirle-s. I Thcrem(die_is laid do\\'nc in_thc.IC words r. ThdlrH title of 3 Minifier of God is, he L!irl(',3n now rrad vnto \'S; , thpl fotlowcth tllc rffeEl, is called a Mcffenga,or an Angel: and no~ ~~;re Ar.gd. \\'hieh is, that wbcna finncr is rcllored bv realpnc, but clfc"Yhcrc in rhe Scripture.Mal?F;:Z· pcntanc\,t.hcn t\~c g~~cCs ofGod ar.er.lcntlfully 7-Jle is the lf1cJfcngc;· of the Lordofl!ojlc.r!~\1d powtcd'\vpon hnn, both for fou!c.and bodic: ~n the Rcuclation, the Miniflers of the fcaucn ltt.>ueT.t,3nd · fro!11 lh,clc \vords, to the end ofthe chaprCr. ,Churchcs,arc called the Anids ofthpfc Chur~ 3.ch.ap. I'. The intent then ofthis Scrip~r<,is t\.m g_or_l._-;-d_,c_s._So th~[ ~t is o:~ppa,rant,:: Ul!e Mini!l~· is an I ' R r r 3 A'rgc}_____.__: ',:,.