Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

.·-··-·----=--------~---,-'-·----·-····- .. --------.-------.---...-..:..= ·-· __ c;_: , 1 / . :r l:/e:duti'el anddignitiei bfther!'M ini/lerie. ·'"" . J jiE_ f - J Gho!l: uor the lnftt•"?'"' of it, for that is rhe 1 A1· comming was to tc2th rhb1l fpirir~ally; I;> ut _\ ,\<i.i; I slad tidings ofthe Golpd; but! fay hcetsrhe tl1atln h"n Chnil, G::gln,teach h!s c;hutch for I :~~~;~~c~~·o fnurp'fler 4 r of it; that ,is, firff one thar cat~ open c.ucr; that no M~n.tflcr IS 1~ fir ~o Pi"cach,t~ N~...: : Tbi' f; tl; , I hltCh~rda. and e-xpl4~~tt'the coucnancs: of g~ace, and _r~gl~dy t1ons and ro Ktng_s, ~~ttt!l the,] h11nr: ~t!UIJ th~ l ~a.t ~~cGCO'!l I h.y downc rhc meancs ho"v ~hts rcconcthatt?n kot~~-of G_od 1 th:~.r Js,ull af(_cr and be!i~c all the I cfGod. ~- is wrough'r. Secondly, one diar c111 righr'J4'~d Jc::mung [harm~n t an teacH rhcnj, they be i110 / iHftiJ applymeancs, f~lr the workiog ofit out. taught by rhc fpj.ri.t of God himfcltl·., <1nd thiS ! Thirdly, on~ th:tt hath amhoritic: to publifh c,caching i~ it cha.c ~1akcs a ml'? ~[rH( intlfpr'J- _ I and Jeclatc it .,.,hen it fs \vrouglu: an.dby chcfc rer~ and thts ~c: c:mno~ \'~}ol·.h. o~~ c._ at~ ' three ael:ions,hi: is Gods Interpreter to the pco- ! a,man be Gods in~trpreter td.h1S: pcoplc-,'Viilc~~ plc. . . · h<"c know thC rtundc ·?f G~><~ . _himfdf~j~~)~ s.l\hnsln· Then hce IS al(o the peoples lttterpreter to hQ\.-\"can h<; ~Howr t/gm111d~ ·of God, lmt b.J rlu 1,Co:-. ·~ ~~:ec(r eo God,by being able th ipcake to God tOr ehem, .reachin_t of the JPirlt of (io~J for ~5 np .~:iri eo lay open their wanes and nakcdndfcs, to knowcrh_d~e t~ou~ht of a 1~1art,but the fp;'f~J-~·~1f r. vrc. Mi· nillersmuft haue tbc :~Y~:r~~d. r.ltclnun 'bcfutni(hcd withhumane learning. l. \VithDi· •in1tic, J,Ucmull ·bc inw~rdly t~nr,ht by GodsipLric. "confdTc their ti?ne's~ to ,cra.ue par?on and form,an that as 111 hnn:So t~~ rlurtb ' OfGod kn~f.- ! giuendfc to nmc tilanKcs 111 thetr n:uncs for B crh no man,but the fp1r1t ofdo.d. Indecdc we 'I mercid'r~cciued, and in aword, t. o olfcr vp all hJay be nuns ime.rprtter by hU1~anc tc:a;f.~i;gll' their !pirituall fa~r~ficcs. Vnto G od for them:~ and mly in~cr_prct the Scri"ptUfcs trucly ~~!P fo euery true MtmA:cr 1s a double ltltt:rpreter, foundly asa·Qum;mc book.c! or ftorY,,for the.,n;: Gods to the people and t'hc: peoples to God. ~rc'a(c of knowledge; but tb'.cJi,}iJttll1fdffiFi:U- ~ In v.~hich rcfpeCt:s, b' properly ca-lled God1 all in. ur.prert r.·; ~li1·ch !'hall pearcc the hca1.·t it1d I ; momh, to the people, by prc:~ching to them ~ll?ritflithcJ~~leofm:~n~mu,H1 bcr.a~~h~ b,?~i~ •· from God, an.d rhe pooples mouth to God, by mward tcachmg 'of the holy Gho!l. · .•. prayinp fo·C them to G~d: & this.callin~Jh:\~i Let ~~ ~a~ t?in~~. I h~t~?.~u.e thC~eafi a,l~ J n~· ·! ~th .h~w.wc3t an.d g~ot1ous a ~aflmg_~h~s Mmt1?'-'·ancc ~o 1\?:~~:fp:t~\C~ll, 1nd r~}l,~~~--~~ :~~~b!JO_u Hertc"fs, tfitbe rtghtly' .conc.cmed; Now then t:ions,whtc'b ~re nQ.thmg,l:hlt c1t11er Clr-camesG,fJ tilh,WlyJ~c~ for the ~fe of it. :· . · .dlc"ir ownc;_·~+~fll'u(l.o.n'"sl?fjH.~ 'I?cuil, fo}·t~~)'!l· ~~~"r~~cl~t ~ Fir~,_tf eucry t-:ueMmtfier muO:be Gods·In• ~-oncco:me_b?t~ humane lc:~t1lrr~g1,:m~ the ~~.~~f; nns,an&n~: m pretdto'theptople,'il1d thepeopks to God, of the Smp<utc,& tru!l wholly tb reucfatioq,s' '"'.'". then' h"cn(t we learnC:; th:lt·cucry one, who ci..: of the fpirit; bu,t Gbds ipitiC\)·orkctJl ~oc.bllt ! q:~c .. Dt.~ thc'1' is·or i_mends to be a minifier~ mu~~ hau.c C ~·pon the_ fo.tlqdatlon ofth~\~~td:oncl}'I ~fMc.~ 1 t~·ac fo#g~tofthe lclJYn~d, ~vhc_re~f is (p~~'cn iq ~j~ '·th3t 1 ?,. ¥,Jhiller ~x\utl b:c~~-ili:,i_nelitrf~f~~f' Efay.50-4- where the Prophet fa~th'_(fir!l <n the t<r,:lQ lntt'rfret<!'_afGo,ds '!'~~'1~!fg! l',nd th~~f· name of Cbri!l, as hee that iStr.e great Pro- .fore he mu(\ n,ot on<!)'rrndetf!)hp9kf/bl!'~ ji.t~ phet and Teacher of !)is €hmch, anti (ccO'nda• _it, t~:it is,notbJ~cly hauc th'e liH!!~yled*e ofDl~ rily, rn t'\I!C nat~e ofhi'mfdfe, and ·aB true Prou\ne things ·ao~~ing,i1~ his 6P:u:nt~:put,mjsl?,~~p pnet5, while the world tndurcth.) The Urd in his lieart: 'and prirltdl in lijsfll!le; by'lhc;jg~ Goilhat'hgiuenmuatwgtl< of the l~a'r>ird, tliat ritualfiugcr ofGod, ..nd thcrClClf~ fdr tl>ii'cnH·: 1 fooUfd J?.!tow to fpe-a ftf u wordi~ fi~tfdlt to him afn:r a\! his o\.vb flud'V,rn"cliH:Hibil,COilfeWnP~! i hat U ~Mrle, Where note the wea~7 foul,, or Corumcnt~ries1~andjftcrall. human~ h:Cir;t~· ~roublcd Co.n[ciencc., muh ~aue a "'~~d infoa[on ttmfl pray with D~uid,.Oj~n rAOUinik~.q~"Y;.~h.a.t : Pial.u'/.:8. ! {pokcn'to \urn for hts comfort, f'\a that ·can• I ""'J fu the wonam.of thy law<. The difcerj !<ikcl> without th'e tongueoftlte'le'arned, nlng of tho.fc wondei's requ1f.~s a{piriJtM./!;1/il, i ~rid~~~~~. lhmongu~~'f.the !Ca~n-~_d mull be ~!~~tion,ancl t!le.opcni~g?fthem.requirculi~ 1 gt~en Jf.'r!iof . Now to h.atle thts _r~llg~< ~~ thr tonguei th'i ~-~V~(d.Thertto'r~_'d~cr 6U M:ltu 7 ~ '\'·'I {ea?'"'.ili\Vl.>1ch Efa{ fpca.kcs of,.· w.hat IS .•t ~ut d1~ '-'~ltch fl' . ~qfaJ>d.l\ ..IO:od,_>···d('on l ,; '· _'_'' 1 t<> be_rHis· inwpmer, whtcb' thc"hbly GhoR @ can yccld,pray 'w.iih tliePropf\ct,Lordgi#~ml' - '" here i3;!tl~ a MiniJlcr't,niill be;_:B)lt tobe_ ahle'to c 1heronglk•fi·Jt;l~~~·~<,J,th~t] ~h)' be a rij~i~if~ , ; ~~ i fpe:lliewiil: thi's to~gu'eis,_FI~!l,~.oJl~'f"."~'d .l~pr<~~rot -~~¥ ~.dJy·"~\11 . ..,. _:'; ·. '.{ r. ,,_,,I with human< learm•g. z. Wrth diuill~·f<l!ow!tdgr, Funhct'rrlllrl'l'tl.!mucH ~d\lini!!els ir~~R~ ,, ~lf-t.Ji'' 1 as it qJ:).'y_ by ou::ward~q,d.!'lcs he ti tight fi-Om t~rprttcrs,. they.m·uft l~bouf for.fanltitiC ('h"tl:a ~Vntflm. t. matrt<? '?an·; _but ~:efi:d'e_s t'hc(e , b~~ tllat will hOlt.ntftre ofln~c. [~Efay~rh?!!! ..~a ~r~,'i~ ~~~f fpea~C thU t87gue ansht, m~~ bet i/tt~ttrd'J ~~.fal(.l pl'l~if.ed'9~ fe~,a~:af't,to ddfror~,~i)J} ~1:~i~et'4' lea,rnrd, and taught by the fP,',"\ of (!od : the e»~ln;e~Jfth~r~'.~f it c'CI't")l:<k!nd ?t fan_tifjit(!" m<~""d ro two firfi hcmufilcarnc,but ,he third tJoti, n~ceffane; for the rbor'kj'tf_tltjlrHEf:o(l_;fHe1.\ t~er~!;t~~~ ;~~~~\-;b;,=h~ ~\'~;~::~~~e~o1l:~~;~~~r~f~~:~:~ ~;t;1~~";~,~~J~£g~~~~£.::~~:t~r2:~,f~ ;~,:';:~·· ·Reuel.lo,s. G hofi. Saint lo~~i i'n·rh e.Rcucla't't'dn !l,_ltlft t3kc -t~dt~ofGo~~f~fth,\.ij_ 1"t;'!lniflc'~ rs to dccla:~c tH~ thc_bookc, t.hat lS the icnpturc-,"'a!ld e3te it,and feco·nb liauo.i?lkC\\"IXt God and1t/13n,andiSl~C' wl:~n h·c ~1:\d eaten i~;. th'm ( faith;~h~ .A:!l~cl)hi Ri\nfclfC nd~f~c;i~~il~,~ ~ tlf1~2 he pr~fcn.(ftf8!! ! '!':~~~oe p~~~~c~ ro l:'d~t~Js, tong,ue~,, ~e~p'fr,, and c~~.r nian,~1d 9'o~s·.m~rcy fcftt~~~l~n~a!~d.rl~iiJP, ; r. _Km[.! ; whrch was doo<, not-t!Yal ~aint !v6!1 fdr prcfcnlc~'j\hi.rl!fc? Caq h-e commcnd./R? ! hJd ' not ~ten rhat bb.~kc, in ·ttte 'corflnlfng 1 thtc df' gt~3t~td;'&n~'thcrc;(ah( ,1cuct1 felt .iJ\t?l\ .v..,r,· downroftlu hot; Gbof!_ ;:_':.5_~~--'~ eMebf whof< fu,eetcnelfe tltt:lc6fl6 his'o\\:ile fo(il'mS;.fk~e \j .. ' f Rr..I- 4-'"f' 1 .~ . l,lll ·~