Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

j / The dutie1 anddignities ojihe &TniJl~~-~~433~ /-- [it dererucs bdl ~f ol~;o b~.rcwarded:ccmineA it be to Ah~b,or w ony IGng,whofe king~om.c 1 1 • Thi~~~J.:cs manyufour bdtwits rurncf1om Di~tiui1icto Low. ! Iy it were a worwy \...-hn{uan policy, to prots m dlat eft.atc. . . _ . . .. 1 pound good pn:fc:rmcms t~ rhis_callin?, th<lt The JcfuJ~cs d!l~gcncc JS·.ti1~h utt~a~bwg, ~~?~~!~ec~~;. · thereby men of the worthH.:!l ctfts nnght be and the rcadH)CS of fome of.chclr t10UICCS'[uch I tiuuc chcir . wonne vnto ir, and the want ~her<wf: is the i:tlcarnit_lg,(_.rhc d~uill~itnfel_{C".donbiiefT~,_Env:- 1 ~~~r~~~hi:~J caufe why fo many young men of fpce~al p;urs, o ng tQ h1s O~Jec wnhal 1 chat!m ~hr,cc yoat:.os(.a-s and greateft hope, run:e ro other vouati()n.r, :;~nd fame of them tay of thcmfducs)thcy proccedc cti)ccially to the Law, ""herein at this day the i1~ l~u.manc, :u:d ia the·fOunhJ in·D{l orcatdl: parts ofthe jineflwits of om: bJ.ngdome llllllcte: wh1ch :t lt be lo,rhcn ir may be a good ~re it~ployed, and \Nhy?But bccaufc they haue Leffon, for thCfe out' fchool~s of1carning:;Y.inxf :1ll the mcancs to rife~ whereas rhe mini!lcrie an indJH.:cmcnr to moouc all that h:ntc lthc gofor the mofl: p.:m yeelderh nothing, but aplain ucr.nmcm rherof:ro labour to ~dl~ancc lCanlwg rvay to !uggerie: this is a great blcmi01 in our by -all good in~anes,and·to gi_ue innore fp~cii~ Church; :md finely I "''i01 the Papills, thofc paffagc:·may 01am.c.Jomc thatf_p'dndfb children of this ·world, were not "tvife.,.. in their many:yaares i11 the,Vniuerfitie, and yet afas'for fti11de, (in thU point) then the Churchof God: all that proou~:not one thcid!out the reformation hereof is a worke vwrth the fchoolcs :ue bf·Gods mercy,many young r're·es labour of Prince and people: and fpeciall care B 1 planted by thNiucr Gdc oftbis godly or<harcf, is to be h:~d in it, clfe it will not bee reformed, '"'hich by g.ood ordering .and, nray for doubtldfe had llOt God him!elfe in the .old prooue goodly rrees in the Templcuf God, & Tdlament, taken fuch firaight orders for the firong Pillars in the Church: bur they- are like. liuings ofrhe LeJtires, they had bccnc put to no t-ender plants, and mull be. ~b.cflllhcd. Princes 1effc extremities, then is the minifieric.of this :l!ld grcar men, by allowing mtti?lten:~r,cc,dmd age. And this rcafon added to the other,makes the rftabii!hing good orders r and themperfeCt; and all put together inake area~ looking careful I)!to their execution, fmlfi.fcc (on infallible : for.who will vndergoe fo vile a , that thcfe .planrs hauc fufficicnc moijfute•io conumpt, and vndertak! fo great a charge for no gr-ow fpeedily tp per~cCt rip~nes, and th:~t. then reward: and where rhere is fo gre"at contempt j they be tranJPI,mted tn due ume.,imO the.drpn;.ho •;n.!il i,.-·, rl <"'; :: ;ir fo hcauie"lllmrthen", anti fo meane a rew3rd, and commou.v.•.calth: thefc bc,thc tre~sfpokcn what marudl, if a good Miniller be on• of« of inE<-<kj<l; whichgrowe. by the Jider•f thJ'riEzo1<. 1 7.(.'' thoujitnd! tier, which jloWeth out oj.•rhe.!fanblHafie.: W~ &c.~ J.'l'hevrc Now let vs make vfe of this d66hine: The rcrs out of the SailCtuatie ~niuft .nourHh thetri; ;,£~~Rulers vfc is manifold, & jrcelds inHruCtions io many and fO they grbwe vnto ·rheir perfeCtion: but rom.:tinuinc Vniutrfiues, Colledges. andfchoolcs ofthcPro.– phcts. forts of people: Fir!l, Rulersand M.~g~fJrates take a\ 1 \.'ay thefe waters, take awayrhc libend-iare here raught,if good Minifl:ers be fo fcarcc, C ty of Princes, and g.ood difcipliilc from rhC,Vthereforc: to maimainc and increafe, and do all niurrftia,and thefe trees niuft needs deca·y' and good they can to thefchooles •( th< P>·ophm, wither: which ifthey do, then thermal number to Vniucrlities, Collcclgcs, and Schooles of of good Mmiflcrs will be fewer and fewer, good learning, which arc the Seminaries ofthe and of one of a 1000. there will not be one of l.Slm.JS'.to. Miniflcrie: l1erein the exampleof-Samuelis vc2000. u,u.s-3.~+-- ry wonhy to be fo!lowcd, in whofe dayes the In the n~xt· place, Minift:r.'s thern{ducsiare 'r!terathH, Dcc;uftthc Popedoch foro vphold hisfuperfii· tion. AtRomt, Rhcmc•, Dowly. fchooles of the Prophets Aouri01ed, and euen here raughr:Fir!l ifgood miniflers be foJcarc:e, Saul himfelfe, though he did much;hurt in lj: then let euery man feare to make them fi{ver rael, yet whenhe came to the (choolcs ofthe then they be: euery man therefore for himfcjfe, Prophets, his hard heaft relented, he could do labour.fi11for abilitf"e, then for contCienc~ to themnohurt, nay, bee pm offhM robuand pro~ difCharge his dmir: namely, to be an Angei/Jto plucied~tmongff thrm. So lhonld all Chriflian deliuer faithfully Gods Embatf.1ge, and a tiua Princes and magillratcs adu:mce their fchoois, fnterpteter bct\o\ixt God :md his people: thi1s if and fee them both well maintained and well thou dodl, then howfocucr the numbn.of fiored,the r~afon is cuident and fOr'dblc. D goocl Miniflrrs is fillall, yet it ihall be noth'ing A good Minifte-t iJ one of I ooo. Iftherefore finallerforrhec. ·. ~ 1; they would hauc the number incrcafcd, let z.1fthere be fo few,Iabour toincrcafethem:, them m:aintaine the Semin:~.ries. And agamc,if for the more they arc, the leffc bunhen li'<fth .AntichYifl to vphold his kingdome, the kingvpo!l each pariicular man, therefore let euery dome of S::~t:m, be fo carefilll herein, to ereCl Miniflcr by his teaching,ahd byhis conuerfatiCotledges, :~.nd indowc them with liuing,to be on labour foro honour his calling, that he may Seminaries for his Synagogue,:md vfc fo great thereby allure and dra\o\'e others to aloue and meancs to fo.,,·e his tares in the i1eans ofyoung liking thereof. men, that fo they may fowe them in (he he:ms 3. Arc good MinHlers too tbinnc fowne? 1.b.bourto rncrcafcthC' bywinnin~ otherstolt. of the pcoplcobroad : fiJall not Chriflian Priuarc there ro fewe ofth<m:then Ictal! good and as be as carcful,or rather much more zealous, godly miniflers gitt~ theright hand offellowjhip . O:~bu.g. for the incc3fing of the number of Podly mi~ one eo another, and 10ync together in loue,and I ~n~~~~:~c:a uiflcrs? fha!l Baal hauehU 4· hundredProphets, by that mc:~.ncs arme thcmfelues againfl- the ~thcr and and God ha11e hi& Elias ~tlone? great flume mufi fcornc and contempt of the "''orlcl: we fee they l 't\{~~~ rogc~ that