i / The dutieJ anddignities Ojthe ~ldinijlctie. !-- J rt•'htcoufi)cll'c 1111)' be ohtllm~d,namclv, by do- A , bur rhc duty of cuny rrl1e }\ .. [-,-,;-tl_cr_?-'- ) ~l~~~~::~ , tng rwo c!u:1.:3· FuHby dcny1ng & dt!~·launmg I 1f .d~is be the: .offin: and dl!~ic of :'I Mini!~~r; .~1,~:a:~~. ~~~~·;nn!l j hts 0\\ n nglncouG1ciTe. :md rhat ts don<: bl reand d h.ch be 1 he h(·tgbt and cxcdlcnttc ot Ins I jcdar~ nto pcllt:t!lt;C; Second!)', by cbymtng and tit 'lW'.?; oflicc, let vs Jcc then \', hacv!.; \.-\t m.. y m:lkc of I ~~~~h;:~a~~:~·~ ~ to ~hnHs nghtc~t~lncs,& tha~ ts done by f:~trl:. Jt. i_ti 1 ~e~?i~. Tlmdly,:l rru~ t~!lldlcr ?1~y & mu~dcd,u·e 1ht-J Futl,conccrmng the mmdi:c~y: le lirft d1fco~ ' F1r4 f<~r tf~ t:;;~:~·~~J righreuufoet tohtm, that 1s,firtt pubhll1 ;md pro1 ucrcch how nak;d!y, '' cakc 1 y,.and mfi.dF~1cnr-. :·,~l~~~~.r;;1~~~ r:rcut. I cl:"timc,ch:tt it is ready eo be bellowed on cucry I ly, che Poptfb Cmtrch doth ctecu1revnroman ht~ do<.-nfdicl- !•~emufl is ~bie ro iuO:ific and fauc him:lCcondl)'•beGdcs I 1 "\·here alas iris not: fot· P.u:! h,,mfc!tC• tdhfifinncr,which will thus apprehend it,and t!1:lr ic I rigbreOifnn,<A·ho wil let ami l"cck it iu him1Cif~ f~~dyJcda:c I ""'"'·'"'1 b bl. . f" h.. "fi . l it h 11r~rcbimof 1 a arc pu IC:lt!Oil o t :s Hlnl c:mon, 1e mn I Cl , that hi! ddirc is, that he m~y be fOund om ir. (as PauJ d1d) wtweffo and ufi':Ji.c it to rhe cono{ himfolfe, and in Chrill; and yet cen::iinciy, Phii,!P.;.~,j. I [cicncc ofthe llnncr, that it is as <;ertainly rrue, it euer m:HI h:\d rig!ncouft~ cs ofhh owr.e,'i.\'onh as God is true. F~.)r as a JVirnrjfo in doubtfull trutH.ng to , Peu! bad: this is the pufc \\ hy 10 cafes is c~!lcd, th:tc by his Te1timonie he may. i m:1ny of that Religion fi;Jd nor thar t·ight~o;4{- clure tboruth, fo when the confcicnccs of 1 nc:-ffi',which wi[ pacific and l"arisfic thtir confCipoorc !lnners arc wasterin~?; and doubtfull what B ences, \\·hen they com<.' todie; 3nd why fO mato bclceue,whco theyda:th: of this rightcoufny of them; when it comes ro the p;nch, doe neffc, then is a true miniHcr :JS :1 frithfn!l witthen ~oc. out oft~em..(c(ltr.r,andwith vs do fcck nej[e ofGod to aucrre and t~flifte the truth,from for this nghteoulndic 111 Chrifl, v>here both af,. his own c:onfcicncc:,know!cdgc,and feeling of furcdly,:md fuAicicntly is it robe folmd. the infallible ccrt:Jintic ofGods promit"es,vmo Then for our ownc MiniHcric,hcr'e they are · the doubtful! and diHrdfed confci:encc of the taught; firft the true m::mncr ~.f teaching, aQ;d 's-econdly; · J.HemuR: Thirdly, beGdes declarationand teftification, preach the Jaw alone, or the Gofpd alone, as !inner. declaring righreoHJiujfe, nam.c1y thfs, not to I o~roWne. nlliruainc ir, I he is to m!lintaine this truth, and rhisrighreouf- !Ome vnaduitCdly doe( but both 'i.o\!ithouc pro.. . :;~\~ it:[tc lt neffi,(ifthe !inners confcicnce be yet notquiet) fit) but b.oth the Law and the Gofpell;thc la_w to ~~~:~~~he ::~~~b~~ci~~s. 1 againll all gainct.1ycrs, againfl the powe~ ?f breed,crepentanu,thc Gofpeltoworkef~ith:but Gof;c1. P darkencffe, and all chc gates ofhcll: that th1s IS in order;fir{l the law to breed repentance, and / true and perfeCt righteou~ndfe to him that apthen the Gofpcl to work faith and forglucnes, Tl1i~ dutie is ordirurily p:culiarto ~1illifien. :s~m.tr. I prchends it, as afore is la1d downe: and this is . but ncucr before. • fo infaJiible t'i.Jeuery foulcthat repents and be- C Secondly, they arct:ntght tObcl>ofJ, to be ,, Tobeho. ltcueth, that the Minillcr m:1y a!fure it to the fanCHfied and reconciled chemfclurs : for is it :~l~ces~ thJ!. confcience ofthe llnner iu the word of uuth; thy office todeclare vnto manhis righteoufnes, and ia the name of God, and may c:t\1 to wit.::. and not thy mvne .to thy felfc? and how canfi. neffeall Gods Saints, and all his holy Angcls 1 thou be a: truerrittnef{e to tdHfie betwixt God and maypawne vmohimhis owneJoule vpon it, and the fotrle of afinner, when thy ownc foule that it is mofi true, that this is true,p(r'Jetf, and knoweth n6r, nor fcelcth the truth ofit? cer ... al!fufficient righreoufncJTe. tenlv fi1ch men are lame Witncfi'Cs betwixt God Thus we fee in [ome mea.furc, what it is to and ~he finners JOule. Dauitl faith to the finnet, declarevnto a man hu righteort[ne!Je. And this lwrll injlrufJ rhee in th~ way wiJcrein rhor~ }b~t!t Pfil.ri. is the peculiar office of aMini!lcr of God, and (ot; but he firfi ofall in the famc 1 fets down~ I ~his is the height and excellcncie of his office. his O\o\·n expedcnce in a brgc fioric of his 0\'l.'n' ln the \.\'ant ofgodly miniflcrs, 1 confcffe that repentance, and of Gods mercic.on himfelfe, F~H cls the}' godly Chri!Han menmay one helpc another in And though God fometime doe fatisfic, and 1w1l 'cm:ut the performance ofthcfe dmies,and that with tlue the poore di!lrcffcd foule qf afinner, by . butfcwc. profit, but it is rhc proper funt1i1Jn of a godly the td1itr.onie offucb mcn,to teach vs that the / miniflcr to doe it, and the promift and Mcjfi"g venue is not in the men, but in the nuth of· belong properly to bim:as the confclcnces ofal D Gods coucnam: yet alas how fCw arc they, to penitent !inners, will trHifie in this cafe; let teach vs, how pleafing it is vmohim, "yhen a 1 Dauids ferue for many, who whenhe was c~ll Minirlcr is a declarer of that righuo~tf!1fl to : downe euen to the momh of hell, by that others,\\'hichhcfidlharhhimfeife:and isavdt... , fe:m:full difcoueric of his two hideous Gnnes ncs ofthe truth to others,whicb he fidl know··• by Nttthans Preaching: and v.:hen che faith eth in his ~nmc c.\'fcrience. of his fouic beganne to wrdllc againft Hell, Thirdly~ the confidcration Of this high ex1 vrt' to ::md tlriuc againtl defpairc, and to <~pprehcnd c~llcncie o_f their calling,muft arme all trlle mi- ,l ;;~;;~·:r:r~ the rncrcic of God in ChriH: then I fay, n1flcrs ag:nnft the fcorne and contempt of the for llic concould not the tcllimonic of :tll the men in w"'rld whi,h by wicked lll<'n is cafllikcdufl Jemvroftlrc the world haue giuen him th:n ioy, comfort, and mY re in the face of miniflers; let this fi1f- I ~-,orld •. :1.nd -:~iTur~ncc, th:tt Ntttht!n did, when he f.1idc fiC"c thern, thrv are rhe men that mull dec!a~·e in ri)Cword of aProphet, and of :1. rruc minivntomtm IJI~f r/ghuouJi!c_f[e, r_uen P~cc rlmt[cornu :\ ller, God bt:th ta'z51: away tby.fim:e, tbotl ,ll:~aft and comcmnes d1c mlnlficne,beoatbnrJritZ"btc... ;Jo!die : whn did JVa:banhere, bmdc:-c!arcvmo oufneffi in hin', vnlcffc ithe by the meK11c~ of a , mtm In~· rig_htcoufm:JjC ?what did JVatbanhere poorc rl.finij'ler::_:_~.n~:_ thou t.hy dmic,anJ he I thx ---~