~.Vfcfur Student$. Toconfc· cra.to! thc:n– fe\ue>to tha;:r.igh calling. I Cfhe dutres andd1gnitieto{the .'\dinij!erie. \ I that mockcs thee, hath eaure tO honOUI" thee. A Mini!lcr is one of I cco. A good Lr.wycr n:::~y : -- ~-I .A'nd let this cncourag_c SwdcmS to confccr~te declare the truc:rtareof th; c.u.fr: : a Phifiri;m ll 1 t.hcmft:\ucs to rl:c muutlcry, for what ca!lmg may declare the true fbcc of rh; /;odie: No call h:uh 10 high an office, as this, to dfcl:1re vnto ling·, no man can dccl:~rc z,·mo rhrc t!J_J r~'!,hteot:[- · m:m hk_ 'flghtcoufncjfi? And :J{furcclly hovv cucr ne/fo ..,but a tnlC .Minifl:cr, Ant! rhus we JCe rh~c 1in this \\'Jckcd world, thou arc ltttlc accounred offiCe or funCbou ofaMini!h:r.Now folio\\ cth 1 --of (for if it cl id not fo, it were not wicked:) the bldfing. , yet thoD ~m honoured in the hearts of a! Gods The;nvil! h:e hrruc mcrcie "~pon him. - ·children, and cuCn in the cor.fcience of f.omC, The fourth gcncr~!l p:nc ofeh is dcfcription, 4 . roin•,\he who(c tong:te.t doe finite thee: & the foulcs of £s the blej]ing which God giunh to ;,he l~bours hldhn17-' ;. Vfefor h:arer:~o Seckeri~h· tcr>ufnelf.: both in the L2wandthe Gorpd. j,\"JhittO eftccme of Gods Mini• Cl: us. 4.Vfcfor Fathers to make their fonnesMi– nillers. thou fands,when they die flJal bldfc t!H:c}"''ho in & funCtion ofa uue .i\·lillificr:thcn}that is,\-\ hC , ~~~~~~~~ tbeir li"'e.r cared not for thce::~nd the deuil hima man by theprc:aching of'thc Jaw,is bro1!ght to 1 o1cweon fclfc doth enuic,& the holy Angels themfClucs true humili:nion and rcpcntiicc; & by the prC"3- I th~fim;cr. doe wor.derat the exrellcncie of thy calling, in ching of the gofj)el,to true faith in the Mcllia1.: that thOu haft powcrto decltrrc vnlo man bis B thenwil!hcc(th:uisGod) hm:e mcrcie on him, nghteouji/ef{c. (that is,on the pcni;;cnr and bclccuing finner.) In the ncxt place, he.trers may herelcarne; J Behold here the admirable fimpathy, and the firfl if theii" ;·ighteoufoe;fi: be thru to be declared cooperation of God, and the Minif\crs office. as afore, then H' they will b;~ue it, they muH Man preach!'th, :md God bldfl·th: Man worfcekc ir as it m:~y be fOlmd, n'amely, both in the keth on rhc hc:J.rt,~nd Godgiun<~·race:a MiniLaw, ttnd m the Gofpe!, and not in rh~ Gofpcl after--declnres vnto man .his nghteoujnt'f{e, and lone; and firll: in the law, then in rhc Gofpel~ : God f.1ith[o he~~ heejba/!6e rtghreous: aMinifor he rnuft ncucr lookc to tafic the (wcemdfe Herpronoll>;etthmcrcze to apcuilenr finncr, and of the Gofpcl, Y\•hich hath not fi.rH Cwal!owcd fonhwirh God hathmercieon him. Here \\'e fee the6rtterpil!softhe!aw.· ifrbcreforcrhou ·woulthi- great and glorious account whid1 God deft beedeclared righteogs by the Gofpcl, be makp of the wordof-his miniHcrs,by them twly contcz:1t fidl to be pronounced miforab!c hy the taught and righdy appiicd; namely, that hee as law: if thou wouldcfl: be declar-ed righteom in ic were ticth his bleffing vnto it;fOr ordinarily Chrift, 'then be content firfl: tob~ pronounced till n man knowe his righteouti1dfe, by the finfull and vnrighceous in thyfo~fe. Secondly, mcanes of an Interpreter} God hath not mercic all men ·'"ay here learne, how they are toeon him, but affoo1~e as he C:oth 1now it, then fteemc ofGods M1nifteri, and what rcuercnce as we fee here, God }"Ptllhtwemercieon him, and and obedience is due ro their pcrfon$,a.nd their C wtlfay,de!iuerhim,&c. This is no fi11all bon('lur doCl:ri~c: {hcfe arc :hey which mufl declare1mto Miniftcrs, and to their Minifterie, rhat God ·to thee th; ri.._~hteoufnejfe, if thou ha!l: any; Art himfclfe giues :1. b!elling vnro ir, and \.\orkcth thou beholding to him,who,Nhcn th'cu hafl: loft when they workc, and as it,., ere fiayerh \\ aia fewell (which w:~.s all rhy wealth) can tel thee ting, "''hen they declare vnto mm hi~ rightewhcre it is-, and helpe thee to it againc? or to ouf'ncs,and then hathhemcrcieonhim:fo pcn..,·erhirn,who, when thy caufo is in triaH at d1cbar, fi1ll, :wd fo dfcduall, is the "''ord fJ)()h.cn hy a GoO ~ndhi~ Muriflu wor\<ctogeo th(r, will pleadc it for thee? or 10 him, who, when Minitlrr of Cod. This is that which Cl1riJl a. 'th)' hra!th is loft, can reil thee how to get it avouchcth, wharfocll.crJ'Oit loofe in e#rth,J all h 1 MatdLI~.l6 gainc? then behold how thou art beholden to a loofrdin heutwr. V/Jll you know the mc~ning godly Mimjlcr,\"'!ho,whcn Adamhad !oHboth hereof? Rc:ldc Saint John, whoft Jinnn focurr Iolno.2J· for himfclfand thcc,th:tt /ewe/ o_f righteottfocj{e, you remit, rhq are remitted; who[e you retaine, I which was, and is the whole wealth of thy they are retained: will you h:mc the meaning of fOulc, can truly tell thee whrrc it is ,and how it both? read Efay, God dejlroyeth the ro/:.gm of Efa.<jf.!J-If• is tobeh:1d :1gaine: and \'vho, vvhcn the dcuill Soothfayers, ~tnd mak$s wi:urrds, ~nd As1roloh:~lcth thee to the barre ofGods iuflice, to regersfo"Oies, mrneth worldly wife men 6ack_tward cciuc tria\1 for rhv finnes, can dr:~.wc thee there andma~estheir ~owledgefooli/l:nef{e, ln>ft heconfuch a declart!tio~J, as the dc!U!l himfelfe J11ali D jb·meth thewordof hi1 jeruants, and performcrh not be able to anfwcr? andwho, when thyJoule thecotmfo!lofhit mej{cngers. Thus God bindtth is ficke to dcath,and eucn to damnation, dn and !oofcrh with them, remitteth, ttnd retaineth heale the deadly wounds thereof. A goo.d miwith them, by confirming zluirword, andperforniflcr therefore is rvorrhy (as the: Apofllc f3ith} ming thcircomfc/1. of douhlc honour, whofe dutic we fee is ~odeForcx:llnple. -cfarevntoman h 1 f riiThteou[nes.And to conclude A true Jvtinifier fccth a finnc:rhardmed in his this pointalfo, the ~onfidcration of the height Jim;es,and l1ill rcbcllin~ againft the wil ofGod, of this office of a minifler , may encourage he therefore declareth 1/ntohim his vnrtghtt'ott{- fathcrsto dc"dicatc their fonncS to this holycalnejJe, and his finne, and dcnounccth \'ntO him ling:for the Phyjithnucarc for the bodie,or the · the mifcric and culfes of Gods iut1icc, as due Lawyars for thy cauic, arc both inferiour duvnto him for the f3mC: here he' bi1:des on earth, tics to this of the MiniHcr. A good Lswycr here hce rcltli11tt on earth, this mans finncs a:rc I may be one of tennc: a good Phyfitian one of likewirc bnund and retained in hc:m~n. On twentic, a good man one of 1o. but a good the other fide, hc:e feeth amanpemtmt and be- \ --~--leeuint.._;__- ·~----------.~----~--~-------