Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

s V(c(nr Micillcr~o .'ThedutieJ 11nddignitierofthe .Minijlerle.~ - ------- lunir.g, he pronounceth forgiuc:ncffe of (inncs A bcJc-cucll, then God bAth me1ci(! on tbee, then and happines vmo him for the fame: hu!oofoth Jcarne w~:t.t ·rcuercncc they and their word is himfrom the band of hiJ; finncs, by declaring wonhie'of,. which is rhus accompanie-d with :'~"'"himhis righteo1tfoejfo; this 111211S finncs are Gods mcrcic and forgiucndfc :and then learn. likcwife loafed and remitted ;n hcam•11, & God .to hearc thc·worli of 0od with ft'arc :md trcnr.. himfelfc cloth pronounce himdcare in hcauc:n bling, for it is Gods word ; and not their~· ! and when th~ Miniller doth on earth. Thus God when a true: miniHer fairh vmo thee on a:uuc 70 Sc-e- rhc– dignait a!ld prc:rogatiuC'l , f the Mini· Cf)nfimurbthewordofhisferuantl,andptrformeth ground,! dq10uncc thee 3 finnefullt~an ,or 'Nl.,.. the coutt{ellof hUmef{engtrs. der ~he cur!c, or I declare thee to hte rilbteotiJ, , The viC ofthis do.tlrioe is , Firfi:, for Rulert _and .r childufgrace, itis all .one., as thOl,gh .God I and grcac men of [his world: this mav reach 1 from hc~w~n. had faid tO vnto t.h_cc. lf any man·. obicd. "tiuf 1 chem to b.e msrfng-F,nhers ,ttndnurfin! Mothers aske, But IS lt not~! good, Ifanother man P.r.o,.;. 1 r.1av r1o~ ~n· voto the Church, ~A:hofc authoritie they fee is r nouncc forgiucndle vnto mcc vpon my rc:p~l ffi~n d~:·i~ fo great ouer them., their decree !lands tancc ( 1 aof\-\~ er, yes 'Vndoub.ic.dlv ) ifit.bC!c: in ratified in heaucn : ,Therefore [hough their ! e.t"trotardinarie timl·s, or place?-,, whet'! there arc 1 A_nd ~ot bf<. 1 place be great, and 'they-bee Gods vpon e11r1h, ·I· no MiniHcrs: for mhcrwife ; cerraindy this rdtn;a.rlly. y'etmull they withall ack•nowlcdgc ,.that in iubk!ling is principally tied vl1t.b the Miniffi'rs . ,. fiifying afinncr, in interpretation, in declaring B ~ailing: for it is't;Ot faid ofa1iy priuite mCs Cali' I •• , c.' ~ Vn/6 1111m hU right£_oUfileffc, in binding and hng, any where in the Scripture, as it is ·herer . 1 loofing , theirpower affo is immediateftom God, faid ofthe Ml.nificr~, If lln Ang~l, an_ ln~crpr~r:e; 1 _ 'F::~t~r~.a and abouc: theirs, and they thcmfdue~, a$ they come to a man& dec/arevntoh,m hu ftghreouf!!. ~rauC·Jiot i:\1c 1 arc: men, mufl:[ubmit themfclucs to.this powernejfo, then (markc the conncxionl" wi// Gvd harttl· fa~_~c profull wordofrhe Mini!lers, to bee taught by,ir, mercie on htm, ~~~d will [aj ·, Delruer'httnl&l m• '· and eo Qc reconciled by meancsofit:,:md highcfrc. t 1" J> . m rili£1 ly mufl they refpe8: ii; for though aman fpeak ."\IVhcncc comes this hleffin:g? fronnhis•)i'ro... '. it, yet it is the word ofGod: this is to licke the mifc of God. If therefOre other ca!lings-•v. iU dutl of Chr;a,~ur., which the l'rophetfipeachallenge ordinarily the fame blciline, tb'cn '~""' ')· J' '""' , d1~:1 1 keth of: not as the Pope would hauc it,to hold mull <hey hauethe fame promifc.Brhdc/;,other< , T!• .,.hiU.!' the nirrop~ and leaOC diehorfe, 3nd holde the C:h~il-bans p<IUatc men, thOl;gh ,..r..hCy! n ... t tt.~ fame water-,to the Pope.~ toJcilfc hts toes, to hold be butl:ificd1& haue a gocrd niea(t.Jrc- o"tkno~~f p_ower eo thetr kingdomes of\ hnn, as tenant'sat"' ill, ot I l ledge, yet hauc they not the fai11e- J}trlr•ijra'iftf j diiccute. bycurtefi.e,but rc-Ueren'dy to acknowledge the cernm1. that godly Mm1Hers hauc l nor can\ to ordmance to be Gods;thc funehon and dUt1e ful1yand uucly sudge "hen a man hath'tep'en\!1 to be h1gh and excellent, to acknowledge the tcd, when not; and thercfo1e ..cannot fo trudyt power o( 'their keycs'Otld c't:n(urrs ( bceing C pronounce lhe kntcncc of>the•l.awc or Golpell~ rightly applycd ) their .promlfcs' •nd their nor hauc the itbtlstt< ordmarily by their .goo'\1> tbreatenings tohe as from God, and to fubnut conference and Chnfban c:ounfel~ 1 to con:uer~ to them accordingly. · afoule, but tocPnfirmeonc conuerre·d: but !h"«tJ r~:-'1T ...lf Secondly , .Minlfhrs them(cluGs her'e mufi: power ordmarily\beJongS'to·rhe pt,blik~~tnini-'>. ·-be~r;t\ 1 learne, when they take the word of rec'OnciJi_. f.tcne ofrhe~wo_rd, thercfore;i, fo!J6wet~"'th~ 1 onion into their hands and rnouthcs, ·to call to ordina"rily· t~cy haue not the pow('r!t:O tp-f."o::> 1 mindc whofe it is, cucn the Lords, and rhat he nounce 1he icmencc of bindin·g or lootitig:"-'pt.ll : \"\'ifh them, ·an.d that rhere(ore they any man t I..c:bnf<.tre, in,tlmcs, qr p!acc,sv.lhott mull vfc lt in holly inallner, witll much fe>re no mmiltcr•dn be had, God·!iJdfcth'tlrol);:oo'll!.. and reuerencc: It Un(lt rheir4wn~, tHe; mlt]ttot of priuatc m'cn'J that hauc knkwlcdg.cq:fqrrro:~ vfo it 114 th(_J lifl. And JafHy hearer-s are here times cuen tor-the conuaning nfa o1:tn:>to'g<td, taught., lirG: to fee ~ow madde fuch men bet, and fOrc.omforcipg h1m at th(!'htaira of. d.euch\~ whichJcar.efdly, and (cl dome hcare Sermons, and giucs av.att~tC' and th3t:fctrten(;cr but•vport'any -occafion flic to"WiZ:zaids and which th"l•YOu~ pronounit (!)llr vpon·~nbti~a Charmer.~,, which aie the deuils prophets: for D1 repentance: bU.tas this i-s' cxtnrordinarie; .tarrd fee th~ d1tfercnce of thefc t\ho; the wiz.zard · in the want of ord1naric Miniflcrs, fo ih thai & ch_armer hath fOcietie wid1 the dell ill ,1 the cafC a prtHat-e'"Mn 0f k:nowic-dge andJg_od}h. , Preacher with God: the charmer hath llis ca1ndfc Umdd-e 1 a (Minift~r.forc.t'thar ti»l/ ro'hin\r ling from-the dculll,ihe Preacher his ftO God: felfc-, ortto ano"Ihe~, e,oclf aS:t rpriuate'-lm.tift.'i\t the charmers chanl•e, Urhedeui./l.t watch-w'ord, talcs of cxtncame danger~ ,, ,,.,•hctvno Magiftr.a'te ("hen·hc charmeth th'e dcuil doth thefeat:)the is prcfent', ihn:idc all1>igifiiat.elr\mfoife t<fifornehuobif din:trie~1oM timet>#~ ~~n:::t~!~ . may. Prcachers doCtrine is Gods watchword when fend his ownc life. So then as.i"n w:rm of 'a M~ 1 he truely applytth it' God himfclfe mtfierh& ' gifirate, thcfwora of thnH..gifi'r<~Cft ••vur' in- ' 1 ni~;;: makc.s it good : therefore let all men fcarc to to the hands of ·apriu:itc" man ; So in tht-!M-ant haue thus to d..)\\ 1 ith the dc:uil,by feekingto his ·ofminilters·, thek.!resof(hemin:fterieare tomflaue~,and let them draw neere toGoi:l, by·en- , mittc.d m;d-put into rhCthands.of priu3te •rilnl, ttring into fe!lowfl1ip with his holy ·Prophets ! (a. in ihc,dayos.ofpcrlccu'•ion),tbarthen they and go?ly mlni!lers. I may wuh comfort admoni{h& aduifc ~-&w.itb And fl!nher, ifwhen they preach , and thou 1 ~t'rprono.Unce mcrcie.,.anrl forgiuc:ndfe one Sff 1 vnto t,l ..,,, ·>r· 1'•'"'1"17 ,\';r.~~ j