7"he dutieJ anddignitierofthe .'0 i~ijleri;.-------~-··.i3~t/ ' --- --·-1 -~~-- ~ i the hearcrs.FirH, to let them fee the ·excellency A bring thy fonnc to this cfhte? I ! hc~·::u~:.ro Io!' rh is callin£, which hath a commifiion and And la!l:ly, this nrull reach all hc:n:.erJ, their i. flc~rt-r~r ( ~:~~~~~:i:"~r J power to rcdccmc rhen.l from hcll.and d:mmaduty ro Gods word : n:uncly, to fubt11it thcm.:o ~~;~:t7h~~ t:~bullir~g. ! tionJ:1ntl what honour JS due vmo1r:and to let f.: lues vmo it; for if rh~ Miniflcr hauc acom.. !~~~~,:S~~CI~c:! · the wicked rll3n fee(which any way abufe_rh cimdTion to rcdcemc thy [oulc, it nwfl: be by the thcr the pcrfons,or the fundionJhow bate and word :md holy difcip!inc. Thcrforc rhy dlH)' is 1 vmh:mkfull men they arc, to rccompcncc cuill to hearc Gods word paticndy, to fubmit thy for oood and therefore no marucll though euJ/1 fdfc vnto it, robe taught and inHrudcd • nay Me ~cuer dcpa,·t from the hoH{tl and {ilmiliu of ro b.e checked and rcbuktd; and to hauc thy ji~eh mM: and further, ro encourage all n~1cn to fin1les difcoucred, and thy corruptions ript vp. giuc thcmfclues ro God in this calling; tor fee Ifthou wouldell haue thy cau!C fucaede 1.veli, here what they are, euen the high Commiflioners thy Lawytr mu!l difcoucr the wc:1kcndfcs ofit: ofGod, We h2udn our Scat<, a power dcligaIf thy Dodi< to be cured, thy PhJftia• mull ccd to ccrtaine men of worth, and it is called purge the corruption ofit.So ifchy (oulc be to the high commij]iM, becaufe they h~uc power I be redeemed, rh; Mi11tjlrr muH fee the wcakc– to doe great things, :~.nd that man thinks him- B neffc, and purge the corruption of it; and fclfc happie who can bring his fonn< to this,to though his doCtrine be hadh,& hard vmo thy Mininm·arc: be thought fit to be one of this Commijfion;but naturc, and the difciplinc ofthe Gofpell feemc C G~s .. ~ig0~ behold here: a?tgher Commij]ion, 4 Commij[um tough Vnto thee, yet mull thou not raoe and '"" ffi from God,toreaeeme Soules from thepowerofhdl, rebell ag:~.infi it, nor hate him, nor railet~at his 11nd the Deuills <lawes' this is indeedc a high perfon, but fubnoit thy felfc vmo it, fQ<it is Commitlion,& fo high as this was neuer granthe mdfageand Minill<rie of thy faluadon: If tcdout of the Court ofhcaucn to any Crea. other~l~e, thou docfi indeed a great wrong to 1:urc but to MinHlcrs: they therefore arc the the M1111ficr, for thoufrHflrarcft h 1 Scommif!iQn: High Commijfionm ofthe bigb God. Is it not but alas, a farre greatcrto thy fclfe for thou thenan honour and happinclfe vnto thee, to frullratclhh;n,.wne[RiHAtion, ' Fl :l\(_!S. ··--·---·~~~ I Sffz