Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

, ___ AND REVEREND IVDGES, S·I R IOHN ·SAV(DEj Knioht one of the tlJrons of his MJicflics Exche<]uer , a~d Si r (;." R 1st q'~ tr&R "y: L vERT oN, Kilig/Jt, OlJi! of the ftidgeJ of his Ma~ej/ies Collrl ~~ KJt:gs Bmc/1 ;- .• ~nd Sir Ed•urd Phi/lip I, Knight, his M Jicll ies Sergeant ot Lav: 1 n.<•W .•... or lau the rvorthie llldguof otlr i'lortheren Circ11i{, The Spirit of wifcdonic, ~ealc, and cour:1gc, .. - · '"11JIIltlpli:d.,. . . . Eight Worfhipfi•ll, itu jdid ilt other Natiom', amln•ritteA in{ome of their bookeJ, that there ar'.IMeedi{g.raceJ of the E~tglipJ J.'Vation: The lgnoranct, or (that/ may(o calltt) tlwvnltarned of our GentrteaniiNobtltlle, the beg· gerie ofotlrpoo'",andthe baftntlfo ofth~boditofollr .Mtnijlerie. Thrjirfl blot o11r Nobilttie andGmtr.idJ.11ie wdlo!ipea1f,jinie theJirf/ dayef of O(tr b!e(fed0!frne Er. 1 ZA s n "• partljbyjludie atho>ne , partly by tw~e/1 a· broad, and1 hopethey willdoi!./1 morea11dmore. Thefeioltdhttth beme wd/ lejfened bygood Lawes oflate,and wo11!dbet more, ifihe execHtion wered good44 or4r !awes ht, and it wtremnchhonoHr too1Jr nation, andm~Tt t~ our ReliJ/on, i(rt Were quite takrn away:for he thattelb v.r, there fhall be poore euer With vs; fatth a!fo , t!\cr c ;,i,t; 6 li; tball not be a beggeramongfhs; If therewertnopoore, what{hotildbecome ofC.haritie?for 0 ""''· 11Mcharitic, torelec11ep()t~ctrtie , not torNaintaiJu be.ggtrie: PouertiemaJ be acroffi, bt~t it Uno curje: ButBeggerieis afiartfollcurfi,threawudontheenemieso{God: and[>Juid(ait,hnot, rr,t.,.,.••; he '!etlerfowea rtghteotu mam childpoore, btJt that heneuerfowe h1m hegge hu brtad. The da{fj Pr•l. •7·11· CTJU in ourjlreetes,,cryyatfor further·reformatioJJ hereof, thatthe impotentpooremifJ hefiiffi• cient!J.prouidedfor, th•t he mede not, ana the S:urdie btgger compelledto worke, that hemay not he,(u}fered tobegge. Happie you, or whofoeuerc.rn hane ahandin ejfic?ing thu b!r(Jtd tl>orkt: we who'"" do littleelji, Jha!lpraJfor it, andfor them th.2t kbourin it. But nowfor the third,!{earc none b11tthe veryhand ofGod, can wipe out thatjlaim from our Chtmh: The ba{clle(foof the gouralt bodieofo11r Minifierie, whence ii it b11t either from the vn,1orthlne(Ji', orpo11dtie thcrof: andthe vnworthitw , wiJenct is it, butfrom thepo:urtieand bAfl mainten.1nceb( ottr Min}- .Jlerie, which wao oncerobbed by!'" uibbiu,aild ifier byfome in our orvneSta~e, wl1ich wao then Popi[h :andJ:operiethat jland; jo m11ch vpon Nondimittilur pcccatum niti f.cll irlmur abLJ· tum, yetfor a/lthat,roouldnot rejlore vnto the Churchher ltnths again(. But ,u·Popi[h wbbio .fiolohem ,fo aPoptfh flatekept_th.-m, andtotheir fhamefome of the good Proftjfori of <fir Reli• gion , &ase ofkterejloreJ.fochao were in thtir h.mdJ, aJJd thereu hopUiial allProfeifors, ( •!Jn~ k1 they cat;e flot to beaccottnttdhypotrtteJ)willmakefomr confitona61ere{itltttlon. 'J-Fe do not crat•e thattheywMld wtthZacheus rrflorefoure(Oid, ( thMghit u apparant, thdt the tenth I weregot t..b.,a.&o. fromVJin the oldtime, bymojlfolfe ,flldforgedCauilkttivm) roe omly craue o11r orolle, trewould ' aoke no more, tJor williflglytake lelfo :for our whole dtttie ;,jliilretp•ired: thm whyf/;ou!dnot our whole due be paidc ? vindyet that the worldmaJ /earne o(vf con1e11tednejfe,1'.1 we!byour prac7i(e 1 tU our doc?ritJe,we wonldfor theprifent lr~~·e ingoodpart,4J!d ~if. contentedwithapart ojfmrow»: Andfome competent forttdn.! out of the lmpropriatiom, ( froportioned to the qtMnlllie of the ch.rgetmpo(ed, andthegi{tf andpainu required) wouldfor atime bra reafonc.ble{ati!foaion in I ou~ Mmijltrir, vntillourjlatefound itj~lfe , either better enabled or moreJ';aightly. fledin con· jcuncetofu!/ref/Jtlllton. Btll as 1fay, tlm u a worke ofGod hmif(lfe,fonr a man could do<! it : fo _many p.,/i.,mtntJ W011ld not haue jltpt rt, but Jmu ofthemwouldha11e etermzed itfilfe, wrtiJthu honourabk name to all pojlrritieJ, Th~-Parliament that rep/}red lmpropriatiom; Butttllth.<t, or {ome oth" co11rfo («& gooJ) bee taken, 1t if both vnjea{onaUe and vmrafon•Vle to comp!.imof the Ignorant, or tocra•c a/earned .Mmijlerie. For {1,,Jl th.c Ox·cs moutl; bee moullcd, which treads ont the cornc ? or (hall a man goe to warre at his ownc , ;·,':"'·7 · 1· _...:_________________:s~r~r_j4:__ ______ 0~_?l=-=-.